Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Colossians Answers - Chapter 2

Colossians 2 

  1. What does Paul want the church at Colossae to know? vs. 1
  2. According to verse 1, does it appear that Paul had ever seen these people in person? vs. 1
  3. What did Paul pray for this church at the church at Laodicea? vs.1,2 - Name 4 things he prayed.
  4. Who is God's true mystery? vs. 2
  5. What is hidden in Christ Jesus? vs. 3
  6. Paul wants the church to realize that we can be wise in Christ so that no one will "delude" us with "persuasive" arguments. Have you ever had anyone delude your faith or try to persuade you differently from what you have learned in the Bible to be true?
  7. He was absent from them, but with them in spirit. What was he rejoicing to see in the church at Colossae? vs. 5 - Name 2 Things
  8. Paul wanted them to walk in Christ in the same way they had received Him, by faith. (vs.6) They were firmly rooted and now were being built up in Christ and established in their faith. They were also overflowing with gratitude.(vs.7) Although it was going this well for them, what did they have to be careful of? vs. 8
  9. Can you think of ways that philosophy and traditions of men has tried to take you away from teachings you have in the Bible in Christ? Share if you like.
  10. To hold steady in what is taught in the Bible, we must first know and hold on to the fact that Jesus Himself IS God. What dwells in Jesus in bodily form? vs. 9
  11. Next, to stand firm in our faith, we must remember our position in Christ. Is there anything we need to add to our faith in Him according to verse 10? What does it tell us about our position?
  12. Christ is head over all rule and authority. (vs.10). How have we been circumcised by Him as believers? vs. 11,12
  13. What happened when we placed our faith in Jesus, while we were still dead in our transgressions and the uncircumcision of our flesh? vs. 13
  14. What was canceled out when we became a Christian? vs. 14
  15. Who was disarmed when Jesus rose from the dead? vs. 15 * Are we dancing yet * ???
  16. Therefore...therefore....therefore....Because of Who He Is and because of What we are IN Him and because of what He has done on our behalf.....what are we NOT to let others judge us about? vs. 16
  17. These things were written about in the Old Testament, but they pointed to a time that all things would be fulfilled in Jesus. What were they in regard to Him being the true substance? vs. 17
  18. So do not let anyone 'defraud' you of your prize of 'freedom in Christ Jesus'! What kind of things do the false teachers delight in ? vs. 18 - Name 4 Things.
  19. Have you ever encountered a person or ministry like this? Do you see how it can take you away from that pure and simple faith in Christ?
  20. If they are not holding fast to Jesus, they do not have the "Head" of the body. We are the body of Christ and each one of us are held together by joints and ligaments and growing with growth which comes from God. We must be connected to Jesus because He is the Head of the Body. If we have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, what should we NOT allow ourselves to have to be subject to by mere men? vs. 20,21
  21. What happens to all of these outward things they put so much emphasis on? vs. 22
  22. To be sure, what kind of "religious appearance" do these things give to those who preach them and ask others to live in them? Vs. 23 - Name 4 Things given that they cause.
  23. When you obey man's traditions and rules and do not walk in the law of grace and righteousness in Jesus, what will these things give you no success at? vs. 23
  24. Have you noticed that the more you are "not" suppose to do something, the more determined "your flesh" is to have it? What kind of difference will grace make? What kind of difference does it make when you are honestly doing all things from a "want" to "please" the Lord rather than a "have to" or "else" agenda by men and tradition?
  25. Share your experiences in these things if you like. Think upon the lesson and write out a summary or two. Share a prayer as well if you like


Father God, I pray .

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