Friday, October 5, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 1

Intro:  This book of Deuteronomy is essentially Moses' "farewell address" at the end of the Exodus from Egypt into the Promised Land.  The people of Israel are about to enter into the Promised Land, and before Moses dies, he is going to review their history, then remind them of the Law - the reasons it was given, the rules it imposes, and the ramifications of following it or not.

Deuteronomy Chapter 1 - Observation Questions
1.  Where was Moses at when he spoke these words to the people? vs. 1
2.  What was the distance between Horeb and the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh-barnea? vs. 2
3.  It is the 40th year since they left Egypt.  It is the first day of the 11th month.  Who has already been defeated by Israel at this point? vs.3-4 - Name 2
4.  Across the Jordan, in the land of Moab, Moses gave them the law. (vs.5) ... What did the Lord say to them at Horeb? vs. 6
5.  How did God describe the land they were to go to? vs. 7
6.  Who had the Lord promised this land to that they were to possess? vs. 8
7.  How had the Lord multiplied the sons of Israel by that time? vs. 9,10 -
8.  What did Moses believe the Lord would continue to do for them? vs. 11 -
9.  What was Moses not able to bear alone? vs. 12 - Name 3 things
10.  Moses told them to choose wise, discerning, and experienced men to be their leaders. (vs. 13) ... They answered him that this was a good thing. (vs.14) ... Moses took these men and appointed them over the people as leaders of 1000's and 100's and 50's and 10's and as officers of their tribes. (vs.15) ... He spoke to the judges at that time, telling them to judge righteously between the people (vs.16) ... How were they to do this? vs. 17,18 - Name 4 things
11.  Moses reviews the fact that they set out from Horeb and went through the great and terrible wilderness and came to Kadesh-barnea (vs.19)... What did Moses tell them the Lord had told him at that time? vs. 20,21 -
12.  What did the people want to happen before they went into the land to possess it? vs. 22
13.  Moses agreed to it and took 12 of their men, one for each tribe to be spies for them in the valley of Eshcol.  What did they bring back from the land besides the fruit to see? vs. 25
14.  Even with the good report, they rebelled and grumbled in their tents.  What were they saying? vs. 26-27
15.  What report did they choose to believe of the good one or the bad one? vs. 28
16.  What beautiful words Moses encouraged them with!  It will bless you to write them out.  Just write out the verse next to the reference below:
  • vs. 29 -
  • vs. 30 -
  • vs. 31 -
17.  Even though all of that was true, what did they not do? vs. 32
18.  How would God go before them and show that He was always with them? vs. 33
19.  The Lord heard their words and was angry with them. (vs.34) ... What was the consequence for all the people of that generation except for Caleb? vs. 35
20.  What was Caleb's reward for following the Lord fully? vs. 36
21.  Although Moses was not allowed to enter the land of Promise (vs.37), who would be? vs. 38
22.  What was Moses to do for him? vs. 38
23.  The older generation did not believe their little ones would ever survive, but the Lord made sure that those 20 and younger would be able to enter the promised land (just opposite of what the parents said) ... (vs.39) ... But what would the older generation have to deal with? vs. 40
24.  The people wanted to go ahead and go up after they had disobeyed and been told they would wander in the wilderness for their unbelief.  (vs.41) ... The Lord told them not to go up against the Amorites for He was not going up with them to fight for them, and they would be defeated. (vs. 42) ... They would not listen to Moses but acted presumptously and went on up. (vs. 43) ... What did the Amorites do to them? vs. 44
Note:  They wept, but the Lord did not listen to them. (vs.45)  They remained in Kadesh many days.
 25. Although the Israelites had been cared for by the Lord and Moses had assured them that God would fight for them like He did in Egypt (vs.29-31), they did not trust the Lord to take care of them.  We need to learn from their circumstances and not have a heart of unbelief as they did.  There are times when a person assumes they are a follower of God, but the trials of life cause them to fall away from Him.  Instead, we need to draw close and ask for His help in our times of need. (Hebrews 4:16)  Comment on the following verses:
  • Hebrews 3:7-19 -
  • Jude 1:5 -
26. We see true faith displayed in Caleb and Joshua.  May we pray to have a heart and faith like these two.  They knew there were giants in the land, but that the problem was not a problem to God.  They believed God instead of their circumstances.  Comment on the following verses:
  • 2 Chronicles 16:9 -
  • 2 Corinthians 5:7 -
  • Hebrews 11:6 -
27.  After the Lord rebuked the Israelites and told them they would not see the promised land because of their unbelief, they decided to go even if without God.  They assumed they could do it in their own way, own time, and in their own strength.  This always spells disaster when we fail to wait on the Lord or obey Him to do it His way.  They cried out in their trouble, but obviously not from a true heart of repentance for God did not listen to their prayers.  Comment on the following verse:
  •  2 Corinthians 7:10 -
28.  Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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