Friday, November 25, 2011

Acts Worksheet - Chapter 17

  1. After leaving the house of Lydia passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, where did Paul and Silas go? (Acts 17:1)

  2. When Paul landed at Thessalonica, what was the first thing he did? (Acts 17:2)

  3. What did Paul tell the multitude at Thessalonica about Jesus? (Acts 17:3)

  4. When Paul told the people at Thessalonica that Jesus is Christ, what happened? (Acts 17:4)

  5. What did the unbelieving Jews undertake to do to Paul and Silas in Thessalonica? (Acts 17:5)

  6. When Paul and Silas were not found at the house of Jason, what did the Jews accuse Jason, Paul and Silas of doing? (Acts 17:6,7)

  7. How did the preaching, of Paul and Silas, that Jesus is King, affect the rulers at Thessalonica? (Acts 17:8-9)

  8. After Jason, Paul and Silas gave them security (posted bail) what did the Christians do that night at Thessalonica? (Acts 17:10)

  9. What was the difference between Christians at Thessalonica and Berea? (Acts 17:11)

  10. Were Paul and Silas successful in their preaching at Berea? (Acts 17:12)

  11. When the Jews at Thessalonica, heard that Paul was preaching Jesus at Berea, what did they do? (Acts 17:13)

  12. What did the Christians at Berea do with Paul? (Acts 17:14)

  13. Where did Paul and his company go when they left Berea? (Acts 17:15)

  14. What was the message Paul’s friends brought back to Silas and Timothy at Berea? (Acts 17:15)

  15. While Paul waited for his friends to come to Athens, what disturbed him? (Acts 17:16)

  16. Who did Paul discuss idols with in Athens? (Acts 17:17)

  17. What did the philosophers of the Epecureans and the Stoics say of Paul? (Acts 17:18)

  18. When Paul was taken to Areopagus what did the philosophers want to know? (Acts 17:19-20)

  19. What did the philosophers say about the people at Athens? (Acts 17:21)

  20. In the midst of Mars Hill, what did Paul tell the men of Athens? (Acts 17:22-23)

  21. What did Paul tell the people at Athens about the living God they should worship? (Acts 17:24-25)

  22. What did Paul tell the people of Athens about God’s creation of man and his determining of their destinies? (Acts 17:26-27)

  23. Did Paul tell the people of Athens how much power God has in their lives? How much? (Acts 17:28)

  24. What did Paul remind the people of Athens what their own poets declared? (Acts 17:28)

  25. What did Paul tell the people of Athens, that they should not do, if they were God’s offspring? (Acts 17:29)

  26. What did Paul tell the Athenians about God’s tolerance of ignorance? (Acts 17:30)

  27. What did Paul tell the people of Athens about Jesus’ ordination? (Acts 17:31)

  28. How did the people at Athens react, when Paul mentioned resurrection of the dead? (Acts 17:32)

  29. Before Paul left Athens, what two people does Luke mention that became Christians? (Acts 17:34)

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