Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2 Corinthians Worksheet - Chapter 4

Daily Reading Personal Application Questions
2 Corinthians Chapter 4

1. What can you apply to your life from today's reading?
2. What portion of this chapter stands out to you?
3. How would you describe the theme of the chapter to someone who does not know much about the Bible?
4. What example did you find to follow?
5. Was there an error (sin) you found to avoid?
6. Did you find a duty (command) to obey?
7. How will reading this chapter effect your life from now on?
8. Pick a verse to meditate on and try to memorize it.
9. Was there a promise to claim?
10. What is your summary and prayer today?
Observation Questions For
2 Corinthians Chapter 4
In Chapter 3, Paul has established that they do not have a ministry of condemnation from the law but grace and liberty from the Spirit. He goes on now to say how they handle those who discredit them or try to bring them or their message harm.
1.  What are ways they keep themselves from "losing heart"? (vs. 1-2) Name 4 things they do: 1) 2) 3) 4)
2.  When people do not believe their message, what does Paul know to be true? Because they have chosen not to believe, who is the one that keeps them blinded from the truth? (vs.3)
3.  Who is Jesus according to verse 4?
4.  Paul preaches Christ Jesus as LORD. What does he present himself to be to these believers? (vs.5)
Knowing that God has brought them out of darkness and into the light of the knowledge of God in the face of the Lord Jesus, Paul knows they hold the very TREASURE of God in their hearts and lives. The limitations of the flesh that bring weaknesses is a reminder that the treasure is carried in an earthly vessel.
5.  Therefore, where does the glory go for the power they are able to conduct themselves in toward others? (vs.6-7)
6.  What power is manifested when they are afflicted? vs. 8 -
7.  What power is manifested when they are perplexed (without direction)? vs. 8 -
8.  What power is manifested when they are persecuted for their faith? vs. 9 -
9.  What power is manifested when they are struck down? vs.9 -
10. Why do they continue to have to die to their work and mission and relationships in life? What does the suffering and affliction manifest to others when they survive them in power and faith? vs. 10-12
11. What promise does Paul continue to think upon to keep him going through the trials and persecutions of his faith as he delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus? vs. 14 -
12. Who is Paul going through all of these things for? vs. 15 -
13. What does he know it will accomplish in those who believe? vs. 15 -
Therefore Paul says they do not "lose heart".
14. Although their outer man is decaying everyday, what is happening to the inner man everyday? vs. 16 -
15. In comparison to the glory that is coming at the resurrection and also the renewal that is experienced everyday in the inner person, what does Paul call all of these hardships he goes through in his body and soul? vs. 17 -
16. Rather than look at the things that are happening to him now and the negative things that try to weigh him down, what does he choose to look upon and think upon? vs. 18 -
1.  Do you feel you 'lose heart' at times in your Christian walk?
2.  Do the trials and circumstances of how others treat you and the things you believe in get you down and discouraged?
3.  What have you learned from the apostle Paul today concerning the treasure that is inside of you and how you can not 'lose heart' in your sufferings?
4.  How can you begin to think on the eternal things and not dwell on the temporary things? Will you begin to do this today? Perhaps using the personal journals in RTB to write out prayers and lessons learned from daily Bible readings is one way to help you keep your mind on the eternal things of the Lord and His purpose for your life.
Your personal thoughts and prayers for today:

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