Sunday, April 29, 2012

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 5

Observation Questions For

Genesis Chapter 5

Descendants of Adam
There are some very interesting things to discuss as we read through the descendants from Adam to Noah and his sons. Take time to read through the list and we will stop and discuss some things along the way.
1. What did God create the man Adam to be like? vs. 1
2. What does God call male and female? What does this mean that He sees when He sees a marriage? vs. 2
3. At 130 years of age, Adam became a father to a son by the name of Seth. What image was his on in? vs. 3
4. How long did Adam live after he had Seth? vs. 4
5. How many years did Adam live? vs.5
6. Seth lived 105 years and became the father of Enosh. What were we told about the time of Enosh in Genesis 4:26?
7. How old was Seth when he died? vs. 8
8. We follow the lineage through Seth to we get to Jared who became the father of Enoch. When Enoch was 65 years of age, who did he become the father of? vs. 21
Note: According to vs. 22, when Enoch had Methuselah, he then walked with God. Something with the birth of Methuselah caused Enoch to 'walk' with God and many believe he got a revelation from God about the judgment of the flood to come (even though it would not come until the days of Noah). The name Methuselah has the meaning "His death shall bring" and in the year of his death (969 years later), the flood came! Enoch was a prophet and gave the first prophecy recorded in Biblical times. We don't hear about the prophecy until Jude in the New Testament times refers back to it.
9. What did Enoch prophesy about according to Jude 14-15 ?
That is referring to the second coming of Christ!
10. What else are we told about Enoch in the New Testament?
•Hebrews 11:5-6 -
11. What does Genesis say to confirm what is said in Hebrews that happened to Enoch when he was 365 years of age? vs. 23-24 -
Do Your Math:
And, indeed, in the year that Methuselah died, the flood came. Methuselah was 187 when he had Lamech, and lived 782 years more. Lamech had Noah when he was 182. The Flood came in Noah's 600th year. 187 + 182 + 600 = 969, Methuselah's age when he died.
It is interesting that Methuselah's life was, in effect, a symbol of God's mercy in forestalling the coming judgment of the flood. It is therefore fitting that his lifetime is the oldest in the Bible, symbolizing the extreme extensiveness of God's mercy.
12. Methuselah lived the longest of any human we have record of. What was his age at his death? vs. 27
Note: The fact that the judgment of the flood came in the year of his death and the word came to his father Enoch almost 1000 years prior shows the patience God had with mankind in putting off his judgment in hopes that others would 'walk' with Him in fellowship.
In the same way, what is happening today as we wait the second coming of Christ and the judgment of God upon sinners who do not repent of their sin and turn to Him?
2 Peter 3:3-9 -
13. Just as Enoch 'walked' with God and God translated him without his dying, what is going to happen to those who are alive in Christ at 'His coming again' before the judgment He is sending on this earth through the great tribulation at the end of the age?
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 -
14. What assurance do we have as born again believers?
•1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 -
15. What should we do for one another regarding this message?
•1 Thessalonians 5:11 -
Going back to Genesis 5, we see the rest of Seth's lineage to the time of Noah. Methusaleh had a son named Lamech and Lamech had a son named Noah.
16. How old was Noah when he became the father of 3 sons?
17. What were the names of Noah's 3 sons?
• 3)
18. God is being patient in not wanting any to perish, but for all to have life. He will not wait forever. One day the final judgment is going to come.
•Who are you praying for to be saved?
•How are you sharing with them?
19. Are you walking with God and are you ready as Enoch was to go and be with Him, whether by translation at the calling of the Lord in the air or by death at the calling of the Lord for us to come home?
20. Summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 4

Observation Questions For

Genesis Chapter 4

Adam & Eve had their firstborn son.
1. What did Eve name the boy and what did his name mean? vs. 1
She knew that God is the ultimate source of life.
  • Do we always acknowledge that?
  • What does Acts 17:24,25 tells us? -
Note: Since God had told the serpent that the woman's 'seed' would crush 'his' head; it is quite possible that they realized the meaning of that and she believed that her first son was possibly the 'seed' God had promised to crush the head of the serpent. We know from our former lessons that the 'seed' or 'descendant' of Eve would eventually be the Lord Jesus Christ through the lineage that would follow years in the future.
2. Who was Eve's second son? vs. 2
3. What did Cain do for a living? vs. 2
4. What did Abel do for a living? vs. 2
5. What did Cain bring as an offering to the Lord? vs. 3
6. What did Abel bring as an offering to the Lord? vs. 4
7. How did the Lord regard the two offerings? vs. 4
8. How did Cain react to the Lord's favor of Abel's offering over his? vs. 5
Note: Just as God had sacrificed the first animal to get the clothes for Adam and Eve to wear, He surely taught them about sacrifices and the requirement of blood to be atoned for their sin. They seemed to understand this since brought the animals and their fat portions to the Lord.
Later, when the Levitical priests are set up to offer sacrifices in the temple, the Lord says that the 'fat' is 'His' and it is to be burned as a sweet smelling aroma to Him.
•Read Leviticus 3:16 and comment.
9. What does the NT tell us about the motivation of Abel's heart in his offering to the Lord?
•Hebrews 11:4 -
10. What does the NT tell us about the condition of Cain's heart?
(remember that although the writers of the NT were not there with Cain, it is the Holy Spirit that writes through them that knows the heart and intent of every man)
•1 John 3:12 -
•Jude 1:11 -
Note: Cain gave from wrong motivations and God knew his heart was bent toward evil. Yet, God gave Cain the opportunity to control his jealousy/anger and not let it control him.
11. What does the Lord tell Cain in Genesis 4:6-7
  • What sin(s) can you think of in your life right now that you need to master before they master you?
12. What did the apostle Paul say in regard to things that would try to master him in 1 Corinthians 6:12 ?
13. Is it a sin to have anger according to Ephesians 4:26?
14. What are you suppose to do with the things that make you angry each and every day? Ephesians 4:26
15. Why is it so important that you not let anger go unchecked and allow it to form a root of bitterness? Ephesians 4:26-27
16. What are we commanded to do with bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice? Ephesians 4:31
17. What are we to walk in 'instead of' these things? Ephesians 4:32
If Cain would have only listened to God, God said his countenance would be lifted.
18. Cain let his jealousy & anger go unchecked.
  • What was the result? Genesis 4:8 -
The Lord calls Cain into accountability right away. He asks him where his brother is. Cain said he was not his brother's keeper.
19. What was crying out to God? vs. 10
20. What was Cain's punishment from the Lord for what he had done to his brother Abel? vs. 11-12
Cain felt the punishment was too much to bear. The Lord appointed a sign on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. If any were to slay him, God's vengeance would be on them 7-fold.
21. What did Cain do in verse 16?
Cain had relations with his wife and she gave birth to a son they named Enoch. A city was named after him.
Do you wonder "Where did Cain get his wife?"
A descendant of Cain's was a man named Lamech. He took two wives: Adah and Zillah. Adah gave birth to a son named Jabal and another named Jubal.
22. What is Jubal known for? vs. 21
Must be where we get the word: jubilee
Lamech's wife Zillah gave birth to Tubal-cain.
23. What was Tubal-Cain known for? vs. 22
The sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.
24. What did Lamech tell his two wives he had done? vs. 23
25. What did Lamech believe his just punishment should be in light of Cain's punishment from God? vs. 24
26. Adam had relations with his wife again and she gave birth to another son.
What did she name her son and what did his name mean? vs. 25 -
  • Seth will be the one that will be in the lineage of the 'seed' that comes from Eve.
  • Seth is in the geneology of Jesus.
  • Luke 3:38 -
27. Who was born to Seth and what happened in his time? vs. 26 -
28. What areas in your life do you have jealousy or selfish ambition in? What does the Bible say about these things?
  • James 3:14-16 -
29. How can you bring the deeds of the flesh that are controlling you into deeds of goodness?
  • Galatians 5:16 - 25 -
30. Summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 3

Observation Questions For

Genesis Chapter 3

1. What beast had the most craftiness of all that God made? vs. 1

2. Who embodied this serpent according to Revelation 12:9?
3. How did the serpent (Satan) get the woman to doubt God's word to her? vs. 1
4. Did the woman fully understand that God had given them the blessing of eating of all the trees He had planted for them? In other words, did she understand the Lord's goodness and blessing to them? vs. 2
5. Can you see that Satan was trying to cast doubt on His goodness saying "you cannot eat of any of trees"? How has he exaggerated things in your mind and made you believe that God was holding out on being "good" to you? Do you have an example to share?
6. Did the woman fully understand the one thing God did not allow and what the consequences would be if she ate of the fruit of the tree which was in the middle of the garden? vs. 3 ... What did she say the result would be?
5. Did the serpent accept her answer? What did he say back to her? vs. 4a
6. Either God was lying or the serpent is lying. They cannot both be telling the truth for one is saying she will die and the other is saying she will not die. What does the serpent continue to try to get her to reason over? vs. 4,5
Note: God, the Father, didn't want His children to know evil. He wanted them to stay away from the one thing that would open their eyes to the evil and the consequences of evil deeds. Yet, the serpent makes her feel as though God is holding out on her and keeping her from being wise. Literally, she wants to be her "own" god.
7. What 3 things did the women "see" that caused her to decide to "eat" the forbidden fruit? vs. 6 - Name the 3 things
8. How does this compare with John's words to us in 1 John 2:15-17? What are the 3 things that John says are not from the Father, but from the world?
9. The woman did not want to rebel alone. Who did she bring into it with her? vs. 6b
10. Do we see her husband resisting this temptation and reminding her and himself of what God had commanded? vs. 6
11. What happened to both of their eyes when they ate of this forbidden fruit, and what did they realize about themselves? vs. 7a
12. What did the couple do to try to cover their own rebellion and shame (nakedness)? vs. 7b
13. How do we try to cover our sin and shame rather than turn to God? Can you think of some examples?
14. What happened the next time they heard God walking in the garden in the cool of the day? vs. 8
15. Have you ever tried to hide yourself from the presence or conviction of God? Please share if you would like. We all learn from one another's testimonies.
16. Who does the Lord call into account first? vs. 9
17. What did the man say to the Lord? vs. 10
18. He had never known 'fear' before this point. What does 1 John 4:16-18 tell us concerning God's love and fear?
19. God called the man into account, saying "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? (vs.11) ...Rather than confess his own sin, the man passes the blame to someone else. Who is he blaming - God, the woman, or both of them? vs. 12
20. Have you blamed someone for a sin that you have committed? Do you feel more justified because you can blame that person? Express yourself here if you can and take time to prayer and ask God to forgive you for passing the blame on and not taking responsibility for your own sin. (I am doing that now)
21. The Lord then spoke to the woman and asked her "what have you done?" ... Rather than confess; who did the woman blame? vs. 13
(...have you ever said "the devil made me do it" ?? )
22. She was correct in saying "the serpent deceived her". Look up the verses on how he deceives, and comment on them.
  • 2 Corinthians 11:13 -
  • Revelation 12:9 -
  • 1 Peter 5:8 -
  • Ephesians 6:16 -
23. What should you always remember when you are tempted to doubt God's love and His promises?
  • John 10:10 -
  • John 8:44,45
  • Who is the liar?
  • Is it ever God?
24. Back to Genesis 3 - How did the Lord curse the serpent (as a beast) for what he had done by Satan's empowerment? vs. 14
25. Take time to "think through" verse 15 of Genesis 3. Who will God put enmity between? 15a ....... Who else will He put enmity between? vs. 15b ..... What will his seed (the serpent's seed) do to the woman's seed? vs. 15c .... What will the woman's seed do to the serpent's head? vs. 15c
Note: Crucifixion bruises the heel because of the nails placed in the heels. Satan's seed (those who followed his desires) put Jesus on the cross and bruised His heels. Yet, Jesus is the seed of the woman. Yes, Eve was the first woman, but through time, another woman, Mary had a Son, but He was of the "seed" of the promises of Abraham (Galatians 3:16) and He was directly from Lord and not man for Mary was a virgin and the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she became pregnant with Christ. (Luke 1:34,35) - We also see the sign in the heaven when the dragon (serpent, devil) tried to devour the child of the woman - this was Jesus as He was being born. The Lord is not caught by surprise, but has preordained all things. Amen. The awesome news is that the head of the serpent was the crushing blow and we know that Jesus is the One who overcomes. Amen!
26. What did God say the woman would suffer as a consequence of how she had listened to the lie of the serprent? vs. 16
27. What would be cursed because Adam had listened to his wife and had eaten from the tree that God commanded them not to eat from? vs. 17
28. How would the man pay the consequence of the cursed land from then on? vs. 17-19
29. Because man was taken (created) of dust, what will he return to? vs. 19
30. What did Adam name his wife and what did it mean? vs. 20
31. Do you believe that every human being goes back to this woman? That is what God's Word tells you. Will you believe God or the spirit of the world?
32. Here is the most precious part of the story. The couple had tried to cover themselves with their own efforts (the fig leaves), but God sheds the blood of the first animal to take the skin and make garments for Adam and his wife. What was this a picture of and what did it mean for them? Read Hebrews 9:22 and then give your answer.
33. Have you accepted the shed blood of Jesus for the atonement for your sin? Nothing else will work - your religion, your family heritage, your good works - only the blood of Jesus - will wash you and make you whole. Stop trying to cover your sin with your own works and allow God's grace to completely take your sin away. Amen.
34. The Lord (speaking in the Trinity here again) said, "The man has become like one of US". How was the man like the Lord now? vs. 22
35. The Lord does not have evil, but He knows about evil. He had wanted His children to only know good, but they wanted to be their own gods and know all things, so this was the consequence. Although God has forgiven the couple and clothed them in garments of righteousness (a picture of Jesus' blood shed for them)...they have now inherited the sin nature that will pass on to their children. So that every man would now need to come through the finished work of the cross and faith in Jesus, they could not inherit eternal life yet. Therefore, why did block entrance to the tree of life at that time? vs. 22
36. Because of this, God sent them out of the garden of Eden. What would they have responsiblity to do now? vs. 23
37. As He drove the man out of the garden, what did God station at the east of the garden of Eden to guard the tree of life? vs. 24
38. I personally believe the tree of life is still standing there and we can not see it because of the immense brightness of the light of the flaming sword going in all directions to block it from the sight of mankind. When the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven and there is a new heaven and a new earth, what will still be there at that time? Read Revelation 22:1-5. ... What do you think?
39. How do we eat of the tree of life and live forever today? Read John 11:25-27 ... How will this chapter effect your life today and from here on out? Will you blame others or simply confess your faults to the Lord? Read 1 John 1:9. How should you deal with your own sin(s)? What will happen when you do? Have you taken from the tree of life and from the water of life? God is offering it to you without cost. Come and taste and see that the Lord is good. Amen.
40. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 2

Observation Questions For

Genesis Chapter 2

After giving the 7 days of creation overview in chapter 1, we are taken back to the account of the creation of the heavens and earth and given more details.
1.  What was completed after six days? vs. 1
2.  What did God do on the 7th day? vs. 2
3.  What did God do concerning the 7th day and why? vs. 3
4.  The review of the six days of creation starts. (vs. 4) ...How did God water the earth before He created shrubery and things needing rain and man to care for it? vs. 5,6
5.  How was the first man created by God? vs.7
6.  What gave his form "life"? vs. 7
9.  Just as Adam was without life until God breathed into him the 'breath of life'....What did God cause in us to bring us alive from the dead? Ephesians 2:4-7
10.  The Lord planted a garden and placed the man He had formed there. Where was this garden located? vs. 8
11.  What did the Lord cause to grow in this garden made for man? vs. 9
12.  What 2 trees were included in the garden at that time? vs. 9 - Name 2
13.  We are given some descriptions of land and rivers to help us know where we can place this garden at. One river flowed out of the garden and divided into four rivers. What is the names of the four rivers? vs. 11-14 - List them
14.  The Lord put the man into the garden to cultivate and keep it. What was the man to freely enjoy in the garden? vs. 16
15.  What was the man clearly not to eat of?
16.  If he did, what would the clear consequences of his disobedience bring? vs. 17
17.  The Lord God knew it was not good for the man to be alone so He would create a helper suitable for him. (vs.18)... God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky from the ground.  He brought them to the man (Adam) to see what the man would call them. (vs.19) ... Adam gave names to all the cattle and all the birds of the sky and beasts of the field, but there was not found a helper suitable for him. (vs.20)... So, the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man. What did He take from the man's flesh? vs. 21
16.  From this rib, the Lord God 'fashioned' a woman and brought her to the man. Note:  The word for 'fashioned' is not the same as the word for 'formed' used on man and animals. He built woman specifically to meet the needs of the man in every way. This is God's planned design.  What did the man Adam say about the woman Eve when God brought her and presented her to him? vs. 23
17.  What is the definition of marriage given in vs. 24?
18.  Compare that with what the New Testament tells us about the ordiance of marriage:
  • Matthew 19:5,6 -
  • 1 Corinthians 6:16 -
  • Ephesians 5:31 -
The man and his wife were naked and not ashamed of it. vs. 25 This was before they would know the curse of sin, guilt, shame and death that would come from their disobedience in Genesis Chapter 3.
19.  We saw in chapter 1 that God created man, male and female.  He sees them as one and yet He created them uniquely different and corresponding (suitable) to one another.  How has this chapter changed your idea on marriage or reinforced it?  .....
20.  Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 1


Observation Questions For

Genesis Chapter 1

1. What did God create in the beginning? vs. 1 - Name 2 things
2. What was the earth like when it was first created? vs. 2
3. What was over the surface of the deep? vs. 2
4. Who was moving over the surface of the waters? vs. 2
5. What did God say to the darkness on that first day of creation? vs. 3
6. What did God say about what He had created? vs. 3
7. What did God do with light and darkness? vs. 4
8. What did God call the light? vs. 5
9. What did God call the darkness? vs. 5
Note: There was evening & there was morning, one day. (vs.5)
10. On the 2nd day of creation, what did God speak in the midst of the waters? vs. 6
11. What was the purpose of it? vs. 6
12. God separated the waters _____ from the waters which were _____. (vs.7)
Note: There was evening & there was morning, a second day. (vs.8)
13. On the 3rd day of creation, what did God speak to the waters to do? (vs. 9)
14. What did God say to appear from the waters? vs. 9
15. What did God call the dry land? vs. 10
16. What did God call the gathering of waters? vs. 10
17. What did God see about this 3rd day of creatoin? vs. 10
18. What did God speak to the earth (dry land) to do? vs. 11 - Name 3 things
19. What would the plants yield from themselves? vs. 11
20. What would the fruit trees bear? vs. 11
21. What did God see about this creation on the 3rd day? vs.13
Note: There was evening & there was morning, a third day.(vs.13)
22. On the 4th day of creation, what did God speak to come forth into the expanse of the heavens? vs. 14
23. What was the purpose for these? vs. 14,15 - Name 6 things
24. God made the two great lights; the greater light (the sun) govered the day; and the lesser light (the moon) governed the night. He made the stars also. (vs.16) .. What did God do with the stars and what was their purpose? Name 2 things vs. 17,18
25. What did God see of His 4th day of creation? vs.18
Note: There was evening & there was morning, a fourth day. (vs.19)
26. What did God speak to the waters and create in them on the 5th day of creation? vs.20
27. What did God speak to the expanse and create in them on the 5th day of creation? vs. 20
28. What did God create to swarm in the waters? vs. 21 - Name 2 groups
29. What did God create in the heavens on the 5th day? vs. 21
30. What did God see about His creation on the 5th day? vs. 21
31. What did God say in His blessing to the sea creatures and birds on the 5th day? vs. 22
Note: There was evening & there was morning, a fifth day. (vs.23)
32. What did God speak to the earth (dry land) on the sixth day of creation? vs. 24 - Name 4 groups
33. What did God see of His creation of the animals on the sixth day? vs. 25
34. What did God say after He created the animals on the sixth day? vs. 26
35. What pronoun is used? Does this refer to more than one person? Yes, the word in the Hebrew is Elohim for Creator, and it has a plural ending which denotes 3 or more. Who is God, the Father speaking to? It is God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. We have seen the Spirit moving over the waters in vs. 2 and know He is there with God the Father. Spend some time to see the verses in the New Testament that show us Jesus, the Son, was there with the Father and the Holy Spirit also. Look up these verses and state how the world was created as well as upheld and sustained today by Jesus.
  • John 1:1-14 -
  • Colossians 1:15-20 -
  • Hebrews 1:1-4 -
  • Hebrews 1:10 -13 -
36. How was man created? vs. 26 - Name 2 things
37. What was man to rule over? vs.26
38. God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; _____ and _____ He created them. (vs. 27). Do you understand now why you can always insert mankind and include the female when you see the male in most Scripture unless it is being very specific about the gender being referred to? Neat huh?
39. God blessed them and what did He say to them? vs. 28 - Name 7 things
40. What had God given to them to have for food? vs. 29 - Name 2 groups of food
41. What had God given for food to every beast of the earth and every bird of the sky and to everything that moved on the earth? vs. 30
Note: This shows that beasts did not eat meat in the beginning before sin entered the world; they were at peace with humans.
42. What did God see about what He had made on the 6th and final day of creation? vs. 31 - Did you notice a describing word added after making man?
Note: There was evening & there was morning, a sixth day. (vs.31)
43. Just as God is the source of His creation, so creation can bring us back to God (Romans 1:20).
  • What can we learn about God by looking at creation?
  • What do we owe to God because He is our Creator?
44. What do we understand by faith according to Hebrews 11:3?
45. How has your faith been increased with today's lesson?
46. Summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Revelation Worksheet - Chapter 22


Note: This chapter closes the Book of Revelation. It is also the final Word of God. Jesus Christ has sounded forth the great message of Revelation. He has revealed the end of time, what is going to happen during the last years of human history. But we also have been given a hope that there will be no more tears, sorrow, suffering or death, but a world of righteousness, joy & life. It also contains a final challenge of a loving Savior who came into this world to die for the sins of the human race and has consistently sent His Spirit through his servants to convey His loving gospel message to them.
  1. What was John shown that came from the throne of God and of the Lamb? vs. 1
  2. What was it's appearance like? vs. 1
  3. Where did it flow? vs. 1
  4. What was on either side of the river? vs. 2
  5. What did the trees bear and when did it yield the fruit? vs. 2
  6. What brought healing to the nations? vs. 2
  7. There will no longer be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him. They will see His face! ... What will be on their foreheads? vs.4
  8. There will no longer be any night. Why will we not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun? vs.5
  9. The angel said to John, "These words are faithful and true."..What did God send His angels to show His bond-servants? vs. 6
  10. He is coming quickly. Who is the one that is blessed? vs. 7
  11. John testifies that he is the one who heard and saw these things. What did he do in response to hearing and seeing them? vs. 8
  12. The angel told John not to do that because he was a fellow servant of his and of his brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Who did he tell John to worship? vs. 9
  13. Why did the angel say not to seal up the words of the prophecy of this book? vs. 10
  14. The angel said to let those who do wrong, still do wrong, and to let the righteous still "practice" righteousness. (vs.11) He is coming quickly. What is with Him? vs. 12
  15. Fill in the blank from vs. 13 - "I am the _____ and the _____, the _____ and the _____, the ______ and the ______."
  16. Blessed are those who wash their robes. What will they have the right to do? vs. 14 - Name 2 things
  17. Who are outside of the city? vs. 15 - Name 6 groups
  18. Who did Jesus send His angel to testify to John on behalf of? vs. 16
  19. Who is Jesus the descendant of? vs. 16
  20. What are the 3 things Jesus called Himself in verse 16?
  21. What does the Spirit and the bride (the church) say? vs. 17
  22. What should the one who hears this book say to others? vs. 17
  23. What is free to everyone who is thirsty? vs. 17
  24. John testifies to everyone that whoever 'hears' the words of the prophecy of this book is not to "add" anything to them. What will happen to those who do? vs. 18
  25. Also, no one is to take anything 'away' from the words of this book of prophecy. What will happen to those who do? vs. 19
  26. What does Jesus say to us? vs. 20
  27. What do we say to Him in return? vs. 20
  28. What is John's last words to us as we close this blessed book? vs. 21
  29. Then that voice, richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, is heard, saying: ‘Your conflict is ended.’ ‘...Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’ This is our hope. This is our destiny. We can live forever. If we miss eternity, we have missed everything.If we are not ready for Christ’s soon return, we will miss the greatest event in history. Jesus says “Come: Come to forgiveness. Come for mercy. Come for victory over besetting sin. Come to eternity. Come enter the kingdom prepared for you.” If you desire to live in His kingdom forever, bow before Him, surrender your life to Him, take into your hands the Holy Bible, open it with a prayer for guidance, read it and bring its teachings into your life. Ask Him to guide you and make this a reality for you.

    “Even so, Come Lord Jesus.”

  30. Summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Revelation Worksheet - Chapter 21


  1. What did John see that was new? vs. 1 - Name 2 things
  2. What happened to the first ones? vs. 1
  3. What is not a part of the new earth? vs. 1

    Interesting - all united; no seas parting us.
  4. What did John see coming down out of heaven? vs. 2
  5. How was this city ready for God? vs. 2
  6. John heard a loud voice from the throne. What was the voice announcing? vs. 3
  7. What will God do when we are in our new home? vs. 4
  8. What will there no longer be? vs. 4 - Name 4 things
  9. What happens to the past things? vs. 4
  10. What did John hear from the One who sits on the throne? vs. 5
  11. The Lord said, "It is done." What did He call Himself? vs. 6 - Name 4 things
  12. What will the Lord give to anyone who is thirsty? vs. 6
  13. Who is going to inherit these things? vs. 7
  14. Who will experience the lake of fire? vs. 8 - Name 7 groups
  15. What is the lake of fire called? vs. 8
  16. One of the 7 angels who had the 7 bowls full of the 7 last plagues, spoke to John, and wanted to interupt the scene to show him something very special. What did he want to show John? vs. 9
  17. John was carried away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain and was shown the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.(vs.10) ... having the glory of God. What was her brillance like? vs.11
  18. John continues to describe the New Jerusalem that he saw coming down from heaven. It had a great and high wall around it. How many gates did it have? vs. 12
  19. What was at every gate? vs. 12
  20. What names were written on the 12 gates? vs. 12
  21. How many gates were on each side? vs. 13
  22. John described the wall of the city has having 12 foundation stones. What name was inscribed on each layer of stone? vs. 14
  23. The one speaking with John had a gold measuring rod in his hand. What was he going to measure? vs. 15 - Name 3 things
  24. How is the city laid out? vs. 16
  25. All sides are equal. What is the distance of each? vs. 16
  26. How far across is the wall in depth? vs. 17 - What could we compare that to in our thinking?
  27. Are human and angelic measurements the same? vs. 17
  28. After the 12 foundation stones, how did he describe the rest of the wall? vs. 18
  29. He goes on to describe the foundation stones and how they adorned the city. Name the 12 stones given from vs.19-20
  30. What were the 12 gates made out of? vs. 21
  31. What were the streets of the city made of and what did they look like to John? vs. 21
  32. John did not see a temple in it. Who is the temple? vs. 22 - Name 2
  33. Why does the city not need a sun or moon to shine on it? vs. 23
  34. The nations will walk by the light the city gives. What will the kings of the new earth do? vs. 24 -
  35. Will the gates ever close in the daytime? vs. 25
  36. Will there be any night there? vs. 25
  37. What will be brought into the gates of the city? vs. 26
  38. What will never enter into it? vs. 27
  39. Who are the only ones who can enter into the city? vs. 27
  40. Aren't you looking forward to living on the new earth and entering into the new Jerusalem because you have your name in the Lamb's Book of Life? Glory to God \o/ ....
  41. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Revelation Worksheet - Chapter 20


  1. John saw an angel coming down from heaven. What was he holding? vs. 1 - Name 2 things
  2. John saw the angel lay hold of the dragon. Who is the dragon according to this verse? vs. 2 - Name 3 other names for him.
  3. When the angel took the chain and bound the devil, how many years would he be bound up? vs. 2
  4. Where did the angel throw him? vs. 3a
  5. What did the angel do after he threw him into it? vs. 3b - Name 2 things
  6. What would the devil not be able to do during those 1000 years? vs. 3c
  7. After the 1000 years are complete, what must happen for a short time? vs. 3d
  8. After this, John saw thrones and those who sat on them. Judgment was given to them. What had happened to the souls that John saw? vs. 4a
  9. Why did this happen to them? vs. 4b - Name 5 things
  10. What happened to these souls at the return of Christ to earth? vs. 4c - Name 2 things
  11. When did the rest of the dead (the unbelievers) come to life? vs. 5
  12. Why are the ones who had a part in the first resurrection considered blessed and holy? vs. 6 - Name 3 things
  13. What will happen when the 1000 years are completed? vs.7
  14. What will Satan do when he is released? vs. 8
  15. Use a Bible concordance to find out more about Gog and Magog. Share your information if you would like with us.
  16. When the nations are deceived, they will gather together for the war. How many of them will their be? vs. 8
  17. They will come up on the broad plain of the earth and surround the camp of the saints and the beloved city (Jerusalem). What will happen to all of them? vs. 9
  18. The devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone. Who did he join? vs. 10
  19. How long will these be tormented? vs. 10
  20. After this, John saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it. What had happened to heaven and earth? vs. 11
  21. John saw the dead (the unbelievers) - great and small - standing before the throne. Books were opened and they were judged from the things written in the books, according to their deeds. What other book was there? vs. 12
  22. What gave up the dead (unbelievers) at this time? vs. 13 - Name 3 things
  23. How were the dead judged? vs. 13
  24. What happened to death and Hades? vs. 14
  25. What is the lake of fire called? vs. 14
  26. Who was thrown into the lake of fire? vs. 15
  27. Note: This chapter is exciting for those of us who believe in Jesus today and know that we will be riding with Him to rule and reign over the earth for 1000 years (Rev.19:14; 20:6). It is sobering, however, to realize that the people who have died without Christ will be resurrected and stand before the Great White Throne of God to give an account of their deeds.(Rev.20:12). Most sobering is that the Book of Life will be opened at that time, and if their name is not in the Book of Life, they will be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev.20:15).

    I believe as many commentators do that every person is recorded in the Book of Life when God gives them physical life from the womb. It is His will that none perish, but that all have eternal life (John 3:16).  The only way a name is erased from that Book is if the person rejects the Gospel that is offered him. (Psalm 69:28; Rev.3:5) I don't know how many chances a person gets in their lifetime to hear and reject, but it is clear that those who belong to Christ hear His voice and follow Him as shown to us in John chapter 10. There is a Lamb's Book of LIfe that was written before the foundation of the earth (Rev.13:8; 21:27) ... for He is all-knowing and He knows who will come to Him. Our job is to ask them to "Come".

    What does Revelation 22:17 say? Who will you invite to "come" today?
  28. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...