Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 23

Review & Intro: In Chapter 22, we looked at the golden rule of treating others as we would like to be treated. We saw moral laws concerning virgins and the married ones. In Chapter 23, we move into the behavior and rules for the army and their camp as the Lord is among them and holiness is required.
Deuteronomy Chapter 23 - Observation Questions
1. Who was not able to enter the assembly of the Lord? vs. 1
2. There are several reasons why a man would become a eunuch. Comment on the verses below for some of the answers:
  • Matthew 19:12 - Name 3 ways given
Note: While some might become enuchs for the sake of the kingdom of God (possibly to give themselves wholly to the Lord and not women, etc.) ... there were cultic practices in the ancient days of Israel's beginnings that did these things for the wrong reasons. Regardless of why they became a eunuch, there was a reason why anything cut off would not be allowed inside the temple. What did the priests and the law of Moses represent? It was all a picture of the Christ to come, the Messiah, who was God's perfect lamb, wholly man and wholly unblemished, a perfect sacrifice to take the sins of the world.
3. What are some encouraging words given to or by eunuchs in the Word? Comment on these verses:
  • Isaiah 56:3-5 -
  • Acts 8:26-39 -
Note: By these verses, we know that it does not mean that a eunuch would not be accepted into the kingdom of God for salvation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
4. Who could not enter the assembly of the Lord and his descendants to the 10th generation as well? vs. 2
5. In the Lord Jesus Christ ... our gender, our race, our background, our birth status, etc. matters not. We are all accepted into His kingdom and given all the blessings of faith in Him. Praise His Name! Comment on the following verses:
  • John 3:16 -
  • Acts 17:30 -
  • Titus 2:11 -
  • Romans 10:11-13 -
  • Acts 10:28
  • Acts 10:34-35
  • Galatians 3:28-29 -
6. Back to Deuteronomy 23. Who else were not to enter the assembly of the Lord or their descendants even to the 10th generation? vs. 3
7. Although, these nations had come from the daughters of Lot through illegimate intercourse with their drunken father, it is not stated for that reason. (see those details in Genesis Chapter 19) ... What are the two reasons given that they were not to enter the assembly of the Lord to the 10th generation? vs. 4
8. Although they had hired Balaam to curse Israel, what did the Lord do through Balaam's words and why? vs. 5
9. What were the Israelites to never seek from the Moabites and the Ammonites? vs. 6
10. Do we sometimes seek or long for the peace and prosperity of those who are not believers in the Lord? Read what David said in Psalm 37 and see if you can relate to it at times. Please comment -
11. Back to Deuteronomy 23. Who were the Israelites not to detest and why? vs. 7
12. How was Edom a brother to Israel? Take time to find out who the father of the Edomites was and another name for Israel. What were the names of these brothers and why were they not friendly with one another? (( a short history lesson ))
13. Back to Deuteronomy 23. Who else were they not to destest and why? vs. 7
14. When could the sons of the Edomites and the Egyptians enter the assembly of the Lord? vs. 8 ... (( comment if you have insight on this or do research on it)
15. What were they to keep themselves from when they went out as an army? vs. 9
16. What are we called to abstain from as believers? Comment on the following verses:
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:21,22 -
17. What was a man to do if he awoke and had a nocturnal emission in the night? vs. 10
18. What was he to do as evening approached and when was he able to re-enter the camp? vs. 11
19. They were assigned a place outside the camp to excrete body waste, and they were to cover it up. (vs.12,13). The camp of the Lord was to be kept holy and clean. Who actually walked in their midst to deliver them and to defeat their enemies before them? vs. 14
20. Where does the Lord walk among His people today? Comment on the following verses:
  • Matthew 18:19,20 -
  • Revelation 1:20 -
  • Revelation 2:1,2 -
21. How are we to walk in His presence? Comment on the verses below:
  • Colossians 1:10 -
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:12 -
22. Back to Deuteronomy 23. ... When a slave escaped from his master, he must of had a reason for it. Rather than return him to his master (as they were to do for an ox or a donkey) ... they were not to return the slave. They were to allow him to live in their midst in any town which he might choose. (vs.15,16)...What did the Lord command them not to do? vs. 16
23. Whether a daughter or a son of Israel, they were not to be a cult prostitute, which was something the other nations around them participated in. (vs.17) They were not to bring the wages of a harlot or a dog into the house of the Lord for any votive offering. What were these considered to the Lord? vs. 18
24. The Israelites could charge interest to a foreigner that borrowed from them, but they were not to charge interest to a fellow countryman on anything they needed. (vs.19,20) ... How are we suppose to respond to those who want to borrow from us? Comment on the following verses:
  • Matthew 5:42 -
25. What was the result of not taking interest from a fellow countryman? vs. 20
26. When an Israelite made a vow to the Lord, he was to keep that vow or it would be a sin for him. The Lord would surely require it of him. (vs.21-23) ... Would it be a sin if they refrained from making a vow at all? vs. 22 -
27. What did Jesus teach about making vows? Comment on the verses below:
  • Matthew 5:33-37 -
28. When a person had need, they could go into a neighbor's vineyard or field to eat grapes and or gather grain. What were the rules of not taking advantage of their neighbor that were given? vs. 24,25 -
29. How are we to take care of the needy among us today? Find verses to help support what you answer.


30. What is required for us to enter the assembly of the Lord?
  • Romans 10:9,10 -
31. The Lord is walking among us. How are we to walk before Him?
  • Colossians 1:10 -
32. As believers of the Lord, how can we take care of one another today ?
  • Matthew 25:34-46 -
  • Luke 10:30-37 -
  • Acts 4:32-34 -
  • Acts 20:35 -
  • Galatians 6:10 -
  • Ephesians 4:28 -
  • 2 Corinthians 9:6,7 -
  • 1 Timothy 5:16 -
  • James 1:26,27 -
  • 1 John 3:17,18 -
33. Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 22

Review & Intro: Glad to move past Chapter 21 which had some hard subjects to deal with, but glad that God says what He means and means what He says. He is a God of order and commands, but shows grace and patience with us as we seek Him with all of our hearts. In Chapter 22, we have some more relationship rules for Israel as they moved into the Promised Land. Moses had alot to share from the heart of God with them before they cross over.
Deuteronomy Chapter 22 - Observation Questions
1. If a person saw one of their countryman's ox or sheep straying, they were not to ignore them, but to bring them back to him. (vs.1) ... How would he handle it if the person lived far away from him? vs. 2
2. This was to be the case with anything a fellow countryman lost and another found it. What are 2 other things mentioned? vs. 3
3. What was one to do if their countryman's donkey or ox had fallen down? vs. 4
4. How does God feel about cross-dressing; women looking like men as well as men looking like women? vs. 5 -
5. If they came across a mother bird sitting on her eggs or her young, they could take the young birds or eggs as a food source for themselves, but what were they to do with the mother bird? vs.6,7 -
6. What were the Israelites to make sure they had on their roof of their new house and why? vs. 8
Note: The rooftops were flat and used as a patio, so it was responsible to have a low wall at the edge of the roof to keep people safe.
7. What were not to be mixed in their vineyard to keep it undefiled? vs. 9
8. They were not to plow with an ox and a donkey. (vs.10)... This would make the yoke out of balance (unequal). ... What did the apostle say about "unequal" relationships for believers? Comment on the verses below:
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 -
9. Back to Deuteronomy 22. What were they not to "mix" in their material? vs. 11
10. God is saying not to "mix" things. How does He explain it in Leviticus 19:19? Name 3 things given not to "mix" -
11. What is something we are not to "mix" when speaking with our mouth? Comment on the verses below:
  • James 3:9-10 -
12. Can we mix worship with the demons and worship God at the same time? Comment on the verses below:
  • 1 Corinthians 10:21 -
13. Can we mix service to God and serve the power of wealth at the same time? Comment on the verses below:
  • Matthew 6:24 -
14. When we mix things, they get corrupted. What happens when we mix hot and cold? What do we get? We get "lukewarm". What does Jesus say about this? Comment on the verses below:
  • Revelation 3:15-16 -
Note: The Lord wants us to be single minded, completely devoted to Him, and not mixed with emotions in the world and our own desires.
15. To help themselves stay single-minded and focused on the truth of the word, they were to have tassels on the four corners of their garment as reminders. (vs.12) .... Read Numbers 15:38-39 and comment on what these tassels were to remind them of -
16. Back to Deuteronomy 22. If a man took a wife but then accused her of not being a virgin, and yet the father had proof of her virginity to show, what would happen to the man and what would he pay to the father? vs. 13-19
Note: In Jewish tradition, on the wedding night a cloth or garment was used and then kept or given to the wife’s parents so that the marks of the blood of the girl’s virginity would constitute legal protection for her in the event she was later charged with lack of virginity or of having been a prostitute prior to her marriage. ...If there is not a cloth of evidence presented and it is true that the girl was not a virgin when he married her, she would face the death penalty because she had played the harlot in her father's house. (vs.21)
17. What would happen to those who committed adultery? vs. 22
18. If a virgin was engaged to marry a man, but was in the city with another man before they were married, they were both to be killed. There was so many in the city, that if she would have cried out in the case of rape, only the man would have been charged. The fact that no one heard her cry out was saying that she had consented to being with another man. It was different in the field (country) for no one could have heard her cry out. Who was the only one to die in that case? vs. 25-27 -
19. If a man was with a virgin who was not engaged to another man, he had to pay a fine to her father and he had to marry her and was not allowed to divorce her all the days of his life. (vs. 29)... In other words, there was no casual sex allowed, which is called fornication in the New Testament. Do you think there would be less casual sex today if everyone was forced into marriage and required to care for that person always?
20. What was off limits to every man? vs. 30
21. The apostle Paul addressed this as well. How did he say this kind of immorality had to be dealt with by the church? Comment on the verse below:
  • 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 -
22. Looking at the situation of caring for another's animal, returning their lost property to them if it is found, etc. ... we are seeing what has become known as the "golden rule", caring for one another in the way we would want them to care for us and our things. What did Jesus say about this? Comment on the verse below:
  • Matthew 7:12
23. We looked at several examples in the Old and New Testament of not "mixing" things that do not belong together. We looked at the example of not being unequally yoked with unbelievers. Read the verses given below and comment on them. Do we put enough emphasis on this in our lives and in teaching our children these things? Share your thoughts as well.
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 -
  • 1 Timothy 4:12 -
24. The Lord gave guidelines of virginity, rape, marriage, and lack of moral integrity in uncovering cloting of the father's wife... These are laws or "morality"; something lacking in our day and even in the church unfortunately. How are we admonished to behave in our single lives and in our married lives in the New Testament? Comment on the verses below:
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 -
  • Hebrews 13:4 -
25. Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 21

Review & Intro: We looked at spiritual warfare in our lesson applications for Deuteronomy Chapter 20. In Chapter 21, we look at situations of death of the innocent, blood that defiles the land, and law relating to personal relationships. We will see also about the guilty hanging on a tree, and how Jesus took our guilt and paid for our sin on the tree of Calvary. Amen.
Deuteronomy Chapter 21 - Observation Questions
1. If a slain person was found lying in the open country of the land that the Lord gave to Israel, and they did not know who had struck the person, the elders and judges were to go out and measure the distance to the cities to find out which city was the closest to the slain person. (vs.1,2) ... What were the elders of that city to bring to make atonement for the sin of the innocent blood that had been shed? vs. 3 - give the characteristics also -
2. Where were the elders to bring the animal to? What were the required qualifications of the land? vs. 4 - Name 4 things
3. What was to be done to the animal? vs. 4
4. Then, the priests, the sons of Levi, were to come near to witness and make atonement. Why were they the ones and what duty had been given them by the Lord? vs. 5
5. The elders of the city that was nearest to the slain man were to wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley. (vs.6) ... What were they to say as they washed their hands? vs. 7 - Name 2 things to be said
6. What was the prayer that was to be said at that time by them? vs. 8
7. The blood of atonement from the heifer offered and the prayer for forgiveness would be honored by God and they would not have bloodguiltiness upon them. (vs.9) .. How did they remove the guilt of innocent blood from their land? vs.9
8. The Lord is always pro-life. He holds people accountable for innocent blood being shed. Do you need to pray for your community, city, state, nation, etc.... in regard to innocent blood being shed by abortion today? We need to ask the Lord to forgive the people and not place the guilt of innocent blood upon our land. Take a moment to pray for your nation and these things. Comment on how Daniel prayed for his nation as well on the verses below:
  • Daniel 9:4-5 -
9. Where does sin always begin when we are praying for the Lord to heal our land(s)? Write out the verse below:
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14 -
10. When Israel had battles against their enemies and took them captive, the men might want to marry one of the captives. (vs.11) .... If so, they would not take her for a wife right away. Once she went to his house, what would she need to do? vs.12,13 - Name 5 things
11. How long would she mourn her mother and father before becoming a wife to the Israelite? vs. 13
Note: If the Israelite was not pleased with the wife of captivity, he was to let her go wherever "she desired". He was not to sell her or mistreat her, for he had humbled her. (vs.14)
12. If a man had 2 wives, loving one, and not loving the other, he was not to treat the firstborn son differently if it belonged to the unloved wife (vs.15,16). When he made the will for his sons, how was he to acknowledge the firstborn son if he was from his unloved wife? vs.17
13. What was the firstborn son a sign of for the father? vs. 17
14. If a son was so stubborn and rebellious and refused to obey his father and mother even after they chastised him, what was to be done with the rebellious son? vs.18-21
Note: This seems so harsh I can hardly stand reading it. First of all, we need to realize that this is an older son; old enough to be a drunkard; and one that would know better. He knows the consequences of his rebellion and even after being chastised by his parents, he would not listen but continued in revolting rebellion. If the rebellious sons were not taken care of, they could lead an uprising and bring division and harm to all. Today, it would be like saying, "If you do a certain crime, you WILL go to jail; that is the law". If a person crosses the line, they know the consequences.
15. If a man committed a sin worthy of death and if he was hanged on a tree, the corpse was not to hang all night, but the man was to be buried on the same day so that the land would not be defiled. (vs.22,23) What was a person hanged on a tree considered to be? vs. 22
16. When Christ was crucified, He hung on the wood of the tree for us. What did He take upon Himself on our behalf? Comment on the verse below:
  • Galatians 3:13 -
17. Think about how innocent blood defiles the land that the Lord has given to us. In fact, blood continues to speak from the ground and cry out for justice. Comment on the following verses:
  • Genesis 4:10 -
  • Hebrews 11:4 -
  • Hebrews 12:24 -
  • Revelation 6:10 -
18. Spend time in prayer for the country you live in; asking the Lord to heal the bloodguiltiness of your land.
19. One of the 10 commandments is to honor our mother and father. We saw the situation of an unruly and rebellious child today that would not listen to their parents even when they were chastised. What is the role of our parenthood today? No, we don't turn our children over to be stoned, but do we discipline in love and do we allow them to face the consequences of their actions? Even the apostle Paul knew how important the saving of the soul was even if a person's actions would destroy their fleshly ways. (1 Corinthians 5:5). Think about your role as a parent if that applies to you and take some time to pray about these things as well.
20. I am so thankful that Jesus became a curse and was willing to hang on a tree for me. Aren't you? Comment on the following verses:
  • Galatians 3:13,14 -
  • Philippians 2:8 -
  • 2 Corinthians 5:21 -
21. Spend time thanking the Lord for becoming our sin and taking our curse. \o/\o/
22. Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 20

Review & Intro: In Chapter 19, we looked at the cities of refuge that the Lord told Moses to have Israel set up for the manslayer to flee to for protection from the blood avenger. We saw how this could be us needing protection from the enemy who wants to kill us for he came to kill and destroy while Jesus, our Refuge, came to give us life abundantly (John 10:10) and He is our refuge. Amen. ... In Chapter 20, the Lord is preparing them through Moses for the battles that are coming as they possess the land of promise. We are in a battle with the enemy daily and so we can learn alot from this as well for our spiritual lives.
Deuteronomy Chapter 20 - Observation Questions
1. What are the Israelites "not" to be afraid of when they "see" them? vs. 1
2. How can they not fear them? vs. 1
3. Do you have things in your life that seem to overpower you; that are larger than life it seems? What can you do to not fear these things as well? There are so many verses we could look at, but let's look at a few and please comment on the verses below:
  • 2 Corinthians 5:7 -
  • Romans 4:17 -
  • Hebrews 11:1 -
  • Matthew 6:34 -
  • 1 Peter 5:7 -
  • Ephesians 6:13 -
  • Ephesians 6:17 -
  • Hebrews 4:12 -
  • 2 Corinthians 10:5 -
  • Philippians 4:6,7 -
  • Philippians 4:8,9 -
4. Back to Deuteronomy 20. What 4 things did the priest tell the Israelite soldiers "not" to do? vs. 2,3
5. Who would actually fight their enemies for them and save them? vs. 4
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6. Back to Deuteronomy 20. ... The officers spoke to the soldiers and had several groups "return home". Who needed to go back home and not to war? Comment on the verses below stating who was to leave the battleline and why.
  • vs. 5 -
  • vs. 6 -
  • vs. 7 -
7. What did Jesus say to those who were preoccupied with other things when they also wanted to "add" Christianity to their lives? Comment on the following verse.
  • Luke 9:23-26 -
  • Luke 9:57-62 -
Note: Following Jesus is a fulltime call to a fulltime Commander and Chief. it is a call to war against the flesh and against the powers of darkness for His kingdom sake. Are you a fulltime soldier?
8. What did Paul tell Timothy?
  • 2 Timothy 2:3,4 -
9. What is our war with? Comment on the following verses:
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 -
  • 1 John 2:16 -
  • Galatians 5:17 -
  • Ephesians 6:12 -
  • 1 Peter 5:8 -
  • John 10:10 -
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10. Back to Deuteronomy 20. There was another group of men who needed to get out of the battle. Explain who they were and why they should leave. vs. 8 -
11. How important is it that we not make other's hearts afraid but that we give them hope and courage? How important are our words as well as our actions in helping one another stand firm in spiritual warfare? Comment on the following verses:
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:11 -
  • Hebrews 3:13 -
  • Proverbs 18:21 -
12. On the other side of the coin, how are we to "help" the "fainthearted" among us in the battles of life?
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:14 -
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:17 -
  • 2 Thessalonians 3:3 -
  • Hebrews 12:12 -
  • James 5:8 -
  • Revelation 3:2 -
Note: Have you heard that saying "One plus God is the majority"? That is true. Remember the story of Gideon? Take time to read the entire chapter of Judges 7 and encourage yourself with how God brought the army low in number so that He would have the ones that had faith and not fear to meet the enemies. What does He say in Judges 7:3 and Judges 7:7? .... Turn to 1 Samuel 14:6 and record what Jonathan told his armor bearer about the Lord and battles. ........It is not about "how many", but "how dedicated and how believing in the Lord they are" ... Amen?
13. Back to Deuteronomy 20. ... When the priest and the officers had cleared out those concerned about other matters and the ones that were "fainthearted", the ready-to-go warriors remained. Out of these, they appointed "commanders" of armies at the head of the people (vs.9) ... What was the first thing the commander was to offer a city when they approached it? vs. 10
14. If the city agreed to make peace with them, they would become forced labor and serve with them. (vs.11) ... What were they to do, however, if the city refused to make peace with them, but rose up in war? vs.12
15. Who were they to strike in the city? vs. 13 ..... Who were they to keep alive? vs. 14 ... Who would the spoils and booty of the city belong to? vs. 14
16. This applied to all the cities that were very far from them. In regard to the 7 nations nearby that were to be taken for their possession (inheritance), they were to totally destroy them and not leave anything alive. (vs.15-18). What were the names again of these 7 nations the Lord was giving as an inheritance to the tribes of Israel? vs. 17
17. Why were they to utterly destroy them? vs. 18
18. We have discussed alot of this before, but what were some of the things that these nations did for their gods that were so destable? Look up the names of a few of their gods in a concordance and share what worship to them was all about.
19. Back to Deuteronomy 19. What kind of trees were they not to destroy when they were besieging a city for a long time to make war against it? vs. 19
20. Which trees would be okay to cut down and use to construct siegeworks against the city they were making war with? vs. 20
21. Are you dealing with fear for a battle you are fighting today? Give your fear to the Lord and realize that He will fight your battle for you. What verses can you choose from today's lesson to memorize and speak when you need to overcome the fear. Please write them down.
22. What can you do to train yourself to be a more committed soldier for the Lord Jesus Christ? Think about it and try to write out your answer.
23. Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 19

Review & Intro:  In Chapter 18, Moses reminded the Israelites how they were to take care of the Levites who lived in their towns, and how the first fruits would be given to them, etc. because they were in fulltime service to the Lord, and made their living from the people's offerings.  We also saw the warnings of God through Moses to the people of not participating in witchcraft, sorcery, and other type things of this nature.  God would send them a prophet like Moses and they were to listen to Him.  We saw this was Jesus the Christ, the Messiah.  Amen.  In Chapter 19, Moses will remind the Israelites of the six cities of refuge that are to be created for the manslayer to find safety from the blood avenger if he had killed someone accidentally rather than with malice and hate. 

Deuteronomy Chapter 19 - Observation Questions
1.  The Lord would cut off nations for Israel to possess and settle in.  They would already be cities full of houses (vs.1) ... When that time arrived, they were to "set aside" 3 of the cities to be in the midst of the land. (vs.2)  .... They were to prepare the roads and divide into 3 parts the territory of the land.  What was the purpose of all of this? vs. 3
Note:  At this point in their history, the Israelites had already established three cities of refuge east of the Jordan River: Golan, Ramoth, and Bezer (Deut. 4:41-43). Now, when they enter the land, they are to designate three more cities of refuge inside the borders of Israel, to the west of the Jordan, for a total of six.  They will be the cities of:  Hebron, Shechem, and Kedesh
2.  Who could flee to a city of refuge for protection? vs. 4
3.  What example is given of how a person might accidentally kill a friend? vs. 5
4.  Who will be after the manslayer to kill him in his anger before hearing a trial of his innocence? vs. 6
5.  This was the purpose of the cities of refuge; to protect the manslayer until his case could be heard. (vs. 7-9) ... What kind of blood would bring bloodguiltiness upon them and the land that was given them? vs. 10
6.  How should this make us feel over the babies that are aborted everyday in our land?  Give your heartfelt answer.
7.  What were the 2 things the Lord asked them to do in order to continue to live on the land of promise? vs. 9
8.  If a truly guilty man who hated his neighbor and had waited for the opportunity to kill him tried to flee to one of these cities, the elders of the city would hear the case and rule him guilty.  What would happen then? vs. 12
Note:  Who was the blood avenger?  The right of vengeance was given to the nearest kinsman of someone who was murdered.  Because a person could act out of anger to kill before they knew the facts of the case, the cities of refuge were set up. 
9.  When the guilty person was turned over to the avenger of blood, why were they not to pity him? vs. 13
10.  Do you pity criminals who have killed others when they are given the death penalty?  Why should we pray for them to be saved, and yet believe they should pay for the innocent blood they have shed?
11.  What were they not to move and why? vs. 14
12.  Was a single witness ever to be enough to convict someone of a sin? vs. 15
13.  How many witnesses were required before a report of a sin was to be believed? vs. 15
14.  If a malicious witness rose up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing, but was found out through investigation to have been lying, what punishment would he receive? vs.16-19
15.  What would this cause the other people to do? vs. 20
16.  They were not to show pity when the act was returned upon him.  Fill in the blanks for the law ... "life for ____, eye for ____, tooth for _____, hand for _____, foot for _____." vs. 21
17.  How did Jesus change this law under the New Covenant of Grace?  Comment on this verse:
  • Matthew 5:38-42

18.  The cities of refuge are easily seen as a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ.  (see Luke 24:27 and Colossians 2:17) ..... It is easy to see that we could be the manslayer needing a city of refuge to flee to.  What are we guilty of and what should happen to us? Romans 6:23 -
19.  Who would the blood avenger in our life be? 1 Peter 5:8 -
20.  We can run to Jesus for refuge.  What is His promise to us?
  • John 15:4
  • Hebrews 4:15,16
21.  Below I have listed the names of the cities of refuge and their "meaning".  I have place a verse by it.  Please comment on how the verse shows Jesus being of the same characteristic as the meaning given for that city of refuge.
  • Kedesh - "Holy Place" - Hebrews 10:19 -
  • Shechem - "Shoulder" - Isaiah 9:6 -
  • Hebron - "Fellowship" - 1 Corinthians 1:9 -
  • Bezer - "Fortress" - Psalm 18:2 -
  • Ramoth - "Exaltation" - Acts 5:31 -
  • Golan - "Rejoicing" - Psalm 5:11 -
Note:  We have found our resting place in the Lord Jesus Christ.  He has paid for our sins and He gives us a place of refuge from the world chasing us and the devil pursuing us.  Take refuge in Him today for all that You need.  Amen.
23.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 18

Review & Intro:  Moses has been reviewing the law, the feasts, and all the things of the law that he had shared with them in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers before they enter the Promised Land.  In Chapter 17, he explained to them what the Lord said concerning the time they would choose a king to rule over them.  In Chapter 18, Moses tells them why and how they should all take care of the Levites among them.  They are the ones who belong fully to the Lord for ministry and the the Lord is their only inheritance.  He takes care of them through the people.  The subject of witchcraft is covered as well; it is an abomination to the Lord.

Deuternonomy Chapter 18 - Observation Questions
1.  The Levitical priests, the whole tribe of Levi, were to have no portion or inheritance with Israel.  The Lord was to be their only inheritance.  How were their needs to be met? vs.1-2
2.  What parts of each sacrifice from the people were to be given to the priest to eat? vs. 3 - Name 3
3.  Other than the meat of the sacrifices, what were the people to give to the priests? vs. 4 - Name 4 things
Note:  The Levites who served in the tabernacle were men, and their time of service was from the age of 30 to 50 (Numbers 4:3).  At the age of 50, they were to retire (Numbers 8:25).  But regardless of whether they were young or old, male or female, all of the Levites were dependant upon the other tribes for support. The land they farmed was in each of the other tribes' territorites (Numbers 35:2-8). The money they received and the meat that they ate was from the offerings that the other tribes made to the Lord (Numbers18:24).
4.  How are we to take care of those in the ministry today?  Comment on the verses below:
  • 1 Corinthians 9:13,14 -
  • 2 Corinthians 9:7 -
  • 1 Timothy 5:17,18 -
Note:  We should be thankful for our ministers and be faithful to tithe and offerings, realizing that for things to be well organized and effective to care for the needs of the people, the staff must be paid and cared for along with all the bills to keep things operating smoothly.  We should be cheerful in giving for the Lord loves a cheerful giver.
5.  Back to Deuteronomy 18.  In regard to the Levites and the priest that served them, the Lord had chosen him and his sons to stand and serve the Lord forever. (vs.5) ... The Levites would live in their towns, but would go to the place the Lord chose for them to serve whenever he desired along with his fellow Levites who stood before the Lord. (vs.6,7).  How would their needs be met? vs. 8
6.  What did the Lord want them to not learn to do when they entered the Promised land? vs. 9
7.  What did the Lord make clear that His people were not to be a part of in anyway? vs.10,11 - Name 9 things
8.  What would the result be if they did these "detestable" things? vs. 12
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9.  The nations that they would be dispossessing were people who did practice witchcraft and these other things, but God did not allow His people to do them.  How did He want His people to act? vs.13,14 -
10.  Who did the Lord promise was coming that they would be able to listen to? vs.15
11.  What had the people asked of the Lord back when He gave the commandments to Moses on Mt. Horeb? vs. 16
12.  At that time, the Lord said the people had spoken well, and that He would raise up a prophet from among their countrymen that would be like Moses.  The Lord would put His words in his mouth and speak to them. (vs.17,18) ... What would happen to anyone that would not listen to God's Words through this prophet speaking for Him? vs. 19
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13.  Is this prophet spoken of in the New Testament?  Comment on the following verses:
  • John 1:19-21 ... What were the Jewish people looking for when they asked John the Baptist about his identity? vs. 21 -
  • John 5:46,47 ... Who did Jesus say wrote about Him and should be believed?
  • John 6:14 ... What did the men who saw the signs that Jesus performed say that He must be?
  • Matthew 17:1-6 ... At the transfiguration that Peter, James, and John got to be a part of ... they saw Moses, Elijah, and Jesus in His Glory ... Who did God tell them to listen to? ...
  • Acts 3:18-26 .... Who does Peter say in his sermon is the prophet that God had sent them?
  • Based on these verses, who are you convinced is the prophet that God would send like Moses that would give them His Words and they would be destroyed if they did not believe Him? .....
14.  A prophet that spoke a word presumptuously in God's Name what He had not commanded to speak, or one that spoke in the name of other gods, was not the true prophet and was to die. (vs.20) ... If someone wondered how they would know if the word was from the Lord, how were they to know? vs. 21,22
15.  Things such as witchcraft, palm reading, astrology forecasts, and things like that are meant to seem "harmless" in our day.  Do you think the Lord would want us to give attention to these kind of things?  Sorcery is mentioned in the New Testament also.  Comment on the following verses:
  • Acts 19:18-20 - What did the Spirit's conviction lead the people to destroy? ..
  • Galatians 5:19-21 - Make this list and highlight where sorcery is mentioned. ....What happens to those who practice these things as a habit of life? ...
  • Revelation 21:7,8 - What habitual sins are listed that keep one out of heaven? ... again highlight sorcerers in the list you make
16.  If you have made "light" of these things, this would be a good time to see the seriousness of them and ask the Lord to forgive you and help you turn from anything that would be considered idolatry or sorcery, etc.
17.  Jesus told those in His day that if they had believed the writings of Moses, they would believe in Him because Moses wrote of Him.  Jesus was the Prophet like Moses and yet Jesus is also God in the flesh.  Romans says "Faith comes by hearing the Word of God", but Paul also asks "How will they hear without a preacher?" ... Read Romans 10:8-17 ... and summarize what it is saying in your own words.
18.  Just like they were to support the Levites who gave their time to serving the Lord, we must support our pastors and missionaries and everyone who is sharing the Gospel with those who need to come out of darkness into God's marvelous light.  What are you doing to share with them? ... to support those who are in the ministry? ... Are you giving with a cheerful heart ?  Why or why not?
19.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 17

Review & Intro:  Chapter 16 was about the 3 Feasts that Israel were to celebrate in the place that the Lord would choose for them when they were living in the Promised Land.  Chapter 17 describes how the sacrifices were to be without blemish or defect.  This is covered even more thouroughly in Leviticus 22.  This demonstrated that God demanded holiness for the substitute in place of the sinner.  When Jesus Christ was crucifed for our sins, was was holy and without sin.  Peter said that we were redeemed by "the precious blood of the a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ." (1 Peter 1:9). 

Deuteronomy Chapter 17 - Observation Questions
1.  What was required of the ox or the sheep that the Israelite would offer to the Lord and why? vs. 1
2.  If there was a man or a woman in any of the towns that left the worship of the Lord on the terms that He had set in place, and they had literally gone off to serve "other gods and worshiped them" .. or had become involved in the "worship of the sun, moon, or heavenly host", it was to be investigated thoroughly.  Once it was known to be an absolute fact, what was to happen to the person? vs.2-5
altar of burnt offering[7]
3.  This extreme measure was not to be taken on heresay, but on the evidence of 2 or 3 actual witnesses.  A person was never to be put to death on the evidence of 1 witness. (vs.6) ...Who was to be the first to cast a stone in the person's death? vs. 7
4.  What was the purpose of this action? vs. 7
5.  This makes the story of the adulterous woman in Jesus' time even more meaningful.  Remember, she was caught in the "very act" and so the witnesses were there and letting Jesus know that the law of Moses should be carried out concerning her.  What did Jesus say to them?  He said "he among you that has 'no sin' be the 'first' to cast a stone.  He bent down and began to write in the sand and most believe He was listing the commandments that all of them would have guilt in at some point as well.  Let's read the story and realize more than ever that "The Law came through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus" (John      )
  • Read John 8:1-11
  • ..... Jesus asked her .... "Where are your accusers?"
  • Did Jesus condemn her? vs.11
  • What did He tell her? vs. 11
  • What do you think He meant by that?  Could she literally never commit a sin again?  What do you think He meant in light of the sin her accusers had condemned her for?
  • Remember this - The Holy Spirit convicts.  It is the enemy who accuses us and condemns us.  Comment on the following verses:
  • Romans 8:1 -
  • Romans 8:34 -
  • Revelation 12:10 -
  • Who condemns us?  .......

6.  When they could not decide more difficult cases in their towns, whether ... homicide, lawsuits, or assaults ... they were to take it to the "higher" court in the place where the Lord chose to dwell with His people, where the Levitical priest or the judge in office would be in the day of their need, declaring the case to them, and they would give them the verdict of the case.  (vs. 8,9) ... What were they to be sure and obey at that point?  vs.10,11 -
7.  If a man acted presumptuously and did not listen to the priest serving the Lord or to the appointed judge at the time, what would happen to them and why? vs.12,13
8.  What would the people begin to want after they entered the land of Promise that would make them be like all the nations around them? vs. 14
9.  When they desired this, what were they to be sure to use as a measure in choosing a king to rule over them? vs. 15 - Name 2 things
10.  What were the things the king chosen over Israel was "not" to do? vs. 16 - Name 4 things he was "not" to do -
11.  What had the Lord said for the people to never do again? vs. 16
12.  Once the king took office and was sitting on his throne of his kingdom, what was he to personally write out for himself on a scroll and in whose presence? vs. 18
Note:  Think of that when you are thinking our lessons are too long to write out (smiling)
13.  The king was to keep the personally handwritten copy of the law on the scroll with him at all times.  He was to read it all the days of his life.  What would he learn through this and how would he learn it? vs. 19
14.  What would the "law of the Lord" help the king not to do? vs. 20 - Name 2 things
15.  What would be the result of the king obeying the law of God? vs. 20
16.  God had wanted to be the only king over Israel.  He wanted them to have leaders as they did under Moses, but to remain dependent on Him as their king.  In Judges, the people asked Gideon be their king.  What did Gideon say to them at that time? 
  • Judges 8:22-23 -
17.  During the days of the prophet Samuel, the people wanted a king appointed over them.  What was their reason for this?
  • 1 Samuel 8:5 -
Note:  God knew this day would come, when they rebelled against His plan. So in preparation for their rebellion, He gave them standards for this king they wanted. Of course they neglected the standards as well.  The first king they appointed was Saul, but God's choice for them was David, who God called "a man after His own heart." 

18.  We are thankful that Jesus is our unblemished and perfect sacrifice for our sins.  In Him, we have the righteousness of God to appear before the throne of mercy in our times of need.  Take a moment and thank the Lord for Christ, our Passover Lamb.  Amen.
19.  Like the woman caught in the very act of adultery, I am sure if there was a camera installed on our every thought and action in the most private places, we would stand guilty of a sin that would have been punishable by death under the law of Moses.  As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit that helps us "put to death" sins in our body, but we will not suffer physical death or separation from God in the life to come if we are truly born again and have a repentant heart for our sins.  Comment on the following verses:
  • Romans 8:13 -
  • Colossians 3:8-11 -
20.  The people wanted a king to rule over them.  The Lord had requirements for any king that they were to put over them.  Look up the following verses and comment on how it would benefit the king to do these things and how it would help us in our personal lives as well:
  • Don't multiply horses.  In other words, don't depend on the horse for strength, but on the Lord.  What do you think we depend on to win our battles today?  Read Psalm 20:7 and comment.
  • They were never to return to Egypt.  This is a picture of the world for us, a place of power or security in things of the world.  What did Stephen say about the historical record of Israel? Acts 7:39 -
  • What do we turn to in the world today that would be not depending on the Lord?
  • They were not to multiply wives or money.  In other words, don't feed the lust of the flesh - immorality and greed which is idolatry.  What does 1 Timothy 6:9-10 say about those who want to get rich in this life?
  • They were to write out a copy of the Law and read it everyday.  How does Psalm 119:9-11 say a young man can keep his way pure?  What does Romans 12:1,2 tell us to do in order to always know God's good and acceptable will for our lives?
  • These are safeguards for all of us to avoid the pitfalls of idolatry and immorality.  What steps can you take to do this?
21.  Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 16


Review & Intro:  Moses is preparing the people to go into the Promised Land, giving them reminders of commandments, ordinances, etc.  Included in this must be the reminder that they have 3 feasts that the men will be required to come to at the place the Lord chooses 3 different times a year.  Chapter 16 begins with the instructions for celebrating the feast of Passover in the month of Abib which was later called the month of Nisan. 
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Deuteronomy Chapter 16 - Observation Questions
1.  What happened in the month of Abib that the Israelites were to celebrate every year? vs. 1
2.  Where were they to sacrifice from the flock and the herd at when they crossed over into the Promised land? vs. 2
3.  What kind of bread were they to eat with it for 7 days and what was it called? vs. 3
4.  Why was it called this and what was this to cause them to always remember? vs. 3
5.  There was to be "no leaven" seen with them in all their territory for 7 days.  What time on the first day was the sacrifice to be offered and how long did they have to eat it? vs. 4


6.  They were not allowed to sacrifice the Passover lamb in any of their towns the Lord would give them. (vs. 5) .. They were to go at the place that the Lord would choose to establish His Name.  Eventually this would be in Jerusalem. (vs.6) ... Why were they to sacrifice the Passover lamb in the evening at sunset? vs. 6
7.  Where were they to cook and eat the passover lamb? vs. 7
8.  Where were they to go the following morning? vs. 7
9.  How many days were they to eat unleavened bread after the Passover meal? vs. 8
10.  How were they to observe the 7th day at the end of that week? vs. 8
11.  We see the picture of God's plan of redemption in the observance of the feasts of Israel each year.  The Lord Jesus Christ was the passover lamb for us all so that God passes over us and we escape His wrath because He sees the blood of Jesus upon our hearts and we are the righteousness of Him as we believe in His death on the cross, and His resurrection from the grave.  We see that He was without sin as we look upon the "unleavened bread" and we see that we are called to live a sanctified life, free of the power of sin as we follow Him.  When Jesus raised from the dead, it was the day they were celebrating first fruits, and the Scripture tells us that He is the first fruits of the dead.  It's amazing.  Comment on the following verses:
  • 1 Corinthians 5:7 -
  • 1 Corinthians 15:20 -
12.  How many weeks were they to count off before they had another feast called "The Feast of Weeks" (also called "Pentecost') .....vs.9,10
13.  What were they to bring to this celebration (Feast of Weeks) that occurred 50 days after Passover/Unleavened Bread/First Fruits? vs. 10
14.  How would it be determined "how much" this freewill offering would be for each? vs. 10
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15.  Who would be included in this celebration of the Lord's blessing at the "Feast of Weeks"? vs. 11 - Name 9 -
16.  Where were they to go to celebrate this together? vs. 11
17.  What did the Lord want them to remember as they celebrated these times? vs. 12

seven feasts chart
18.  When were they to celebrate the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles) ? vs. 13
Note:  This was in the fall months of harvest time.  See the chart above.
19.  Who would be included in this celebration of the Lord's blessing at the "Feast of Booths (Tabernalces)"? vs. 14 - Name 9
20.  How many days would they celebrate this feast? vs. 15
21.  What would cause them to be altogether joyful at the time of this feast? vs. 15
22.  What three feasts would all the males be required to appear before the Lord three times a year? vs. 16 - Name 3
23.  They were not to appear before the Lord empty-handed.  What was each man to bring before the Lord? vs. 17
24.  How are we to determine what should be given today in offerings?
  • 2 Corinthians 8:12-15 -
25.  Back to Deuteronomy 16. ... What were they to appoint for themselves in all of their towns? vs. 18
26.  How was justice to be served? vs. 18,19
27.  What does taking a bribe do to the eyes of the wise and the words of the righteous? vs. 19
28.  What would cause them to continue to live and possess the land the Lord was giving to them? vs. 20
29.  What were they to be sure that they did not plant for themselves? vs. 21
30.  What were they not to set up for themselves and why? vs. 22
31.  How is giving freewill offerings a way to express worship to the Lord?  They were not to forget to take care of the Levites (ministers), the widows, the orphans, etc.  They were to come to the place the Lord designated to show public praise for all the blessing He had given them.  How do we do this today?  If you are not doing this currently, what steps can you take to become more disciplined in this much needed affirmation of showing the Lord and others what He has done for you?
32.  What things should we not neglect to do?  Comment on the verses below:
  • Hebrews 10:25 -
  • Hebrews 13:16 -
  • I Thessalonians 5:18 -
33.  How should we give our offerings to the Lord?  Comment on the verses below:
  • 2 Corinthians 9:7 -
34.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 15

Review & Intro:  In the last chapters, we have seen Moses reviewing the Law for the people of Israel before they enter the land of Promise.  In most cases, he has been giving an abbreviated form of the original time he delivered these things to them. However, as we begin chapter 15, he is actually giving more detail about the Sabbath Year than we received earlier in Exodus and Leviticus. What more do we learn?
Deuteronomy Chapter 15 - Observation Questions
1.  What were they to grant at the end of every 7 years? vs. 1
2.  What was every creditor to release at the end of every 7 years? vs. 2
3.  Who was this specifically in regard to? vs. 2,3
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4.  Take a moment to review what God had told them about every 7th year.  Other than releasing the debts of all the brethren, what else was to happen to the land every 7 years and how were they to eat during those years?  Read and comment with a summary of the following review:
  • Exodus 23:10-11 -
  • Leviticus 25:2-7 -
5.  If Israel was obedient to the voice of the Lord in observing His commandments, what should not be among them because of the blessings He would bring to them in the land they would inherit? vs. 4,5
6.  What was the specific blessing coming to them if they would obey the Lord?  ... Fill in the blanks from verse 6.  ... "For the Lord your God will bless you as He has promised you, and you will _____ to many nations, but you will not _______, and you will ______ over many nations, but they will not ______ over you."
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7.  What attitude (the heart) and action (the deed) was to be given toward any poor person in any of the towns they would be living? vs. 7, 8
8.  How does this compare to what we have been told in the New Testament regarding the poor or needy among us?  Comment on the verses below:
  • Matthew 6:3 -
  • Romans 15:26 -
  • 2 Corinthians 8:13,14 -
  • Galatians 2:10 -
  • James 2:1-6 -
  • James 2:16 -
9.  Back to Deuteronomy 15.   In regard to helping the poor, what was the temptation that they were to avoid in their towns as it got close to the 7th year of release of debt? vs. 8
10.  If they did not take care of the poor for any reason, and the poor person cried out to the Lord in their need, what would it be in the eyes of the Lord against them? vs. 9
11.  What would the Lord do for them if they were always generous to the poor and their heart was not grieved in giving to them in this manner? vs. 10
12.  What is a fact concerning the poor then and now?  Comment on the two verses below:
  • Deuteronomy 15:11 -
  • Matthew 26:11 -
13.  Back to Deuteronomy 15.  When a person could not pay back a debt, they mortgaged themselves to serve the creditor as a type of slave to them to pay them back with service rather than goods.  They could serve no longer them 6 years.  What was the creditor to do every 7 years in the Sabbath Year that God declared? vs. 12
14.  When a kinsman was set free from serving, what was he to be supplied with as well? vs.13 - Name 3 things that were to be given to him liberally -
15.  What were they to remember that would help them let go of the service every 7th year? vs. 15
16.  Sometimes a person would not want to be set free from their service to a kinsman.  During their time of service, they had been treated well and truly loved being a part of their family so to speak.  If they did not want to be set free, they became a bondslave to them; a slave to them "by choice".  (vs.16) ... How would that slave (male or female) be marked to show that he/she wanted to belong to a particular service? vs.17
17.  How does this help you understand Paul and others calling themselves a bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as Paul saying that he had the brandmark of belonging to Jesus?  Comment on the following verses:
  • Acts 4:29 -
  • Romans 1:1 -
  • 2 Corinthians 4:5 -
  • Galatians 1:10 -
  • Galatians 6:17 -
  • Philippians 1:1 -
  • Colossians 1:7 -
  • Colossians 4:7 -
  • Titus 1:1 -
  • James 1:1 -
  • 2 Peter 1:1 -
  • Jude 1:1 -
  • Revelation 1:1 -
  • Revelation 2:20 -
18.  Paul said that Jesus was a bond-servant of God the Father.  What should this mean to us?  Comment on the following verse:
  • Philippians 2:7 -
19.  Do you consider yourself a "bond-servant" of the Lord Jesus Christ?  How should a bond-servant of Jesus conduct themselves to others and why?  Comment on the verse below:
  • 2 Timothy 2:24 -
20.  It is a matter of choosing who we will serve.  We had someone tell us we were brain washed and our answer was "We all are, but we have chosen Who we want to wash our brains". .... Jesus said we will either serve God or mammon (material things).  When we choose to serve Jesus, we are choosing not to serve our own lusts, our own worldly cravings, and the temptations of the evil one.  Comment on the following verses:
  • Romans 6:17-23 -
  • Romans 6:22 (specifically) -
Note:  These men came to the realization that it's better to be enslaved to God for life than enslaved to sin, which results in death.  What do you think?
21.  Back to Deuteronomy 15.  Why should a person not mind setting the other one free after the 6 years of service to them? vs. 18
22.  What were the Israelites always to consecrate to the Lord? vs. 19
23.  What were they not to do with the firstborn of their herd each year? vs. 19
24.  What were they not to do with the firstborn of their flock? vs. 19
25.  What were they to do each year with these firstborn animals? vs. 20
26.  Where were they to do this? vs. 20
27.  If the animal had any kind of defect (such as being lame or blind), they were not to sacrifice it to the Lord. (vs.21)  They could, however, eat it still, like they would a gazelle or a deer. (vs.22) ... As always instructed, what was to be done with the blood of the animal? vs. 23

 28.  Being free with our money is closely related to being free with forgiving others of the sins they have committed against us.  Remember the parable Jesus told about the man who was forgiven his debt, but would not forgive another indebted to him?  Read the parable and then comment on the questions given.
  • Read Matthew 18:21-25
  • ..... Peter wanted to know how many times he would need to forgive his brother that sinned against him.  What did Jesus tell him? ..... vs. 21,22
  • ..... Jesus told a parable to illustrate this of a king who wanted to settle accounts with his slaves.  ... One who owed him 10,000 talents was brought to him ... He did not have the means to repay and was going to have to be sold along with his wife and children for repayment to be made .... He fell to the ground and pleaded with the king.  What did the slave tell him concerning the debt owed? vs. 26 ..... What did the king feel toward the man and decide to do for him? vs. 27
  • ...... That slave turned around after being fully forgiven and found a fellow-slave that owed him some money.  How did he treat the one who owed him? vs. 28 ..... That person asked for patience and time to repay as well.  Did this forgiven man forgive the one needing him to do the same for him? vs. 30 .....How did the king deal with him when he found this out? vs.32-34
  • ....... How does this compare to our unforgiveness of others according to Jesus? vs. 35
29.  Freely we have received forgiveness of the debt we owed to God for our sins.  Do we ever have the right to withhold forgiveness to another for whatever they have done to us?  What does unforgiveness do to our hearts and how does it effect our relationship to God and others?
29.  This chapter has been about having a free and joyful and thankful heart.  We should remember that God set us free from slavery and set others free.  We should remember how God has blessed us and bless others in need.  When others borrow, give freely and expect nothing in return. (Jesus taught this in Luke 6:31-36)....Are you holding someone hostage to a debt they owe you, whether financially or spiritually?  What would Jesus have you do according to all we have learned in today's lesson?  Please share from your heart.
30.  Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.