Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2 Thessalonians Worksheet - Chapter 1



2 Thessalonians 1   

  1. Who is writing this 2nd letter to the Thessalonians? vs. 1
  2. What is the greeting that is given to them? vs. 2
  3. What are the 2 reasons Paul gives that they ought to always thank God for the church at Thessalonica? vs. 3
  4. Why was Paul and his companions so proud of the Thessalonian church? vs. 4
  5. What was the suffering of the church a plain indiction of? vs. 5
  6. What did the suffering prepare them to receive? vs. 5
  7. How will God's righteous judgment be seen on those who have afflicted us? vs. 6
  8. When will we get relief from our afflictions? vs. 7
  9. What will Jesus and His mighty angels do at His return to earth? vs. 8
  10. What will happen to the unbelievers and those who did not obey the gospel of Jesus when the Lord returns to earth? vs. 9
  11. How is Jesus glorified on that day? vs. 10
  12. Who will marvel when Jesus returns? vs. 10
  13. What did Paul pray for concerning the believers? vs. 11 - Name 3 Things
  14. How is it possible that Jesus is glofified in us and we are glorified in Him on that day? vs. 12
  15. Again, what does "grace" mean, and why it is so important to our salvation and eternal destination?
  16. Think about this short chapter. Many times we think that God overlooks our suffering or does not deliver us as soon as we hope to be delivered. How does the fact that He will take revenge on those who have harmed us comfort you today?
  17. If that bothers you to some degree that the person will suffer God's vengeance, we need to realize that the ones who have harmed you can also ask forgiveness at anytime. God will forgive anyone for anything if they truly repent. He will put their sins in the sea of forgetfulness. Do you have someone to pray for today that you need to forgive and ask that God have mercy on their soul, asking that He put others in their path to share the Gospel with them?
  18. Give your summary statements and pray if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

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