Monday, February 13, 2012

1 Thessalonians Worksheet - Chapter 5


1 Thessalonians 5 

  1. The Thessalonians did not need to know the times and epochs, for they knew full well that the Lord would come like a thief in the night. (vs.1,2) What will happen when people are saying, "Peace and safety" ? vs. 3
  2. The Thessalonians were not in darkness that the day would overtake them as a thief. What were they sons of? vs. 4
  3. Paul said we are not of the night nor of darkness, so we should be alert and sober. Since we are of the day, what should we put on? vs. 5-8 Name 3 things.
  4. What has God NOT destined us for? What is our destiny as Christians? vs.9,10
  5. Because of this, what should we continue to do for one another? vs. 11
  6. Paul requests that we appreciate those who diligently labor among us and have charge over us in the Lord and give us instruction. How are we to treat them and why? vs. 12,13
  7. Paul simply says "Live in peace with one another". (vs.13) He goes on to urge us to treat certain people in certain ways. What are the 3 instructions he gives for 3 types of people we encounter? vs. 14. List these 3 types of people and what we should do beside each one.
  8. What is the way we should treat everyone no matter what? vs. 14
  9. We are to see to it that no one repays another with evil for evil. What are we always to seek after? vs. 15
  10. We are to rejoice always. We are to pray without ceasing. What is God's will for us? vs. 17,18
  11. We are not to quench the Spirit and not to despise prophetic utterances. We are to examine everything carefully. What are we to hold on to and what are we to abstain from? vs.20-22
  12. Paul ends with a beautiful exhortation to the believers. He says that the God of peace Himself will sanctify us entirely. What 3 things will He sanctify? vs. 23
  13. What does it mean that He will sanctify us in this way? Look the word up and see what insight you have into this. Paul continues to say that the Lord will preserve us complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful who has called us, and He will bring it to pass. vs.24 (( Glory! ))
  14. Paul ends this letter asking them to pray for him and his companions. He says they should greet one another with a holy kiss. (vs.25,26) Who did he want this letter to be read to? vs. 27
  15. What is the final word of Paul to the believers? vs. 28 It is wonderful to give people the greeting of "grace". Grace is undeserved, unearned favor. When we receive that from God, it is power to overcome and be more than conquerors in the Lord Jesus Christ. It empowers us.
  16. Think through this final chapter of I Thessalonians. How does it fit with the entire letter (all 5 chapters)? What are some of the recurrent themes that Paul has addressed in this letter that is to be read to everyone? What are your plans to carry these instructions out? Give your summary and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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