Friday, February 10, 2012

1 Thessalonians Worksheet - Chapter 3


1 Thessalonians 3 

  1. We were told in chapter 2 that Paul longed to come to Thessalonica, but he had been hindered by Satan thus far. When he could not stand it any longer, what did he do in order to communicate with them? vs.1,2
  2. How does Paul describe Timothy to us? vs.2
  3. What did he send Timothy to do for the church? vs. 2
  4. Why did they need to have this encouragement, and what did Paul want to remind them of? vs. 3
  5. What had Paul told them in advance when he was with them? vs. 4
  6. What was Paul's fear concerning the faith of the believers in Thessalonica when they heard of his suffering and affliction? vs. 5
  7. What was the good news that Timothy brought back to Paul concerning the Thessalonicans? vs. 6-8
  8. How was Paul comforted and what caused him to "really live"? vs.7,8
  9. Paul was thankful to God for all the joy the Thessalonians gave him in return for the labor he had done among them. How often did he pray for them and what was the desire of his heart in prayer? vs. 9,10
  10. What was Paul's prayer to the Father and to Jesus? vs. 11
  11. Paul also prayed that the Lord would cause their love to continue to increase for one another and for all people (vs.12) What was his goal in praying this way? vs. 13
  12. Paul is encouraging them to live "in light of" the coming of the Lord. (vs.13) Although he can not physically be there with them, he is encouraging them with this letter and letting them know he is praying for them day and night. His motive in prayer is for them to increase in their love for one another and to stand blameless in holiness at the coming of the Lord. Who can you encourage today with a letter or with your prayers?
  13. Summarize your thoughts and state a prayer if you would like to.


Father God, I pray ...

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