Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Titus Worksheet - Chapter 2

Titus 2    

  1. What did Paul command Titus to speak? vs. 1
  2. How did Paul say that older men were to behave? vs. 2 - Name 6 things
  3. How did he say the older women were to behave? vs. 3 - Name 4 things
  4. What are older women suppose to teach younger women? vs. 4 - Name 7 things
  5. What did Paul tell Titus to urge the young men to do? vs. 6
  6. How was Titus himself to behave? vs. 7,8 - Name 4 things.
  7. How would the good behavior of Titus effect anyone that would oppose him or his doctrine? vs. 8
  8. What was Titus to urge bondslaves to do? vs. 9,10 - Name 5 things
  9. How do we "adorn" the doctrine of God according to verse 10?
  10. What has the grace of God appeared to bring? vs. 11
  11. What does the grace of God instruct us to do? vs. 11,12 - Name 5 things.
  12. What does the grace of God cause us to look for? vs. 13
  13. What did Jesus accomplish for us when He gave Himself on the cross? vs. 13,14 - Name 4 things
  14. How was Titus to deliver these instructions to the people? vs. 15 - Name 5 things
  15. As you think through today's lesson, think about the role that older women are to have with younger women. Do you think we have lost this in our culture today? Why do you think that has happened? If you are a younger women, who do you have helping you walk in these things mentioned? If you are an older woman, who are you helping walk this way?
  16. Bondslaves were those servants who chose not to go free, but to remain a helper to their master with freewill. What did their godly living do for the doctrines of God? What will happen if we do the same thing with those in authority over us?
  17. Summarize your thoughts today and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

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