Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 5

1 Timothy 5    

  1. How did Paul tell Timothy to appeal to the older men? vs. 1
  2. How did he say to appeal to the younger men? vs. 1
  3. How did he say to appeal to the older women? vs. 2
  4. How did he say to appeal to the younger women? vs. 2
  5. Paul told Timothy to honor widows who are widows indeed. If however, they have children or grandchildren, who should be the ones to care for their widowed mother or grandmother and why? vs.3-4
  6. For those in the church who were widows indeed who did not have others to take care of them, who would they fix their hope on and what would they do night and day? vs. 5
  7. If a widow gives herself to wanton pleasure instead, what condition is she in? vs. 6
  8. Why should Timothy prescribe these things to the church? vs. 7
  9. Referring back to family members who have a widow to care for, what does Paul say they are like if they do not provide care for her? vs. 8
  10. In order for the church to put a widow on their list to take care of, what were the characteristcs she should have? vs.9-10 . Name 5 things.
  11. Why did Paul say that Timothy should not put the younger widows on the church 'care list'? vs.11-12
  12. To keep the younger women from being idle and busybodies, what did Paul prefer that they do so the enemy would not have an occasion to bring reproach on them? vs. 13-14 If any woman who is a believer has dependent widows, she must assist them so the church would not be burdened. This would help the church be able to better assist those who were widows indeed. (vs.16)
  13. What are the elders who rule well and work hard at preaching/teaching considered to be worthy to receive from the members? vs. 17-18
  14. What should be in place before the church should ever receive an accusation against an elder? vs.19
  15. If an elder has been sinning, and the proper things have been done, but he continues to sin, what should be done and why? vs. 20
  16. Who does Paul have in his presence as he solemnly charges Timothy to maintain these principles without bias and partiality? vs. 21 - Name 3 in his presence.
  17. Why does Paul warn Timothy not to lay hands upon one too hastily for leadership positions? vs. 22
  18. Timothy had stomach problems and frequent ailments. What did Paul suggest that he do for medicinal purposes? vs. 23
  19. What does Paul remind Timothy about concerning the sins of men? vs. 24,25
  20. As you think upon this chapter, what should a woman be investing her life in so that she is honored when she is older and possibly becomes a widow needing to be cared for? Do you believe your church cares for widows as they should? Do you believe your church gives double honor to those who work hard at preaching and teaching the Word? How can you make a difference in these areas?
  21. Take time to summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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