Sunday, February 5, 2012

Colossians Worksheet - Chapter 1

Daily Reading Personal Application Questions
Colossians Chapter 1

1. What can you apply to your life from today's reading?
2. What portion of this chapter stands out to you?
3. How would you describe the theme of the chapter to someone who does not know much about the Bible?
4. What example did you find to follow?
5. Was there an error (sin) you found to avoid?
6. Did you find a duty (command) to obey?
7. How will reading this chapter effect your life from now on?
8. Pick a verse to meditate on and try to memorize it.
9. Was there a promise to claim?
10. What is your summary and prayer today?
Observation Questions For
Colossians Chaper 1
1. Who wrote this letter to the church at Colossae? vs. 1
2. What two greetings do they begin this letter with? vs. 2
3. Paul is giving thanks to God and Jesus for the Colossians. He has heard of their faith and the love for all the saints. He knows they have their hope laid up in heaven and have had it since they first heard the word of truth in the gospel. (vs.3-6) What is it (the gospel) constantly bearing and increasing in? vs. 6
4. What did they understand in regard to the gospel that caused it to bear fruit and increase? vs.6
5. Who was the messenger between Paul and the Colossian church? vs. 7
6. What did Epapras (Epaphroditus) inform Paul concerning the believers in Colossae? vs. 8
7. Since the day that Paul & Timothy had heard about the progress of the faith and fruit of the Colossians, they had not ceased praying for them. What did they ask the Lord to do for these believers? vs. 9
8. What did they pray would be the result of them being filled with God's wisdom and understanding? vs. 10 - 12 - Name 7 things
9. What have believers been qualified to share in? vs. 12
10. What has God rescued us from? vs. 13
11. Where have we been transferred to as believers? vs. 13
12. What do we have in Jesus as believers? vs. 14
13. Paul explains who Jesus is and what He has done in regard to being our Creator. What does he say about Jesus in verse 15? Name 2 Things
14. Paul continues to speak of the fact that all things were created by Jesus. What does he specifically name that Jesus created? vs. 16 Name 8 Things
15. All things have been created through Jesus and for Jesus.(vs.16). Jesus is before all things. (vs.17) How do all things hold together? vs. 17
16. Jesus is the head of the body which is the church. He is the beginning, the firstobrn from the dead. What place does this put Him in everything? vs. 18
17. What was the Father's good pleasure concerning Jesus? vs. 19
18. What did the Father do through Jesus? vs. 20
19. Although the Colossians were alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, what did Jesus do in His fleshly body to present them as holy and blameless and beyond reproach before the Father? vs. 21,22
20. How will they be assured that they are reconciled to God? vs. 23
21. Why does Paul rejoice in his sufferings? vs. 24
22. What stewardship had God given to Paul? vs. 25
23. Paul speaks of "the mystery" that had been hidden from the past generations, but had now been "manifested" to the saints. According to verse 27, what is this "mystery"? vs. 27
24. What was Paul's goal as he preached Christ and taught every man with all wisdom? vs. 28
25. What was the power that enabled Paul to labor in this way? vs. 29
26. Thinking back through this chapter, what did you learn concerning Jesus Christ? In regard to those things, what did you learn that you have obtained by believing in Him? Take time to summarize your thoughts and pray.
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