Sunday, November 27, 2011

Acts Worksheet - Chapter 20

  1. After the uproar over the idol Diana of the Ephesians, where did Paul go? (Acts 20:1)

  2. After Paul had exhorted the people in Macedonia, where did he go? (Acts 20:2)

  3. After Paul had been working in Greece for three months and planned to sail into Syria, why did he change his mind? (Acts 20:3)

  4. Who went into Asia with Paul from Berea, Thessalonica, Derbe and Asia? (Acts 20:4)

  5. Where did the five men, who went ahead of Paul into Asia, wait for him? (Acts 20:5)

  6. After Paul’s friends went ahead of him to Troas, why was he detained at Philippi? (Acts 20:6)

  7. After being in Troas for seven days what did Paul and his friends do upon the first day of the week? (Acts 20:7)

  8. When Paul and the disciples met at Troas on the first day of the week to break bread, how late did Paul preach? (Acts 20:7)

  9. At Troas where Paul was preaching in a well lighted upper chamber, what happened to Eutychus? (Acts 20:9)

  10. When the crowd at Troas thought Eutychus was dead, what did Paul do? (Acts 20:10)

  11. After Paul preached at Troas until midnight, what did he and the disciples do the rest of the night? (Acts 20:11-12)

  12. How did Paul travel from Troas to Assos? (Acts 20:13)

  13. After picking Paul up at Assos, what four places did the writer mention, passing through, before landing at Miletus? (Acts 20:14-15)

  14. Why was Paul anxious to sail by Ephesus, and not tarry in Asia? (Acts 20:16)

  15. When Paul and his friends landed at Miletus, what did Paul do? (Acts 20:17)

  16. What did the writer say Paul told the elders from Ephesus? (Acts 20:18-20)

  17. What peoples did Paul tell the elders from Ephesus, he (Paul) had preached to? (Acts 20:21)

  18. Did Paul tell the elders from Ephesus why he was not afraid of anything? Why not? (Acts 20:24)

  19. What was the saddest thing Paul told the elders from Ephesus? (Acts 20:25-27)

  20. What did Paul tell the elders from Ephesus that they should do? (Acts 20:28)

  21. Did Paul tell the elders from Ephesus why they should strengthen the church? (Acts 20:29-30)

  22. When Paul was leaving Miletus, how long did he tell the people he had labored with them? (Acts 20:31)

  23. Leaving Miletus, how did Paul commend the disciples to God? (Acts 20:32)

  24. When Paul was leaving Asia, what did he say about craving riches? (Acts 20:33)

  25. Did Paul make his own living? (Acts 20:34)

  26. As Paul was ready to sail from Miletus, what saying of Jesus did he remind the people of? (Acts 20:35)

  27. What kind of parting occurred between Paul and his friends as he was sailing from Miletus? (Acts 20:36-37)

  28. What grieved Paul’s friends the most when he was leaving Miletus? (Acts 20:38)

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