Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 22

Review & Intro: Glad to move past Chapter 21 which had some hard subjects to deal with, but glad that God says what He means and means what He says. He is a God of order and commands, but shows grace and patience with us as we seek Him with all of our hearts. In Chapter 22, we have some more relationship rules for Israel as they moved into the Promised Land. Moses had alot to share from the heart of God with them before they cross over.
Deuteronomy Chapter 22 - Observation Questions
1. If a person saw one of their countryman's ox or sheep straying, they were not to ignore them, but to bring them back to him. (vs.1) ... How would he handle it if the person lived far away from him? vs. 2
2. This was to be the case with anything a fellow countryman lost and another found it. What are 2 other things mentioned? vs. 3
3. What was one to do if their countryman's donkey or ox had fallen down? vs. 4
4. How does God feel about cross-dressing; women looking like men as well as men looking like women? vs. 5 -
5. If they came across a mother bird sitting on her eggs or her young, they could take the young birds or eggs as a food source for themselves, but what were they to do with the mother bird? vs.6,7 -
6. What were the Israelites to make sure they had on their roof of their new house and why? vs. 8
Note: The rooftops were flat and used as a patio, so it was responsible to have a low wall at the edge of the roof to keep people safe.
7. What were not to be mixed in their vineyard to keep it undefiled? vs. 9
8. They were not to plow with an ox and a donkey. (vs.10)... This would make the yoke out of balance (unequal). ... What did the apostle say about "unequal" relationships for believers? Comment on the verses below:
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 -
9. Back to Deuteronomy 22. What were they not to "mix" in their material? vs. 11
10. God is saying not to "mix" things. How does He explain it in Leviticus 19:19? Name 3 things given not to "mix" -
11. What is something we are not to "mix" when speaking with our mouth? Comment on the verses below:
  • James 3:9-10 -
12. Can we mix worship with the demons and worship God at the same time? Comment on the verses below:
  • 1 Corinthians 10:21 -
13. Can we mix service to God and serve the power of wealth at the same time? Comment on the verses below:
  • Matthew 6:24 -
14. When we mix things, they get corrupted. What happens when we mix hot and cold? What do we get? We get "lukewarm". What does Jesus say about this? Comment on the verses below:
  • Revelation 3:15-16 -
Note: The Lord wants us to be single minded, completely devoted to Him, and not mixed with emotions in the world and our own desires.
15. To help themselves stay single-minded and focused on the truth of the word, they were to have tassels on the four corners of their garment as reminders. (vs.12) .... Read Numbers 15:38-39 and comment on what these tassels were to remind them of -
16. Back to Deuteronomy 22. If a man took a wife but then accused her of not being a virgin, and yet the father had proof of her virginity to show, what would happen to the man and what would he pay to the father? vs. 13-19
Note: In Jewish tradition, on the wedding night a cloth or garment was used and then kept or given to the wife’s parents so that the marks of the blood of the girl’s virginity would constitute legal protection for her in the event she was later charged with lack of virginity or of having been a prostitute prior to her marriage. ...If there is not a cloth of evidence presented and it is true that the girl was not a virgin when he married her, she would face the death penalty because she had played the harlot in her father's house. (vs.21)
17. What would happen to those who committed adultery? vs. 22
18. If a virgin was engaged to marry a man, but was in the city with another man before they were married, they were both to be killed. There was so many in the city, that if she would have cried out in the case of rape, only the man would have been charged. The fact that no one heard her cry out was saying that she had consented to being with another man. It was different in the field (country) for no one could have heard her cry out. Who was the only one to die in that case? vs. 25-27 -
19. If a man was with a virgin who was not engaged to another man, he had to pay a fine to her father and he had to marry her and was not allowed to divorce her all the days of his life. (vs. 29)... In other words, there was no casual sex allowed, which is called fornication in the New Testament. Do you think there would be less casual sex today if everyone was forced into marriage and required to care for that person always?
20. What was off limits to every man? vs. 30
21. The apostle Paul addressed this as well. How did he say this kind of immorality had to be dealt with by the church? Comment on the verse below:
  • 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 -
22. Looking at the situation of caring for another's animal, returning their lost property to them if it is found, etc. ... we are seeing what has become known as the "golden rule", caring for one another in the way we would want them to care for us and our things. What did Jesus say about this? Comment on the verse below:
  • Matthew 7:12
23. We looked at several examples in the Old and New Testament of not "mixing" things that do not belong together. We looked at the example of not being unequally yoked with unbelievers. Read the verses given below and comment on them. Do we put enough emphasis on this in our lives and in teaching our children these things? Share your thoughts as well.
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 -
  • 1 Timothy 4:12 -
24. The Lord gave guidelines of virginity, rape, marriage, and lack of moral integrity in uncovering cloting of the father's wife... These are laws or "morality"; something lacking in our day and even in the church unfortunately. How are we admonished to behave in our single lives and in our married lives in the New Testament? Comment on the verses below:
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 -
  • Hebrews 13:4 -
25. Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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