Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Titus Worksheet - Chapter 3

Titus 3    

  1. What did Paul tell Titus to remind the church to be? vs.1,2 - Name 8 things
  2. What did Paul remind Titus about concerning their former way of life? vs. 3 - Name 8 things
  3. What happened to change them? vs. 4
  4. What is our salvation 'not' based on? vs. 5
  5. What happened to bring about our salvation? vs. 5
  6. According to God's mercy, we have been washed by regeneration and we have been renewed by the Holy Spirit. (vs.5).. What was accomplished by this renewal? vs. 6,7
  7. How did Paul want Titus to speak about these things? vs. 8
  8. What did Paul want the people to engage in and why? vs. 8
  9. What did Paul tell Titus to avoid and why? vs. 9
  10. What instruction did Paul give Titus concerning a "factious" man? vs. 10,11
  11. Paul was going to send Artemas or Tychicus to Titus. He wanted Titus to make every effort to come to him at Nicopolis. How long was Paul going to be there? vs. 12
  12. Paul gave instructions to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way so that they lacked in nothing. (vs.13) He stated again that the people needed to learn to "engage in good deeds". Why should we meet pressing needs of others? vs. 14
  13. Paul sent greetings from all who were with him. He asked that Titus greet those who loved them in the faith. What were his final words in this letter to Titus? vs. 15
  14. As you look back over this chapter, think of when the Lord gave you "regeneration" and "renewal" through His Spirit. When was that and how did His kindness change your way of living?
  15. Twice Paul said in this chapter that we must "learn to engage in good deeds" and to meet the pressing needs of others. How have you seen this enrich your lives and what has He laid on your heart to do for another person or a ministry that is on your heart?
  16. It would be good to go back through this short book of Titus and list your favorite verses from each chapter; words that you would like to implant deeper into your heart. Write out your summary and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Titus Worksheet - Chapter 2

Titus 2    

  1. What did Paul command Titus to speak? vs. 1
  2. How did Paul say that older men were to behave? vs. 2 - Name 6 things
  3. How did he say the older women were to behave? vs. 3 - Name 4 things
  4. What are older women suppose to teach younger women? vs. 4 - Name 7 things
  5. What did Paul tell Titus to urge the young men to do? vs. 6
  6. How was Titus himself to behave? vs. 7,8 - Name 4 things.
  7. How would the good behavior of Titus effect anyone that would oppose him or his doctrine? vs. 8
  8. What was Titus to urge bondslaves to do? vs. 9,10 - Name 5 things
  9. How do we "adorn" the doctrine of God according to verse 10?
  10. What has the grace of God appeared to bring? vs. 11
  11. What does the grace of God instruct us to do? vs. 11,12 - Name 5 things.
  12. What does the grace of God cause us to look for? vs. 13
  13. What did Jesus accomplish for us when He gave Himself on the cross? vs. 13,14 - Name 4 things
  14. How was Titus to deliver these instructions to the people? vs. 15 - Name 5 things
  15. As you think through today's lesson, think about the role that older women are to have with younger women. Do you think we have lost this in our culture today? Why do you think that has happened? If you are a younger women, who do you have helping you walk in these things mentioned? If you are an older woman, who are you helping walk this way?
  16. Bondslaves were those servants who chose not to go free, but to remain a helper to their master with freewill. What did their godly living do for the doctrines of God? What will happen if we do the same thing with those in authority over us?
  17. Summarize your thoughts today and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Titus Worksheet - Chapter 1

Titus 1    

  1. How did Paul describe himself in this letter written to Titus? vs. 1
  2. What is the reason that Paul serves the Lord in this way? vs. 1,2
  3. What characteristics of God did you learn in vs.1-2?
  4. What did God promise long ages ago but has now manifested at the proper time? vs. 2,3
  5. Paul was entrusted with the Words of Eternal Life in Jesus by commandment of the Lord. (vs.3) He is writing this letter to Titus. What does he call him? vs. 4
  6. What greetings does Paul give to Titus? vs. 4
  7. Why did Paul leave Titus in Crete? vs. 5
  8. What are the qualifications for an elder (or overseer) of the church? vs.6-9 - Name 19 things.
  9. The overseer (elder or pastor) must be able to refute those who contradict the Word because there are many rebellious men within the church. Name the characteristics Paul gives of them. vs. 10 - Name 7 things
  10. These men were upsetting whole families. Why did Paul say they must be reproved severely? vs.13,14
  11. Paul said that to the "pure", all things "are pure". What are things to the "defiled and unbelieving"? vs. 15
  12. Although the "defiled and unbelieving" profess to know God, what proves that they really do not know him? vs. 16
  13. As you think through the qualifications of a pastor and elders of a church body, do you feel the leaders in your church have these qualifications? Do you know them well enough to know what they have and don't have?
  14. Why do you think it is important for leadership to be held to such a high standard?
  15. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 4

2 Timothy 4    

  1. As Paul brings this last letter to Timothy to a close, who does he have as a witness when he solemnly charges him to preach the word? vs. 1
  2. When did Paul say Timothy should preach the word? vs. 2
  3. How did Paul say Timothy should use the Word? vs. 2 - Name 5 things
  4. How did Paul describe the time that was soon coming and the reason Timothy needed to preach the Word in season and out of season? vs. 3,4
  5. What kind of teachers do many people like to listen to? vs.3
  6. What commands did Paul give to Timothy in contrast? vs. 5 - Name 4 things
  7. Paul said that he was already being poured out as a drink offering. What time had come for him? vs. 6,7
  8. What had Paul fought and what had he finished? vs. 7
  9. What did Paul say was reserved for him in heaven and for everyone who loves the appearing of the Lord? vs. 8
  10. Paul was telling Timothy to make every effort to come to him soon. What had his companion, Demas, done? Where had Crescens gone? What about Titus? vs. 10
  11. Who was the only companion left to be with Paul at this lonely time in his imprisonment? vs. 11
  12. Who does Paul want Timothy to pick up and bring with him when he comes? vs. 11
  13. Where had Paul sent Tychius to? vs.12
  14. What 2 things did Paul want Timothy to bring with him when he came to him? vs. 13
  15. Who had done much harm to Paul and what did Paul know the Lord would do in regard to him? vs. 14
  16. What did Paul warn Timothy about concerning this man? vs. 15
  17. Who of Paul's companions stood with him at his first defense when he was imprisoned at Rome? vs. 16
  18. Did Paul want this to be held against them? vs. 16
  19. Who DID stand with Paul and strengthen him? vs. 17
  20. What was Paul able to proclaim and accomplish during this intense time of suffering? vs. 17
  21. What did Paul know the Lord would do for him and what was his reaction for it? vs. 18
  22. Who did Paul send his greetings to in this letter? vs. 19
  23. What news did he report about Erastus and Trophimus? vs. 20
  24. Paul wants Timothy to make every effort to come before winter. Who does he send greetings from? vs. 21 - Name 5 people or groups
  25. What are the very last statements that Paul leaves with Timothy in the last words he ever wrote to him before he lost his life? vs. 22
  26. As you look back on this final letter to Timothy from Paul, do you have the urgency to preach the Word to others in season and out of season? Do we realize that people are listening to what they want to listen to and they have lost the accurate Word of God even in many of our churches today? We need to guard what has been entrusted to us and to teach others who will duplicate the disciples as well. It is so important that we cling to the accurate and full Word of God.
  27. Look at how satisfied Paul was with his life as he enters his final battle. He had no one but the Lord to stand with him in the end and yet he knew that he had fought the good fight and kept the faith. He knew he had finished the course the Lord had designed him for. If we have that at the end, we can die satisfied, knowing our reward awaits in heaven. How will reading this letter effect your life from this point forward?
  28. Summarize your thoughts and post a prayer if you would like. Tomorrow we will begin reading another pastoral letter from Paul to Titus. Hope you will be back to join in with us.


Father God, I pray ...

2 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 3

2 Timothy 3    

  1. What did Paul want Timothy to realize would come in the last days? vs. 1
  2. What characteristics did Paul give that mankind would become like in the last days? vs. 2-5 - Name 19 things
  3. These men hold to a "form" of godliness, but do not apply the power of the Lord to "live" a godly life. What did Paul tell Timothy to do regarding these type of men? vs. 5
  4. Who do these type of men "prey" on? vs.6
  5. Paul gives the example of two men who opposed Moses and says that in the same way these men continue to learn but never come to the knowledge of truth. What 3 things did Paul say that these men were like the ones that opposed Moses? vs.8 - Name 3 things
  6. Just like Jannes and Jambres that opposed Moses, these men's folly will become obvious to all. (vs.9) In contrast, Timothy had followed Paul's example. What characteristics of Paul did Timothy follow? vs. 10,11 - Name 9 things
  7. What were 3 of the places that Paul mentioned his sufferings took place? vs. 11
  8. What did the Lord do for Paul each time he suffered persecution? vs. 11
  9. What can we be assured of if we desire to live godly in Christ Jesus? vs. 12
  10. How will evil men and imposters proceed with time? vs. 13
  11. What was Timothy to continue in? vs. 14
  12. What had Timothy known from childhood? vs. 15
  13. What is able to give us wisdom that leads us to salvation through faith in Jesus? vs.15
  14. Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is inspiried by God. What is it profitable for? vs.16 - Name 4 things
  15. What is the purpose of being trained in the Word of God? vs. 17
  16. As you think through this chapter, we see a contrast between the "imposters" and the "genuine" believers. Paul wants Timothy to realize how important the Scriptures are, not only because they lead to salvation when we place our faith in Christ, but also because they are profitable for everything we need in our lives. How much time are you committing to the Scriptures for training to be ready for every good work?
  17. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

Friday, February 24, 2012

2 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 2

2 Timothy 2    

  1. What did Paul tell Timothy to be "strong" in? vs. 1
  2. Do you ever think about being strong in this? Why or why not? How do you believe that can be applied to our lives?
  3. Paul had taught Timothy in the presence of many witnesses. What does he ask Timothy to do with the knowledge he has now? vs. 2
  4. What does Paul tell Timothy to suffer with him? vs. 3
  5. What does Paul give as a comparison of doing this? vs. 3
  6. What is true about the active soldier? vs. 4
  7. Who does the soldier seek to please? vs. 4
  8. What is the next comparison Paul wants Timothy to make? vs. 5
  9. What must he do in order to "win the prize"? vs. 5
  10. What is the next comparison Paul wants Timothy to make? vs. 6
  11. Paul said that the Lord would give Timothy understanding in everything he was telling him. What 2 things did Paul want him to remember concerning Jesus Christ? vs. 8
  12. What had Paul's faith and ministry for Jesus brought to him? vs. 9
  13. Regardless of his chains, what did Paul say regarding the Word of God? vs. 9
  14. Who was Paul willing to endure all things for and why? vs. 10
  15. Paul gave a trustworthy statement about our relationship to the Lord. If we "died with Him" through our faith in Him, what will also happen? vs. 11
  16. Notes concerning vs.11-14

    Paul told Timothy it was trustworthy to believe that if we died with Christ, we would also live with Him; if we endure, we will reign with Him; if we deny Him, He will deny us; and if we are faithless, He will remain faithful because He cannot deny Himself. Paul wanted Timothy to remind the believers of these things. If you want to take time to look up the commentaries and comment on these things, feel free to. I know from our years in Precept, we have looked at the Greek tense of the verbs and we know this is speaking about the fact that a true believer has died to themselves and they will live with Christ. We also know that a true believer will endure because of the Holy Spirit's presence, which is covered in the book of Hebrews, the perseverance of the saints. As true believers, we will not deny Him, and although we might be faithless at times, we have the assurance that He will remain faithful and never deny Himself or His promises to us. For the sake of our daily reading, you can assume that... or you are most welcome to investigate the Greek verbs for yourself and go into trusted commentary work. You can find trusted commentaries at this link if you would like to work on this.
  17. What did Paul want Timothy to remind them "not" to do and why? vs. 14
  18. What was Timothy to be diligent to present himself as? vs. 15
  19. What was he to handle "accurately"? vs. 15
  20. Why did Paul tell Timothy to avoid worldly and empty chatter? vs.16,17
  21. Paul mentioned Hymenaeus and Philetus, who had gone astray from the truth. What had they believed and how did they upset some of the others? vs. 17,18
  22. Nevertheless, the firm foundaiton of God stands! What is the seal we can trust? vs. 19
  23. What should we abstain from if we name the Lord's Name? vs. 19
  24. Paul talks of how there are costly vessels and common vessels in a large house; some of honor and some of dishonor.(vs.20) If we cleanse ourselves of unholy things, we will be a vessel for honor and sanctified for the Master. What will we be prepared for? vs. 21
  25. What does Paul tell Timothy to flee from (run from) ? vs. 22
  26. What should Timothy pursue (run after)? vs. 22 - Name 4 things.
  27. Who should Timothy pursue these things with? vs. 22
  28. What is Timothy to refuse to be a part of and why? vs. 23
  29. Paul tells Timothy that the Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome. How does he describe the way we should be? vs.23-24 - Name 4 things
  30. In what manner are we to deal with people even when they need to be corrected? vs. 24
  31. What is the reason we are to do this? vs. 25
  32. If they come to repentance and the knowledge of the truth, what will they be able to escape in their lives? vs. 26
  33. In thinking through this chapter, think about what it means to be a soldier for the Lord; an athelete for the Lord; and a hard-working farmer for the Lord. How will this chapter effect your life from this point forward? If you need to cleanse your vessel, the Lord tells you He will sanctify you and put you to useful work for Him. Read 1 John 1:9 and take this time to cleanse before the Lord.
  34. Summarize today's lesson and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 1

2 Timothy 1    

Paul identifies himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life in Christ Jesus. He is writing this last letter before his death in a Roman dungeon to his son in the faith, Timothy.
  1. What are the 3 greetings he gives him at the beginning of this intimate letter? vs. 1,2
  2. Paul thanks God who he serves with a clear conscience the way his forefathers did.(vs.3) What does he want Timothy to know in regard to his affection for him? vs.3,4 - Name 3 things
  3. What was Paul mindful of concerning Timothy and his upbringing? vs. 5 - Name 3 things
  4. For this reason, Paul reminded Timothy to "kindle afresh" or "fan the flame" of the gift of God that he had received when Paul had laid hands upon him. (vs.6) What did Paul want Timothy to remember in regard to God's gift to him? vs. 7 - Name 4 things
  5. What 2 things did Paul not want Timothy to be ashamed of? vs. 8
  6. What did Paul ask Timothy to join him in? vs. 8

    Note this: Paul knew that Timothy could suffer for the gospel as he did if he understood that it was according to the power of God. God was the One who had saved them and called them with a holy calling.
  7. Was this calling according to their own works? What did Paul say was the reason for God's call on their lives? vs. 9
  8. God's grace in Christ Jesus was theirs from all eternity (vs.9), but had now been "revealed" by the appearing of the Lord Christ Jesus. What did Jesus do in His first appearing to earth? vs. 9,10 - Name 3 things
  9. What 3 areas of ministry did Paul say that he was called to serve in? vs. 11
  10. Why is Paul not ashamed of the things he suffers for because of his calling in Christ? vs. 12
  11. What did Paul instruct Timothy to do concerning the sound words he had heard from him? vs. 13
  12. What did Paul tell Timothy to guard through the Holy Spirit that dwells within us? vs. 14
  13. Who turned away from Paul in Asia? What 2 people did he specifically say were included in this? vs. 15
  14. Why did Paul pray that the Lord would grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus? vs.16-18 - Name 4 things he did for Paul.

  15. As you think back on today's lesson, have you ever thought of the invitation to join in suffering for the Gospel? How did Paul help Timothy to understand that it was a privilege and that God would provide the strength to endure it?
  16. Paul reminded Timothy that God did not give him a spirit of timidity, but one of power and discipline. Do you sometimes feel 'timid' in regard to the gift(s) that God has blessed you with? How can you apply what Paul has told Timothy in today's reading?
  17. Summarize your thoughts and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 6

1 Timothy 6    

Slavery was practiced in Biblical times. I read that about 1/2 of the population of the Roman empire were those in slavery. When a person became a Christian, they had the newfound freedom in Christ that set them free from their sin and their sin nature, but they were still slaves in a social sense and had an obligation to continue to serve their masters "unto" the Lord.
  1. Why did Paul tell Timothy that the slaves were to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor? vs. 1
  2. What instruction did Paul give to Timothy in regard to those who had "believers" as their masters? vs. 2

    It might have been a temptation to feel that a "brother" in Christ was your "equal" rather than your "master", but they needed to understand that the role of authority was to still be honored.
  3. What does the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ ask us to conform to? vs.3
  4. If anyone disagrees with the doctrine conforming to "godliness", what characteristics did Paul tell Timothy they would display? vs. 3-5 - Name 11 things
  5. In verse 5, it says that those who disagreed with the sound words of Jesus Christ, thought that godliness was a means of gain (in their interpretation of it). How does Paul explain to Timothy that godliness can actually "be" a great gain to a believer? vs. 6
  6. What are we to be content with? vs. 7,8
  7. In reference to the subject of "contentment", what did Paul tell the Philippians that he had learned about being content? Read Philippians 4:11-14 and share your thoughts.
  8. What happens to those who want to get "rich"? vs.9-10 - Name 7 things
  9. Paul told Timothy to flee (run) from these things. Being a man of God, what was Timothy to pursue (run after)? vs.11 - Name 6 things
  10. What did Paul encourage Timothy to "fight" for? vs. 12
  11. What did Paul tell Timothy to take "hold" of? vs. 12
  12. When Timothy was called to salvation, what did he do? vs. 12
  13. Therefore, what is Paul "charging" Timothy to do ... in the "presence of God" who gives life to all things, ... and in the presence of "Christ Jesus", who testified the good confession before Pontius Pilate? vs.13-14
  14. To understand the things that Jesus 'confessed' about Himself being "The Christ" to Pontius Pilate, read John 18:33-38, 19:10-11. Summarize what you learn from this.
  15. Paul told Timothy to keep the commandment of teaching these principles without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will bring about at the proper time. (vs.14) Paul breaks forth in praise of His coming. \o/ ... What does he proclaim about the Lord Jesus Christ? vs.15-16 - Name 11 Things
  16. After the pause for praise, Paul returns to the subject of riches. What is Timothy to instruct the rich about in this present world ? vs. 17-18 - List 8 Things
  17. What does God richly supply us with? vs. 17
  18. What will storing our treasures in heaven bring about for us on earth and in the life to come? vs. 19
  19. What does Paul want Timothy to guard? vs. 20
  20. What is Timothy to avoid? vs. 20 - Name 3 Things
  21. What happened to some of those who believed false teaching to be knowledge? vs. 20
  22. What is Paul's powerful last words to his son in the faith, Timothy? vs. 21
  23. As you think about this chapter, how are you doing in the department of "contentment"? Remember that Paul said we should be content with food and clothing. If we learn the secret, as Paul did, of being content in all circumstances, then our godliness will have "great gain" in this life and in the life to come. Summarize your thoughts and post a prayer if you desire.
  24. Think back on the subjects covered in this first letter to Timothy from Paul. It would be profitable to make a list of those things you want to remember from the letter; maybe your favorite verses. I am praying for each of you, and ask that you please remember to pray for me as well. Note: These letters are written close to the end of Paul's life. We will see a very intimate exchange to his son of faith, Timothy, in the 2nd and last letter Paul wrote. Don't miss it.


Father God, I pray ...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 5

1 Timothy 5    

  1. How did Paul tell Timothy to appeal to the older men? vs. 1
  2. How did he say to appeal to the younger men? vs. 1
  3. How did he say to appeal to the older women? vs. 2
  4. How did he say to appeal to the younger women? vs. 2
  5. Paul told Timothy to honor widows who are widows indeed. If however, they have children or grandchildren, who should be the ones to care for their widowed mother or grandmother and why? vs.3-4
  6. For those in the church who were widows indeed who did not have others to take care of them, who would they fix their hope on and what would they do night and day? vs. 5
  7. If a widow gives herself to wanton pleasure instead, what condition is she in? vs. 6
  8. Why should Timothy prescribe these things to the church? vs. 7
  9. Referring back to family members who have a widow to care for, what does Paul say they are like if they do not provide care for her? vs. 8
  10. In order for the church to put a widow on their list to take care of, what were the characteristcs she should have? vs.9-10 . Name 5 things.
  11. Why did Paul say that Timothy should not put the younger widows on the church 'care list'? vs.11-12
  12. To keep the younger women from being idle and busybodies, what did Paul prefer that they do so the enemy would not have an occasion to bring reproach on them? vs. 13-14 If any woman who is a believer has dependent widows, she must assist them so the church would not be burdened. This would help the church be able to better assist those who were widows indeed. (vs.16)
  13. What are the elders who rule well and work hard at preaching/teaching considered to be worthy to receive from the members? vs. 17-18
  14. What should be in place before the church should ever receive an accusation against an elder? vs.19
  15. If an elder has been sinning, and the proper things have been done, but he continues to sin, what should be done and why? vs. 20
  16. Who does Paul have in his presence as he solemnly charges Timothy to maintain these principles without bias and partiality? vs. 21 - Name 3 in his presence.
  17. Why does Paul warn Timothy not to lay hands upon one too hastily for leadership positions? vs. 22
  18. Timothy had stomach problems and frequent ailments. What did Paul suggest that he do for medicinal purposes? vs. 23
  19. What does Paul remind Timothy about concerning the sins of men? vs. 24,25
  20. As you think upon this chapter, what should a woman be investing her life in so that she is honored when she is older and possibly becomes a widow needing to be cared for? Do you believe your church cares for widows as they should? Do you believe your church gives double honor to those who work hard at preaching and teaching the Word? How can you make a difference in these areas?
  21. Take time to summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Monday, February 20, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 4

1 Timothy 4    

  1. What does the Spirit say will happen in later times? vs. 1
  2. What will cause some to fall away from the faith? vs. 1
  3. Who will teach these doctrines of demons? vs. 1,2
  4. What 2 things are given as examples of things they will forbid? vs. 3
  5. What does God say about all things that He has created to eat? vs. 3-5
  6. How are we to receive our food? vs. 4
  7. How is our food sanctified by God? vs. 5 .... Does this explain why we say "grace" at meals?
  8. What did Paul say to Timothy in regard to pointing out these things to the church? vs.6 - Name 3 things
  9. What are we to have 'nothing' to do with? vs. 7
  10. What should we discipline ourselves in and what will it profit us? vs. 7-9
  11. Why did Paul and Timothy "labor and strive" to deliver the Gospel to others and to teach them these godly principles of life? vs. 10-11
  12. Paul told Timothy not to "let" anyone look "down" on his youthfulness. Instead, what was he to show himself an "example" of? vs. 12 - Name 5 things
  13. What did Paul tell Timothy to give attention to until he came to him again? vs. 13 - Name 3 things
  14. What was Timothy not to "neglect"? vs. 14
  15. How serious was Timothy to take all that Paul was telling him to do? vs. 15
  16. Paul told Timothy to pay close attention to himself and to his teaching. He told him to persevere in these things. What would he ensure for himself and others that listened to him in this way? vs. 16
  17. Do you feel that you take pain to be absorbed in the things of God? Do you work on your godly disciplines as much or more than you do your bodily disciplines? How will reading this chapter effect your way of life from this point forward?
  18. Give summary statements of today's reading and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 3

1 Timothy 3    

  1. What does Paul say about any man who aspires to the office of overseer in the church? vs. 1
  2. Name the 16 characteristics that an overseer should have. vs.2-7
  3. Why is it important that the overseer manage his own household well? (vs.4,5)
  4. Why is it important that he not be a new convert? vs. 6
  5. Why is it important that he have a good reputation with those outside of the church? vs. 7
  6. What characteristics did Paul tell Timothy the deacons should have? vs.8-10,also vs.12 - Name 11 things
  7. What was required of every man before they were ordained as a deacon of the church? vs. 10
  8. What characteristics were the women to have who would serve as deaconesses or wives of deacons? vs. 11 Name 4 things
  9. What did Paul say that the deacons who served well would obtain for themselves? vs. 13 - Name 2 things
  10. Paul was writing to Timothy, hoping to come to him before much longer. (vs.14). What was his purpose in writing to him in case he was delayed his visit? vs. 15
  11. What did Paul call the church of the living God? vs. 15 - Name 2 things
  12. What is the common confession and great mystery of godliness that Paul reminded Timothy of? vs. 16 - Name 6 Things about the Lord Jesus.
  13. As you think back on today's chapter, think of the people who serve in leadership positions where you attend church or where you know people who are leaders to some degree in their church settings. Do you believe that the church is failing us sometime in not vetting leadership as they should according to the Scriptures? What kind of impact would it be to our young people if the leadership were truly of these highest qualities that Paul said they need to be.
  14. How will this chapter effect your life? Please summarize and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 2


1 Timothy 2    

  1. What 4 things did Paul say should be made on behalf of all men? vs. 1
  2. What is the purpose for praying for kings and all who are in authority positions over us? vs. 2 - Name 3 things
  3. What does God desire happen to all mankind? vs. 3,4 - Name 2 things
  4. How is Jesus described by Paul in this letter? vs.5,6
  5. What 3 ministry titles does Paul give himself in explaining his calling to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? vs. 7
  6. How does Paul instruct the men to pray in every place? Vs. 8 Name 3 ways given
  7. How does Paul instruct women to clothe themselves? vs. 9,10
  8. A woman is to quietly receive instructon in church. What is she not allowed to excercise over a man and what reason does Paul give for it? vs.11- 14
  9. What 3 areas does Paul emphasis that a woman continue in if she is to be preserved through bearing children? vs. 15

    My notes: Paul was instructing Timothy for the church in Ephesus about women in this way. We need to remember that they had the statue of Diana (Artemis) there and their culture was to worship her and they were told she had fell from heaven. There was a feminist type movement there for sure and he needed to make sure the women did not try to usurp the authority of the men, but that they realized how Eve was deceived through the serpent because of how a woman is 'wired' to be easily convinced at times through emotions, etc. verse 12 should read more like this. "I do not allow a woman to teach or proclaim herself to be the author (or creator) of Man" because they were truly backwards at putting the woman before the man in their culture and needed this teaching to correct them. I thought it would be good for us to see how Paul instructed the church at Corinth in regard to women and the gifts of the spirit, and to look at some examples of women in ministry in the New Testament so that we can get a proper balance of what is being indicated and what could easily be taken out of context, etc. So, if you would like look up a few more verses and comment about them below:
  10. When Paul told the women to cover their heads when they prayed; it was also when they were: _________ (see 1 Corinthians 11:5). What kind of gift is that? Would a woman need to "speak out loud" if she had that gift? Would it be in a church setting?
  11. I would like us to look at a husband-wife team in the Scriptures. Do you remember Aquilla & Priscilla? They are mentioned about 6 times in the New Testament. They were considered co-workers in the Gospel with Paul. They had a church that met in their home. At one time, the two of them took Apollos aside and taught him a more excellent way in regard to the Gospel. If you would like, you are welcome to look up some references to them. Here are the verses I found: Acts 18:2 - Acts 18:18 - Acts 18:26 - Romans 16:3 - 2 Timothy 4:19 - 1 Corinthians 16:9 -
  12. We know that there is Lydia who was meeting with women at the river for prayer. When she heard the gospel and opened her heart to believe, she also opened her home for meetings. She was a very prominent lady of the day. Acts 16:13-15 and Acts 16:40
  13. Another one we can look at is a woman deacon (or deaconess) by the name of Phoebe of the church at Cenchrea. Romans 16:1
  14. Also for the record, what kind of ministry did Philip's four daughters have? Acts 21:8
  15. Lastly, how does Paul refer to the two women named Euodia & Syntyche in Philippians 4:2?
  16. What was the prophecy given by the prophet Joel and repeated by Peter on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given to the church? Acts 2:16-18
  17. How can we balance out all the verses and still see that a woman is positionally subject to the man and the man to Christ in the headship of the home and yet under proper authority, women are blessed to use their spiritual gifts and callings in the same way as men are? Share your heart on this after investigating the Scriptures.
  18. Looking back over the entire chapter, prayer is the emphasis, and then we are given the instructions to the men and women in the services there. What verses spoke to your heart and how would you summarize what you have learned today? Post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Friday, February 17, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 1

1 Timothy 1    

  1. How is Paul described as he introduces himself in this letter? vs. 1
  2. How does Paul describe Timothy in this letter? vs. 2
  3. What 3 greetings does Paul give to Timothy as he begins this letter? vs. 2
  4. When Paul departed for Macedonia, where did he urge Timothy to remain at? vs. 3
  5. What did Paul want Timothy to instruct certain men about in Ephesus? vs. 3 Name 3 Things
  6. What do myths and endless genealogies lead to? vs. 4
  7. What is required to further the administration of God? vs.4
  8. What was the "goal" of Paul's instruction? vs. 5 Name 3 things.
  9. Why did some men "stray from these things"? vs.6,7
  10. Paul said that the "Law is good" when one uses it lawfully. (vs.8 ) He said we need to realize the fact that the "law" is not made for a "righteous" person. Who are the ones that he says the "law" is made for? vs. 9-11 - Name 14 Things Listed
  11. Paul thanks Christ Jesus our Lord for strengthening him and considering him faithful and putting him into service (vs.12). What was Paul's former way of life? vs.13 - Name 3 Things
  12. Why was Paul shown mercy for the things he had done previously? vs. 13
  13. What was "more than abundant" for Paul when he placed his faith and love in Jesus? vs. 14
  14. Paul said it was a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. What type of sinner did Paul describe himself to be? vs. 15
  15. Why was Paul shown mercy being such a sinner as he was? vs. 16
  16. Paul cannot help himself but to break out in praise to God for the grace that was shown to him. How did Paul describe our Lord when he praised Him? vs. 17 - Name 6 Things
  17. Timothy had previously received prophecies and now Paul is commanding him "by them" to "fight the good fight". How would Timothy fight the good fight? vs.19
  18. What has happened to the ones who have rejected to keep faith and a good conscience? vs. 19
  19. Who did Paul name that was among those who had been shipwrecked in regard to their faith, obviously by living in such a way that they did not have a good conscience? vs. 20
  20. Part of Paul's tough love for them was to allow them to suffer the consequences of their wrong. What did he do in order that they be taught not to blaspheme?
  21. As you think back through this first chapter of the first letter from Paul to Timothy, how important is it that we keep a good conscience? How are you fighting the "good fight" of faith today?
  22. Give your summary statements, favorite verses, and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2 Thessalonians Worksheet - Chapter 3


2 Thessalonians 3    

  1. As Paul brings this letter to a conclusion, he asks that they pray for him and his companions. What does he request they pray for specifically? vs. 1
  2. What else do they need pray for? vs. 2
  3. Who does Paul depend on for all their needs? What did he say the Lord would strengthen and protect them from? vs. 3
  4. Who did Paul have confidence in and what was it concerning? vs. 4
  5. What 2 things did Paul pray the Lord would do for the Thessalonians? vs. 5
  6. What did Paul command that they do concerning every brother (fellow Christian) that led an 'unruly' or 'undisciplined' life that was not according to the tradition they had received from them? vs. 6
  7. What example were the Thessalonians to follow? vs. 7
  8. How did Paul's life show a discipline they could imitate? vs.7-9
  9. What did Paul say about those who were not willing to work? vs. 10
  10. Some of the people in the church were leading an undisciplined life doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies. (vs.11) What did Paul command these people to do? vs. 12
  11. What did Paul tell them not to grow weary of? vs. 13
  12. Paul said if anyone did not obey the instructions in this letter, they were to take special note of that person and not associate with him. What was the purpose for this? vs. 14
  13. Rather than regard this undisiciplined person as an enemy, how were they to treat him? vs. 15
  14. What did Paul ask "the Lord of Peace" to do for the Thessalonians? vs. 16
  15. Paul wanted them to know that he wrote the greeting with his own hand. He said it was a distinguishing mark in every one of his letters. (vs.17) This was most likely to remind them not to believe a letter unless they saw it with this mark. Remember, they had received a letter that had disturbed them which was his purpose in writing another one to them. What common ending does Paul give in this letter? vs. 18
  16. Think through this chapter and back through the 3 chapters of 2 Thessalonians. What will you remember from this letter and how will it effect your life? Please share and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2 Thessalonians Worksheet - Chapter 2



2 Thessalonians 2    

  1. What was Paul's concern in regard to the Thessalonians being quickly shaken from their composure? vs. 1,2
  2. What 3 ways did Paul say that they might get a message that the Day of the Lord had come "as if" it came from them? vs. 2
  3. What did Paul tell them would come before the Day of the Lord would come? vs.3
  4. Look up the meaning of apostasy and share what you learn about it.
  5. Do you know what he means by "the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction"? vs. 3
  6. What are you told about this man from vs. 3,4 ? List 7 things you learn.
  7. What other places in the Bible have you learned of a similar person and/or situation that is to occur in the last days? Share if you know.
  8. Paul had told them about these things when he was with them. He said they knew what "restrained" this one from coming until his time. (vs.5,6) Do you have an idea what might be "restraining" him from coming at this time? (just give your thoughts here)
  9. Paul said that "the mystery of lawlessness" is already at work, but "he" who now "restrains" will do so until "he" is taken out of the way. (vs.7). .... This could very well be the believers who have the Holy Spirit within them when they are taken up at the rapture or the gathering Paul speaks about in verse 1 of this this chapter. (vs.1)..... Once the "restrainer" is gone, the "lawless" one will be revealed. What will eventually happen to him and when will his end come? vs.8
  10. What characteristics of this "lawless one" does Paul give to us in vs.9,10? Name 5 things.
  11. Who he is coming to deceive? vs. 10
  12. Will he be able to deceive anyone who is a believer in Jesus? How do you know from this chapter?
  13. Because the unbelievers did not receive "the love of the truth" so as to be "saved" - for this reason - God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false. (vs.11) What purpose does He have in doing this? vs. 12
  14. In contrast, what was Paul always thankful for? vs.13
  15. What characteristics does he give of the believers in Jesus? vs.13 - Name 5 things.
  16. Because we were chosen from the beginning for salvation, He has called us through the gospel so that we may gain the "glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." (vs.14) Since this is true, what are we instructed to do? vs. 15 - Name 2 Things
  17. How did they receive these instructions that they were to stand firm in? vs. 15 - Name 2 Things
  18. According to Paul, what has the Lord done for us? vs. 16 - Name 3 Things
  19. What is Paul asking that the Lord Jesus and God the Father do for the hearts of the believers in Thessalonica and of course, for us? vs. 17 - Name 2 Things and how they are to be worked out in our lives.
  20. Below are some Scriptures concerning the fact that Christians will be delivered out of the time of tribulation when the antichrist is revealed. Look them up and share what you learn from them:

    1 Thessalonians 1:10
    1 Thessalonians 5:9
    Revelation 2:7

    6 more times this passage says the same thing, “what the Spirit saith unto the churches” -- God is talking to the church, and the very next verse says,

    Revelation 4:1 .

    It’s the rapture trumpet! And you don’t find the church anymore in Revelation, other than in heaven at the end!

    Now, this is interesting.

    Revelation 13:9 -If any man have an ear, let him hear.

    Where is the church? Where is the Spirit? Both are in heaven! This is why I’m not looking for tribulation...but for evacuation! Not looking for antichrist but Jesus Christ! Truth settles and relaxes us. It does not disturb and shake up.

    Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled."(Jn 14:1)

    Paul said, "Wherefore comfort ye one another with these words."(1Th 4:18 )

    2 Th. 2:17 "Comfort your hearts"

    2 Tim 4:8 "Love His appearing."

    A few comments from me: The Day of The Lord (a day of wrath) will not come before the Rapture (the gathering to the Lord in the air of believers). The antichrist (man of lawlessness and or son of perdition) will not be revealed until the restrainer is taken out of the way. I believe we will not see him 'revealed' although we may have thoughts of who he may be if the Lord allows us to be here in his day.

    By the time he walks into the newly built Jewish temple and claims to be God and demands to be worshiped, I believe we will be with the Lord and more than likely enjoying the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, etc. before we return to earth with the Lord when He will reign on earth for 1000 years.

    There is so much more to understand from prophetic books like Daniel and Revelation, but this lesson is to COMFORT US and to let us know that as believers, we can be Encouraged that we will be with the Lord and we are not destined for wrath but for salvation. Praise His Holy Name.
  21. What are your summary statements and your prayer today?


Father God, I pray ...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2 Thessalonians Worksheet - Chapter 1



2 Thessalonians 1   

  1. Who is writing this 2nd letter to the Thessalonians? vs. 1
  2. What is the greeting that is given to them? vs. 2
  3. What are the 2 reasons Paul gives that they ought to always thank God for the church at Thessalonica? vs. 3
  4. Why was Paul and his companions so proud of the Thessalonian church? vs. 4
  5. What was the suffering of the church a plain indiction of? vs. 5
  6. What did the suffering prepare them to receive? vs. 5
  7. How will God's righteous judgment be seen on those who have afflicted us? vs. 6
  8. When will we get relief from our afflictions? vs. 7
  9. What will Jesus and His mighty angels do at His return to earth? vs. 8
  10. What will happen to the unbelievers and those who did not obey the gospel of Jesus when the Lord returns to earth? vs. 9
  11. How is Jesus glorified on that day? vs. 10
  12. Who will marvel when Jesus returns? vs. 10
  13. What did Paul pray for concerning the believers? vs. 11 - Name 3 Things
  14. How is it possible that Jesus is glofified in us and we are glorified in Him on that day? vs. 12
  15. Again, what does "grace" mean, and why it is so important to our salvation and eternal destination?
  16. Think about this short chapter. Many times we think that God overlooks our suffering or does not deliver us as soon as we hope to be delivered. How does the fact that He will take revenge on those who have harmed us comfort you today?
  17. If that bothers you to some degree that the person will suffer God's vengeance, we need to realize that the ones who have harmed you can also ask forgiveness at anytime. God will forgive anyone for anything if they truly repent. He will put their sins in the sea of forgetfulness. Do you have someone to pray for today that you need to forgive and ask that God have mercy on their soul, asking that He put others in their path to share the Gospel with them?
  18. Give your summary statements and pray if you like.


Father God, I pray ...