Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 6

1 Timothy 6    

Slavery was practiced in Biblical times. I read that about 1/2 of the population of the Roman empire were those in slavery. When a person became a Christian, they had the newfound freedom in Christ that set them free from their sin and their sin nature, but they were still slaves in a social sense and had an obligation to continue to serve their masters "unto" the Lord.
  1. Why did Paul tell Timothy that the slaves were to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor? vs. 1
  2. What instruction did Paul give to Timothy in regard to those who had "believers" as their masters? vs. 2

    It might have been a temptation to feel that a "brother" in Christ was your "equal" rather than your "master", but they needed to understand that the role of authority was to still be honored.
  3. What does the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ ask us to conform to? vs.3
  4. If anyone disagrees with the doctrine conforming to "godliness", what characteristics did Paul tell Timothy they would display? vs. 3-5 - Name 11 things
  5. In verse 5, it says that those who disagreed with the sound words of Jesus Christ, thought that godliness was a means of gain (in their interpretation of it). How does Paul explain to Timothy that godliness can actually "be" a great gain to a believer? vs. 6
  6. What are we to be content with? vs. 7,8
  7. In reference to the subject of "contentment", what did Paul tell the Philippians that he had learned about being content? Read Philippians 4:11-14 and share your thoughts.
  8. What happens to those who want to get "rich"? vs.9-10 - Name 7 things
  9. Paul told Timothy to flee (run) from these things. Being a man of God, what was Timothy to pursue (run after)? vs.11 - Name 6 things
  10. What did Paul encourage Timothy to "fight" for? vs. 12
  11. What did Paul tell Timothy to take "hold" of? vs. 12
  12. When Timothy was called to salvation, what did he do? vs. 12
  13. Therefore, what is Paul "charging" Timothy to do ... in the "presence of God" who gives life to all things, ... and in the presence of "Christ Jesus", who testified the good confession before Pontius Pilate? vs.13-14
  14. To understand the things that Jesus 'confessed' about Himself being "The Christ" to Pontius Pilate, read John 18:33-38, 19:10-11. Summarize what you learn from this.
  15. Paul told Timothy to keep the commandment of teaching these principles without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will bring about at the proper time. (vs.14) Paul breaks forth in praise of His coming. \o/ ... What does he proclaim about the Lord Jesus Christ? vs.15-16 - Name 11 Things
  16. After the pause for praise, Paul returns to the subject of riches. What is Timothy to instruct the rich about in this present world ? vs. 17-18 - List 8 Things
  17. What does God richly supply us with? vs. 17
  18. What will storing our treasures in heaven bring about for us on earth and in the life to come? vs. 19
  19. What does Paul want Timothy to guard? vs. 20
  20. What is Timothy to avoid? vs. 20 - Name 3 Things
  21. What happened to some of those who believed false teaching to be knowledge? vs. 20
  22. What is Paul's powerful last words to his son in the faith, Timothy? vs. 21
  23. As you think about this chapter, how are you doing in the department of "contentment"? Remember that Paul said we should be content with food and clothing. If we learn the secret, as Paul did, of being content in all circumstances, then our godliness will have "great gain" in this life and in the life to come. Summarize your thoughts and post a prayer if you desire.
  24. Think back on the subjects covered in this first letter to Timothy from Paul. It would be profitable to make a list of those things you want to remember from the letter; maybe your favorite verses. I am praying for each of you, and ask that you please remember to pray for me as well. Note: These letters are written close to the end of Paul's life. We will see a very intimate exchange to his son of faith, Timothy, in the 2nd and last letter Paul wrote. Don't miss it.


Father God, I pray ...

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