Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Galatians Answers - Chapter 4

Galatians 4 
  1. How does a child differ from a slave? vs.1,2
  2. When the Jews were children (in their younger days); they were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world. Read Mark 7:1-8 along with Hebrews 6:1,2. What would these things represent?
  3. What happened when the fullness of time came? vs. 4
  4. Jesus was born "under the Law" so that He might redeem (buy back) those who were under the law. What transaction brought the believer into God's family? vs. 5
  5. What has God sent forth into the believer's hearts? vs. 6
  6. What does the Spirit of Jesus cry out from our hearts? vs.6
  7. Use a concordance to see where the term "Abba Father" is used in the Bible and what it means.
  8. Because we have the Spirit of Jesus crying out to the Father, it shows that we are no longer slaves but sons of God. If sons of God, what else are we? vs. 7
  9. Who were these new believers in Galatia slaves to before they came to know God? vs.8
  10. What were the Galatians being tempted to turn back to even after they came to know God? vs. 9
  11. What were these things they would be enslaved to again? Remember Mark 7:1-8 and Hebrews 6:1-2 as cross references and also vs.9 & 10 of Galatians 4 -
  12. What does Paul beg them to become like? vs.11,12
  13. What was the reason that Paul preached the gospel to the Galatians the first time? vs. 13
  14. How did the Galatians receive Paul with his condition? vs.14
  15. What would the Galatians have done for Paul to bless him at that time? vs. 15
  16. What does this indicate his bodily illness might have been? vs. 15 Also interesting - Remember he had a thorn "in his flesh" given to him in 2 Corinthians 12 that he begged for God to remove. Why did God have him keep that thorn? Look back in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
  17. Paul wonders why he has become their enemy for telling them the truth. What did he say the others who have come with a different gospel (as we saw in Galatians chapters 1-3) are wanting them to do? vs. 17
  18. Have you noticed this about many cults; how they shut you out from going straight to God and want you to come through them somehow and through so many rules and traditions?
  19. In contrast to the false teachers, what is Paul concerned about regarding them? vs. 19
  20. Paul wishes that he could be present with them at this time because he is perplexed (worried, confused) regarding them. What is his question to them? vs. 21 Paul explains that Abraham had 2 sons; one by a bondwoman (servant; slave) and one by a free woman. Hagar, the servant, had a son. He was born according to the flesh. Sarah, the wife of Abraham, had a son, miracously, after her child bearing years, according to the promise of God. He was born of the Spirit. His name was Isaac.
  21. Allegorically speaking, what did these 2 women represent? vs. 24 There are 2 covenants in the Bible, the Old and the New. One (the Old) was based on the Law. The New was based on faith and grace through Jesus Christ.
  22. What covenant did Hagar represent? vs. 24,25
  23. What covenant did Sarah (the free woman) represent? vs. 26,27
  24. How do we compare to the son of promise, Isaac? vs. 28
  25. At the time Abraham's sons were born, the child of flesh (Ishmael) persecuted the child of the Spirit (Isaac). How does that still compare to today? vs. 29
  26. When we are persecuted by those who are under the law and still enslaved to elemental things of the world, what are we to do about it? vs. 30
  27. What should we proclaim today and forever? vs. 31

Extra Notes



Father God, I pray .

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