Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Joshua Worksheet - Chapter 19

JOSHUA 19     

    Review: We saw in Chapter 18 that seven tribes had not sent anyone to walk the land and bring back a description to Joshua so that he could cast lots for them to give them their appointed land. They do this and bring back description to him at the camp that is now set up in Shiloh where they have erected the tent of meeting for worship and sacrifices. The rest of the chapter was devoted to the land description and cities given to the tribe of Benjamin.

    As Chapter 19 opens, we see the second lot falling to Simeon; then the others follow - Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and Dan. Lastly, Joshua took the city of his choosing in the land of the tribe of Ephraim of whom he belonged. 

    1. The men had walked the land and had given a full description of it to Joshua in a book divided into seven portions. We saw the 1st lot fell to Benjamin in Chapter 18. Who did the 2nd lot fall to according to 19:1?

    2. Where was Simeon's inheritance located within? vs. 1

    3. Why was Simeon's share taken from the portion given to Judah originally? vs. 9

    4. The inheritance including the cities and the villages given to Simeon are described. (vs.2-9).  What can we learn from this example of those with more giving to those who had less? Simeon was also the smallest of all the tribes at that time and did not need as much land as the others and yet Judah had been given more than enough for their needs.

      2 Corinthians 8:12-15

    5. Who did the 3rd lot come up for according to 19:10?

    6. The description of the tribe of Zebulun's inheritance is given (vs.10-16). How many cities with villages belonged to Zebulun? vs. 15

      Note: The city of Bethlehem that is mentioned (vs.15) is not the one that the Christ child was born in. He was born in Bethleham of Judah. (Micah 5:2)

    7. What is significant about the territories of Zebulun & Naphtali in the New Testament?

      Matthew 4:12-17

    8. Who did the 4th lot come up for according to 19:17?

    9. The description of the tribe of Issachar's inheritance is given (vs.17-23).  How many cities with villages belonged to Issahar? vs. 22

    10. Who did the 5th lot come up for according to 19:24?

    11. What does the name Asher mean? Use a concordance to find out.

    12. How should the meaning of his name apply to every Christian? Comment on the verses below:

      Deuteronomy 33:29

      Psalm 1:1-3

      Psalm 32:1,2

      Psalm 119:1,2

      Ephesians 1:3

    13. The description of the tribe of Asher's inheritance is given (vs.24-31). How many cities with villages belonged to Asher? vs. 30

    14. Who did the 6th lot come up for according to 19:32?

    15. The description of the tribe of Naphtali's inheritance is given (vs.32-39). How many cities with villages belonged to Naphtali? vs. 38?

    16. Again, what was significant about the location of Zebulun & Naphtali in the New Testament?

      Matthew 4:12-17

    17. Who did the 7th lot come up for according to 19:40?

    18. How many cities do you find that they inherited from vs.41-46?

    19. What did they name the city of Leshem after they fought it and captured it? vs. 47

    20. After the land was distributed to all the tribes of Israel, what did Israel give to Joshua as an inheritance? vs.49,50

    21. Who built the city? vs. 50

    22. Who distributed the inherited lands to the tribes by the doorway of the tent of meeting in the land of Shiloh? vs. 51 - Name 3 groups:


    23. As Christians, we are "blessed" people. As Asher's name means "blessed" or "happy", we saw the Scriptures that show we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. The apostle Paul spoke about rejoicing as he wrote a letter to the church from his prison cell. What did he say we should always do? Comment on the verses below and choose to rejoice in the Lord today.

      Philippians 4:4

    24. Joshua was the last one to get his inheritance. He made sure that everyone else got theirs first. This is a sign of a godly leader. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. He did not come to be served, but to be a ransom for all. He set the example of servanthood for us. What kind of an example of a servant are we to those who look to us for spiritual guidance, whether our own children or others in life? Comment on the following verses:

      Matthew 20:28

      Luke 22:26

      Philippians 2:7

      1 Corinthians 3:5

      2 Corinthians 4:5

    25. It is exciting to look ahead and see what the lands of Zebulun & Naphtali would represent to the Gentile nations one day. We saw that Jesus would be there by the Sea of Galilee, ministering for three years. What did He bring to the people? What are we to bring to people? Comment on the verses below and decide to be "like Jesus" in His servanthood and message of hope and light. Amen?

      Matthew 4:12-17

      Matthew 5:14

      Romans 13:12

      Ephesians 5:8

      Philippians 2:15

    26. Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.


    Father God, I pray ...

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