Sunday, December 4, 2011

Acts Worksheet - Chapter 27

  1. What centurion had charge of Paul as they sailed to Italy? (Acts 27:1)

  2. What ship did Paul, Julius and the other prisoner’s board for Italy? (Acts 27:2)

  3. Who from Thessalonica were on board with Paul and other prisoners, when they left for Italy? (Acts 27:2)

  4. The second day out, when Paul’s ship landed at Sidon, what did Julius allow Paul to do? (Acts 27:3)

  5.  On their way to Italy why did Paul and other prisoners sail under Cyprus? (Acts 27:4)

  6. Where did Luke say “they sailed over the sea on the way to Italy?” (Acts 27:5)

  7. In the ship taking Paul to Italy, when they landed at Myra of Lycia, in what ship did the centurion place Paul and the other prisoners? (Acts 27:6)

  8. When Paul and other prisoners came near Cnidus, why did they sail under Crete near Salmone? (Acts 27:7)

  9. After passing close to Salmone, where did the ship come to that carried Paul and the prisoners? (Acts 27:8)

  10. As sailing had become dangerous and the season of the year was not favorable, how did Paul advise the officers of the ship on the way to Italy? (Acts 27:10)

  11. Who took Paul’s advice on the way to Italy? (Acts 27:11)

  12. As Fair Haven was not favorable for wintering, where did the master of the ship carrying Paul plan on going? (Acts 27:12)

  13. During Paul’s trip to Italy when the weather got favorable, where did they sail? (Acts 27:13)

  14. What was the name of the first strong wind, that struck Paul’s ship on the way to Italy? (Acts 27:14)

  15. During Paul’s trip to Italy when the wind got too strong for the ship, what did they do? (Acts 27:15)

  16. What was the fear of the ship’s officers who were taking Paul and the prisoners to Italy? (Acts 27:17)

  17. When the storm got so bad that the workmen on the ship gave up, what did they do? (Acts 27:18)

  18. What did the writer say they did the third day of the storm? (Acts 27:19)

  19. On board ship taking Paul to Italy did everybody give up when the storm made the ship unmanageable? (Acts 27:20)

  20. On board ship after hope was all gone, what did Paul tell everybody? (Acts 27:21)

  21. When Paul told everyone on board about his vision, what encouragement did he give them? (Acts 27:22-24)

  22. On board ship did Paul tell everyone what he believed? (Acts 27:25)

  23. What did Paul tell everyone on the way to Italy must happen? (Acts 27:26)

  24. During the storm when Paul and the prisoners were on their way to Italy, what happened the fourteenth night? (Acts 27:27-28)

  25. On board ship when Paul was on his way to Italy when they discovered they were near land, what did the shipmen do? (Acts 27:29)

  26. On board ship when Paul was on his way to Italy after they had cast anchor, what did the shipmen attempt to do? (Acts 27:30)

  27. When the shipment attempted to escape what did Paul tell the centurion and the soldiers? (Acts 27:31)

  28. After the soldiers had cut the ropes of the ship what did Paul do at daybreak? (Acts 27:33-34)

  29. When Paul told everyone to eat who was on board ship, what did Paul do before starting to eat? (Acts 27:35-36)

  30. How many people did the writer of Acts report were on board ship during the storm on Paul’s trip to Italy? (Acts 27:37)

  31. When they had weathered the storm, with God’s help, how did they lighten the weight of the ship? (Acts 27:38)

  32. After the storm and they were near an unknown land, what did they discover? (Acts 27:39)

  33. On Paul’s way to appeal to Caesar after the storm and the ship was damaged and they found land, how did they finally get to shore? (Acts 27:40-41)

  34. On Paul’s way to Italy and the wrecked ship was aground near shore, what did the soldiers plan to do with the prisoners? (Acts 27:42)

  35. On Paul’s way to Italy and the wrecked ship was near shore, how did the centurion save Paul’s life? (Acts 27:44)

  36. After the centurion allowed the prisoners to swim to land, how did the rest of the people get to shore? (Acts 27:44)

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