Friday, November 16, 2012

Joshua Worksheet - Chapter 2

JOSHUA 2    

Review: Joshua Chapter 1 showed the commission of Joshua to take the children of Israel across the Jordan into the promised land. We saw the phraise "be strong and courageous" several times for the Lord was with him.

Joshua Chapter 2 tells the story of Rahab, the one believer in Jericho, who showed her faith by her actions that saved the life of the spies. She risked her life to welcome and protect God's people. Her active faith saved her life and her family. The scarlet thread that is tied in her window saves them when Israel takes her city and her land as their own.

Later, she has a child named Boaz and he marries Ruth, and they have a son named Jesse who becomes the father of King David whose lineage brings us Jesus the Messiah. Yes, Rahab is an ancestor of Jesus our Lord. How awesome her reward for the faith that she acted on. She is also mentioned in the Hall of Faith among many saints in Hebrews chapter 11.

  1. Joshua sent 2 men as spies to view the promised land. Where did he send them from? vs. 1

  2. What city did Joshua especially want to know about? vs. 1

  3. Where did the 2 spies go to and lodge at? vs. 1

  4. The king of Jericho heard that there were spies from Israel that had come there the night before to search out the land. (vs.2) ... He knew they had gone to Rahab's place because he sent word to her to bring them out to him. (vs.3) ... What did Rahab tell the king? vs. 4,5

    City of Jericho

  5. Where had she actually hidden the two spies? vs. 6

  6. The men went to pursue them on the road to the Jordan. Once they were out of the city and shut the gate, Rahab went up to her roof to talk to the spies she had hidden. (vs.7, 8 ) .... What did she tell them she "knew" the Lord had done concerning their people, the Israelites? vs. 9

  7. What had fallen on all of them in Jericho and the land around her because of what they had heard about the Lord of Israel and the acts He had done? vs. 9,10

  8. What acts did she mention that they had heard about that caused them to fear them? vs. 10 

  9. When they heard this, their hearts melted and they did not have any "courage" left. How does this differ from what Israel had been told to have from the Lord in Chapter 1 of Joshua?

  10. What did Rahab say about the God of Israel in verse 11?

  11. How did Rahab ask the men to repay the kindness she had done in hiding them and keeping them safe from harm? vs. 12,13

  12. What did the men promise to do for her? vs. 14

  13. Rahab's house was on the city wall. How did she let the spies down so that they would not have to go through the city and be detected? vs. 15

  14. Where did Rahab tell them to go to hide themselves from the pursuers and how long should they stay there before going their way back to Joshua and the people of Israel? vs. 16

  15. What did the men give to Rahab that would remind them when they came into the city not to destroy her home until she and her family in her home were delivered and kept from harm? vs. 17,18

  16. Only those who listened to her and believed her would be in the house with her. If they were not in the house, they would not be saved from death. (vs. 19).  How does this remind you of Noah's ark, the picture of the salvation of Jesus as shown in 1 Peter. 

    The same is true for us today; the promise is to us and our households. All we can do is tell them to come in; to warn them of the danger ahead. Are we like Rahab, willing to risk it all to share it with them? Who do you need to ask to come into the "house of faith"? Who is on your heart today? Will you share the Gospel with them? Post their names and situation if you would like the others here to pray with you and for your boldness to share with them.

  17. How does this remind you of the blood that was on the doorposts of the Israelites homes when the death angel passed through all the land of Egypt?  This was not only an act that gave Rahab physical protection, but she was spiritually saved as well. She confessed to the spies what she believed about the Lord and then she acted on her faith. Comment on the following verse:

    • James 2:25
    • Hebrews 11:31 

  18. What did Rahab do in her act of faith to believe what the men told her about her and her family? vs. 19-21

    Note: Many commentators have called this the "scarlet thread of redemption" as they have traced the lineage of the Lord Jesus Christ from that thread she tied in the window.

    Later after Rahab and her family are saved in the battle for Jericho, she will marry a man named Salma, who is from the line of Judah and they will have a son named Boaz.  Boaz will marry Ruth and they will have a son named Obed, who will become the father of Jesse. Jesse will have 7 sons; one named David.  When David is a shepherd boy, he will love the Lord with all his heart.

    There are so many great stories about his life we will study in our walk through the Bible, but the greatest thing is that he will give birth to a son named Nathan whose lineage continues until a virgin named Mary is chosen by God to have God's Son - Jesus the Christ. (Luke Chapter 3 is Mary's Genealogy).

    We also see that through David's son, Solomon, came the line of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, who married the virgin Mary although he was not the physical father of Jesus because God was. Rahab's name is even mentioned in Matthew 1:5,6 - Wow ! ... and Amen.

  19. Read the Scriptures below to see how this comes about from His Word:

    • 1 Chronicles 2:3-15
    • Ruth 4:20-22
    • 1 Samuel 16:1-23
    • Matthew 1:1-16  (esp. 5,6 )

  20. The men went to the hill country to hide for three days as Rahab had told them to. (vs.22).  Then they crossed over to return again to Joshua the son of Nun to relate to him all that had happened in Jericho and the land of promise that had been sent to spy on. (vs.23).  What was their statement of faith to Joshua? vs. 24

  21. Do we know if the men kept their word to save Rahab and those in her house? Yes, they did. Go ahead and enjoy the results given and we will look at it again in a few more chapters to come.

    • Joshua 6:21-25


  22. Just as Rahab confessed what she believed in her heart about the Lord, and this brought about her salvation. What must we do to be saved today from the destruction that will come upon all who do not believe? Comment on the verses below:

    • Romans 10:9,10

  23. Maybe you have had a "shaded" past that is hard for you to believe God will forgive, but there is nothing He will not forgive for the one who has a repentant heart and faith toward Him. Are you dealing with something that you need to ask God to forgive you for? Maybe you are ashamed that you do not have the bold faith of Rahab to take such risks to support others and be bold in your witness to help your friends and family to be saved. What is your prayer to the Lord today?

    • 1 John 1:9

  24. The scarlet thread of redemption in Rahab's window is a picture of the salvation of Christ's redeeming blood for everyone who will believe. They must be warned and come into the "house of redemption" like those who Rahab will implore to come into her house to be saved from the destruction to come.

    Other examples are when Lot warned his family to escape from Sodom & Gomorrah before it was destroyed. If you remember the story, his son-in-laws believed him to be "jesting" and did not take his warning. His wife turned around to long for what she left behind and turned into a pillar of salt.

    Another example is Noah as he preached righteousness and warned of the flood of destruction to come. His family got on the ark and they were saved.

    1 Peter tells us this is a picture of Christ as our ark of salvation. Who needs to hear the warning and come into the "house of faith" in Jesus? Write down the names of those God is putting on your heart right now. Begin to pray for them to have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to believe and then be faithful to warn them, to share with them, to offer them the gift of life in Jesus. 

    "Be strong and have courage". Amen.

  25. Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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