Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mark Worksheet - Chapter 10

Worksheet - Mark 10

Review of Chapter 9:

  • 1) We saw Jesus transfigured as He showed His future glorified body to Peter, James, and John alone on a mountain.  Elijah and Moses were there in their glorified state as well.   They spoke with Jesus.  Peter wanted to build a tabernacle for each one of them.  A cloud overshadowed them and God's voice said "This is My Son. Listen to Him!"  Then Elijah and Moses were gone with only Jesus left in His regular state, no longer transfigured.  As they came down from the mountain, Jesus told them not to tell anyone about this until after He resurrected from the dead.  We see that Jesus would bring in the New Covenant that would replace the law of the prophets and Moses. 
  • 2) Next we saw a frustrated and exhausted father who needed the Lord's help to deliver his cruelly demon possessed son.  It appeared that the boy was only possessed 'when' the spirit would seize him, as if the spirit went in and out of the body like a home.  He said 'when' the spirit would seize him, he would throw him into the water and the fire and try to destroy him since his childhood.  When it seized him, he would stiffen out, foam at the mouth, roll around, etc.  The father asked Jesus if He could do anything to please have pity on them.  Jesus said "All things are possible to him who believes"..The father said "I do believe.  Help my unbelief."  Jesus command the deaf & mute spirit to come out of the boy and never return again.  The demon threw him into more convulsions before finally coming out.  When the disciples asked why they had not been able to cast it out, Jesus said this 'kind' only came out with prayer.  It appears the disciples were depending on the ritual of using His Name rather than the relationship of relying on His Name in prayer and travail. 
  • 3) Jesus told His disciples how He must suffer at the hands of the Gentiles and be killed but that He would raise 3 days later.  The disciples discussed who would be greatest in His kingdom.  Jesus said we must be last in this life to be first then.  He said to receive a child in His Name was to receive Him and He who sent Him. 
  • 4) Jesus taught the disciples to not let any part of their bodies cause them or a little one to stumble.  They were to cut off the hand, the foot, or cut out the eye if it made them stumble.  We have things in our modern world that we can cut off and get rid of to keep us from stumbling - like t.v., books, movies, music, etc. 
  • 5) We are to be like salt, perserving and bringing flavor to the world .. and we are to be at peace with one another.  Amen. 

Mark, Chapter 10:

1.  Jesus left and went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan.  The crowds gathered and He taught them.  Some Pharisees came to test Him asking whether it was lawful for a man to divorce his wife.  Jesus asked them what Moses taught them about it.  They said that Moses permitted it. 

Read and comment on the verse given where Moses permitted a certificate of divorce in certain instances under the Old Law: 

  • Deuteronomy 24:1-4 -
  • What are the circumstances that caused the certificate of divorce to be allowed?
  • According to Jesus, why did Moses permit divorce at that time?
  • Mark 10:5 -

It was allowed under severe circumstances because God understands that sometimes an exception has to be made because of the harm instead of harmony the union with another brings to a person. 

2.  Is this what God ever intends for a marriage?  What has been His intention from the beginning in regard to a man and his wife?

  • Mark 10:6-9 -

What did Jesus tell them the sin of divorce and remarriage was equivalent to?

  • Mark 10:11-12 -

Did Jesus give allowance for divorce under severe circumstances like Moses had done in the Old Testament?  What is the exception Jesus understands?

  • Matthew 19:9 -  

3.  As Christians, what do our marriages give the world a picture of if our marriages are rightfully glorifying God?

  • Ephesians 5:22-33 -

4.  If we are in a marriage that is unequally yoked at this time with our partner not being a believer, what are we encouraged to do for the sake of our unbelieving partner and any children that may be involved?  (Paul makes it clear this is not a direct command from God, but his godly and wise opinion being an apostle of the Lord and single himself)...

  • 1 Corinthians 7:12-14, 16 -

5.  If the unbeliever leaves the believer, most scholars agree that the Scripture is stating that the believer is then free to remarry and not bound by the restrictions of divorce and remarriage.  The Scripture is interpreted differently by some to mean simply not to be bound to that one person any longer.  Please read the Scriptures and seek the Lord for what you believe it to mean to you personally.

  • 1 Corinthians 7:15 -

Note:  Because marriage is God's gift to mankind and He has designed the love between a man and a woman to be such a wonderful expression of oneness emotionally, spiritually, and physically, He does not ever want a divorce to occur between them and in fact hates the very idea of divorcing a covenant meant to last forever.  The prophet Malachi speaks for the Lord in saying this:

Malachi 2:13-16 -  "And this is another thing you do; you cover the altar of the Lord with tears; with weeping and groaning, because He no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand.  Yet you say, 'For what reason?'  ... Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant.  But not one has done so who has a remnant of the Spirit.  And what did that one do while he was seeking a godly offspring?  Take heed then, to your spirit, and let no one deal treacherously against the wife of your youth.  For I hate divorce and him who covers his garment with wrong", says the Lord of hosts.

Note:  Divorce and remarriage is so rampant in the Christian church today and even among well known ministers.  It has become far too acceptable.  Yes, God has made provision for the harmful situations, but we need to remember how serious He takes our covenant relationships and how He wants to use our marriages, whether as two believers, or one believer with a non-believer, to be examples and a testimony of His grace and covenant with His people.  I pray that the verses in this lesson will help you determine to stay in your marriage and honor your spouse as unto the Lord and/or free you in your bondage if you needed to be.  I pray that God reveals His perfect plan and His awesome forgiveness in this area of your life today.  May God be glorified through our covenant relationships.  Amen. 

6.  As a last note on marriage today, let's look at how God wants the wife and the husband to be toward one another in a godly marriage and the effects that brings in our personal lives.

What can a believing wife learn from the following verses?

  • 1 Peter 3:1-6 -

What can a believing husband learn from the following verses?

  • 1 Peter 3:7 -

What can both partners and all believers learn from the following summary?

  • 1 Peter 3:8 -

Ponder:  1) If you are not married right now, what should you be concerned about in your personal life and in a future marriage partner if that is in God's plan?  2) If you are married to a believer or an unbeliever, what actions can you take from this lesson to enhance and improve your marriage from yourself?  3) If you are a victim of a partner's immorality or if your partner being an unbeliever has left you or is leaving you, how will you accept God's grace and forgiveness to let go and start fresh again? 

Back to Mark 10:

7.  The people were bringing children to Jesus for Him to touch them and bless them.  The disciples rebuked the people for allowing it.  Jesus was indignant with them for this. 

  • What did Jesus clearly want understood regarding "children coming to Him"? vs. 14 -

We need the example of trusting children in our lives to see how we must receive the kingdom of God ourselves.  We must receive the kingdom of God 'like a child' Jesus said in verse 15.

8.  As Jesus continued His journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him asking Him as a 'good teacher' to tell him how he could obtain eternal life.  Jesus asked him why he called Him 'good' and said that only God is good. 

Jesus wanted the man to realize that He was in the presence of the One who truly was good because He truly was God.  His eyes could not be opened to that yet without the coming of the Holy Spirit after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, so Jesus pointed Him back to the commandments as John the Baptist had done in his ministry of repentance to prepare for the kingdom of God.

The rich young ruler asked which ones should he keep?  Jesus listed some for him.  What are the ones He listed? vs. 19 -  

  • 1)
  • 2)
  • 3)
  • 4)
  • 5)
  • 6)

9.  The young man said that he had done all of these and wanted to know what else he lacked. 

  • What did Jesus feel for him? vs. 21 -
  • What did Jesus tell him to do? vs. 21 -

10.  Jesus went right to his heart and to his idolatry which was his possessions.  Notice that Jesus had not listed "Have no other God before Him" which is one of the 10 commandments... 

  • Was he willing to give it all to follow Jesus? vs. 22 -

11.  Jesus told His disciples that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 

  • Why do you think it is hard for the wealthy to see their need for God?

If you or someone you know has been blessed by God to have wealth, what are His instructions to wealthy believers? 

  • 1 Timothy 6:17-19 - 

If you lack wealth, are you to desire to have it?  Why or why not?

  • 1 Timothy 6:7-12 -       

12.  The disciples said it would be hard for any to be saved.  What assurance did Jesus give them about this? vs. 27 -

13.  Peter answered that they had left everything to follow Him. In Matthew's account of this conversation, what awesome reward did he record Jesus said the 12 apostles would share in the kingdom to come because of their sacrifices?

  • Matthew 19:27-28 -

Both Matthew and Mark comment about everyone else who makes sacrifices for God's kingdom.

Back to Mark 10:

14.  What will everyone who leaves family or possessions for the sake of Christ receive? 

  • In this life? vs. 30 -
  • What comes with the blessings? vs. 30 -
  • In the next life? vs. 30 -

15.  As Jesus and His disciples were on the road to Jerusalem, He continued to prepare them for what was going to be happening to Him soon.  He wanted them to clearly understand that He would be given over to the Gentiles to be condemned. 

  • What did He say would be happening to Him soon? vs. 34 -

16.  James & John, the sons of Zebedee had a request for Jesus.  They wanted to sit on His right and His left side when He was on His glorious throne. 

Jesus told them they didn't know what they were asking for.  To be glorified with Him and to receive such reward will be dependent on our suffering with Him as well.  They would have to drink of His cup of suffering and be baptized (or identified) with Him in His suffering and death before any glory and honor would be coming.  I have heard it said this way:  "The cross before the crown", not only for Jesus, but for each of us.  

How does the apostle Peter say it for us?

  • 1 Peter 2:21-25 -
  • 1 Peter 4:12-14 -

Back to Mark 10:

17.  Jesus was not able to assign James & John a seat on either side of Him,  for it has already been determined for those chosen to take those places. (vs. 40)  The other 10 disciples felt indignant toward James & John for even asking such a thing.  Jesus took advantage of the moment to teach them again about servanthood and greatness in the kingdom of God.

Read Mark 10:42-45 and answer these questions:

  • How were those recognized as rulers of the Gentiles acting? 
  • How were the rulers of God's kingdom to be different? 
  • Who was their example and what did He come to do?

18.  As Jesus, His disciples, and a great multitide were leaving Jericho, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, was sitting by the road.  When he heard that Jesus was coming by, he cried out "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"  Many were telling him to be quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!".  Jesus stopped.  He said "Call him here."  The people said to him, "Take courage, arise!  He is calling for you."  He cast aside his cloak, he jumped up, and came to Jesus. 

  • What did Jesus ask him? vs. 51 -
  • What did the blind man say to Jesus? vs. 51 -
  • What did Jesus answer him back? vs. 52 -
  • What was the result? vs. 52 -

Do you need the mercy of Jesus, Son of David today?  Cry out!  Cry out louder!  He will hear you.  He will stop.  He will listen.  He will ask you what you want.  He will help you if you have faith to believe.

  • Hebrews 4:16 -

Review & Reflect: 

  • 1) How are you glorifying God in your singleness or in your marriage, whether to a believer or an unbeliever?  How will you work on these areas from this lesson on? 
  • 2) Do you realize that Jesus wants the children to come to Him?  Have you hindered a child from coming?  How are you to receive the kingdom of God yourself? 
  • 3) Has temporary possessions, the lack of them in coveting them, or the abundance of them in placing them as the most important thing in your life, kept you from following the Lord with all of your heart?  How can that change from this lesson on?  If you or someone you know has been blessed with wealth, how does God instruct them to use their wealth? 
  • 4) Do we follow the Lord hoping to have position and recognition?  Will we have it in this life?  What are we to take the role of with Jesus as our example? 
  • 5) Did you realize that your glorification is to the degree of your suffering for Him?  How have you suffered in your identification with our Lord?  How will your attitude of suffering with Him and for Him change from this lesson on? 
  • 6) Do you have need of God's mercy today?  His throne is a throne of grace and mercy.  We are to come with our needs to find His help.  Will you cry out to Him and tell Him what you need today?

Your summary and prayer today:



Written by B LeMoine for Heart & Home Bible Fellowship© with permission to use on RTB websites only. For personal or ministry related use, please email Brenda for permission and conditions.

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