Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Colossians Worksheet - Chapter 4

Daily Reading Personal Application Questions
Colossians Chapter 4

1. What can you apply to your life from today's reading?
2. What portion of this chapter stands out to you?
3. How would you describe the theme of the chapter to someone who does not know much about the Bible?
4. What example did you find to follow?
5. Was there an error (sin) you found to avoid?
6. Did you find a duty (command) to obey?
7. How will reading this chapter effect your life from now on?
8. Pick a verse to meditate on and try to memorize it.
9. Was there a promise to claim?
10. What is your summary and prayer today?
Observation Questions For
Colossians Chaper 4
1. How did Paul say that masters were to treat their servants and what did he remind them of? vs. 1
2. What 3 aspects of prayer did Paul instruct them in? vs. 2
3. Paul asked also that they pray that he have an open door to speak forth the mystery of Christ. How did he want them to pray concerning this? vs. 3,4
4. How are we to conduct ourselves toward those outside of the church? vs. 5
5. Paul tells us to ponder and know how to respond to each person that we speak to. What kind of words are we to speak to another person? vs. 6
6. Have you thought of "seasoning" your words to make them "tasteful" like salt does for food before? How will this make an impact on your future conversations?
7. Paul said that Tychicus would bring the church information concerning him. How did Paul describe this man to them? Name 3 things. vs. 7
8. What purpose other than knowing about his circumstances did Paul send him to them? vs. 8
9. Who was being sent along with him and how did they already know him? vs. 9
10. Paul ends this letter by sending greetings from others to them. First, he mentions a fellow prisoner named Aristarchus. Then he mentions a cousin of Barnabas named Mark. He had sent them instructions about him previously and they knew to welcome him. (vs.10). Another person who sent a greeting was Jesus who was also called Justus. What did Paul say concerning all of these men? vs.11 - Name 2 Things said about them.
11. Paul mentions Epaphras who was one of their own members, that also sent greetings to them. What did he always "labor" in concerning them? vs. 12
12. What did Paul testify concerning him to the church at Colossae? vs. 13
13. Have you thought of prayer as "labor" before? What image do you get when you think of "labor"? How will this effect your prayers for others?
14. Lastly, Paul sends a greeting from Luke, the beloved physician, and also from Demas. (vs.14) Then he wants them to greet the brethren in Laodicea and also a lady named Nympha. What did she use her house for? vs. 15
15. What was the Colossian church suppose to do with this letter after it was read to them? vs. 16
16. What instruction did Paul give to a brother named Archippus? vs. 17
17. Wouldn't that encourage you to get a specific exhortation from the apostle Paul about fulfilling the ministry you have been called to? Isn't that what the Lord gives us each time we open and read His Word to us?
18. What were Paul's final three statements in this letter to the Colossians? vs. 18
19. In this chapter, we have learned quite a bit about prayer. Paul said we are to be devoted to prayer, keeping alert in prayer, and having a heart of thanksgiving. He told us about Brother Epaphras who "labored" in prayer for the church that they would stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God. Take time to examine your own prayer life in light of the way Paul and Epaphras have taught us. How will this chapter effect your prayer life? Summarize the chapter and state your prayer if you desire.
20. Look back on all four chapters of Colossians and give a summary of the entire book and see if you can figure out Paul's purpose for writing and the main points you need to remember going forward.
Next, we will read the letters to the Thessalonians.
Who can you invite to come and read along with us?

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