Saturday, February 18, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 2


1 Timothy 2    

  1. What 4 things did Paul say should be made on behalf of all men? vs. 1
  2. What is the purpose for praying for kings and all who are in authority positions over us? vs. 2 - Name 3 things
  3. What does God desire happen to all mankind? vs. 3,4 - Name 2 things
  4. How is Jesus described by Paul in this letter? vs.5,6
  5. What 3 ministry titles does Paul give himself in explaining his calling to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? vs. 7
  6. How does Paul instruct the men to pray in every place? Vs. 8 Name 3 ways given
  7. How does Paul instruct women to clothe themselves? vs. 9,10
  8. A woman is to quietly receive instructon in church. What is she not allowed to excercise over a man and what reason does Paul give for it? vs.11- 14
  9. What 3 areas does Paul emphasis that a woman continue in if she is to be preserved through bearing children? vs. 15

    My notes: Paul was instructing Timothy for the church in Ephesus about women in this way. We need to remember that they had the statue of Diana (Artemis) there and their culture was to worship her and they were told she had fell from heaven. There was a feminist type movement there for sure and he needed to make sure the women did not try to usurp the authority of the men, but that they realized how Eve was deceived through the serpent because of how a woman is 'wired' to be easily convinced at times through emotions, etc. verse 12 should read more like this. "I do not allow a woman to teach or proclaim herself to be the author (or creator) of Man" because they were truly backwards at putting the woman before the man in their culture and needed this teaching to correct them. I thought it would be good for us to see how Paul instructed the church at Corinth in regard to women and the gifts of the spirit, and to look at some examples of women in ministry in the New Testament so that we can get a proper balance of what is being indicated and what could easily be taken out of context, etc. So, if you would like look up a few more verses and comment about them below:
  10. When Paul told the women to cover their heads when they prayed; it was also when they were: _________ (see 1 Corinthians 11:5). What kind of gift is that? Would a woman need to "speak out loud" if she had that gift? Would it be in a church setting?
  11. I would like us to look at a husband-wife team in the Scriptures. Do you remember Aquilla & Priscilla? They are mentioned about 6 times in the New Testament. They were considered co-workers in the Gospel with Paul. They had a church that met in their home. At one time, the two of them took Apollos aside and taught him a more excellent way in regard to the Gospel. If you would like, you are welcome to look up some references to them. Here are the verses I found: Acts 18:2 - Acts 18:18 - Acts 18:26 - Romans 16:3 - 2 Timothy 4:19 - 1 Corinthians 16:9 -
  12. We know that there is Lydia who was meeting with women at the river for prayer. When she heard the gospel and opened her heart to believe, she also opened her home for meetings. She was a very prominent lady of the day. Acts 16:13-15 and Acts 16:40
  13. Another one we can look at is a woman deacon (or deaconess) by the name of Phoebe of the church at Cenchrea. Romans 16:1
  14. Also for the record, what kind of ministry did Philip's four daughters have? Acts 21:8
  15. Lastly, how does Paul refer to the two women named Euodia & Syntyche in Philippians 4:2?
  16. What was the prophecy given by the prophet Joel and repeated by Peter on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given to the church? Acts 2:16-18
  17. How can we balance out all the verses and still see that a woman is positionally subject to the man and the man to Christ in the headship of the home and yet under proper authority, women are blessed to use their spiritual gifts and callings in the same way as men are? Share your heart on this after investigating the Scriptures.
  18. Looking back over the entire chapter, prayer is the emphasis, and then we are given the instructions to the men and women in the services there. What verses spoke to your heart and how would you summarize what you have learned today? Post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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