Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mark Worksheet - Chapter 5

Worksheet - Mark 5

Review of Chapter 4:

  • 1) True believers who have had genuine repentance and a born again experience have had the seed of the Gospel planted in good prepared soil.  We all bear fruit in varying degrees, but we do bear fruit whether 30, 60 or 100 fold for the kingdom's work.
  • 2) Believers have the resident Holy Spirit as a teacher and one that helps us discern the spiritual truth as we read God's Words to us from the Bible.  If we cannot understand God's Word at all or do not have hunger for it, we should check the soil of our heart again and see if we are truly born again.
  • 3) We can plant or water the seeds in other's lives, but we cannot control the growth.  God does that apart from us.  It is His work and we can release them to Him after we plant and water.
  • 4) Jesus cares about our storms, but He wants us to have faith that we can speak to the storm as well.  Let us pray, "Lord, increase our faith".  Let us tell our storm how big our God is. Amen. 

Mark, Chapter 5:

1.  After Jesus calmed the raging sea with a word and amazed His disciples, they came to the other side of the sea into the country of the Gerasenes.

  • When Jesus got out of the boat, what was He immediately met with?  vs. 2 -

2.  Where did this demon-possessed man live? vs. 3 -

  • What was his condition? vs. 3 -
  • What did he constantly do day and night? vs. 5 -

Note: The description describes his pathetic condition as well as the purpose of Satan and his demonic spirits - they seek to kill, steal, and destroy the works of God. 

3.  In contrast, what did Jesus come to do for us?

  • John 10:10 -
  • 1 John 3:7-8 -

Back to Mark 5:

4.  Seeing Jesus from a distance -

  • What did the man run to Him and do? vs. 6 - 
  • What did the man say to Jesus in a loud voice? vs. 7 -
  • What had Jesus been saying to him that caused him to say this to Jesus? vs. 8 -
  • Jesus asked the man "What is your name?"  How did the man answer Him? vs. 9 -
  • What did the name Legion mean?

5.  What was the demon begging Jesus not to do? 

  • vs. 7 -
  • vs. 10 -

Read Luke's account of this event and see that the demons knew exactly where they did not want to be sent to. 

  Comment on these verses:

  • Luke 8:31 -

6.  The demons know their time is short.  They know exactly Who Jesus is and what He is going to do to them at the proper time.

  • What is the end of the story for all the demons that do the work of Satan today?
  • Revelation 20:10 -
  • Revelation 20:14 -

What is the end of the story as well for every person who rejects the free gift of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ?

  • Revelation 20:;15 -

Ponder:  If only mankind realized like the demons what the end of their story will be if they do not submit their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

May we continue to pray earnestly for our loved ones that do not know Him and share openly from our hearts to warn them of the wrath to come and how to be delivered from that wrath by faith in our Lord Who came to destroy the works of the devil and give us life and life abundantly.

7.  Where did the demons ask to be sent for the time being? vs. 12 -
  • What did Jesus grant to them? vs. 13 -
  • How many swine (pigs) were destroyed by the demons that came out of this one poor man? vs. 13 -

8.  The herdsmen ran away and reported to the people in the city and in the country what had happened.  They came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-possessed. 

How did they find the man now that Jesus had cast out the demons from him? vs. 15 -

  • 1)
  • 2)
  • 3)

The ones who had seen it with their own eyes described to the others how it had happened and all about the 2000 pigs rushing down the steep bank into the sea.

  • What did the people beg Jesus to do? vs. 17 -

Ponder:  Why would they want Him to leave when He had done such a wonderful thing in their midst?  What are your thoughts?  Do you think that sometimes we don't want the power exhibited in our lives or among us as well?  Why or why not?

9.  Unlike the crowds who wanted Jesus to leave, what was the one who had been delivered from demons begging that he might do? vs. 18 -

10. Jesus did not allow it, but told the man to return to his people and tell them the great things the Lord had done for him.  What region did this delivered man return to and what did he go and proclaim there? vs. 20 -

Note:  This is in contrast to when Jesus did not want the man with the withered hand to tell anyone about Him, but to go to the priests and follow the law of Moses. 

This demoniac was from the Gentile territory rather than the Jewish ones.  There was little danger of Messianic ideas about Jesus being circulated from there. 

Remember, Jesus was moving on the Father's timetable and we saw that He kept saying "My hour has not yet come" until finally it would be time for the purpose of His death, burial, and resurrection to occur.

Ponder:  If not to the degree of this man's demon activity within him, we all have been under the enemy's power at one time in our lives even if subtly.  

  • What is every man's condition before coming into divine union with the Father through Jesus Christ?  Ephesians 2:1-3 -
  •  If you have become born again, what has the Father done for you now? Ephesians 2:4-9 -
  • What have you been created in Christ Jesus to do? Ephesians 2:10 -

11. Jesus crossed back over to the other side of the sea. A large crowd had gathered there, so they stayed by the seashore.  One of the synagogue officials named Jarius came up to Jesus and fell to His feet to beg for something.  What did he believe Jesus could do for him? vs. 22-23 -

12.  Jesus left to go with him and a large crowd followed Him, pressing in on Him.  Jesus perceived in all the pressing going on that power had left His presence to heal someone due to their faith. (vs.30,31).

Note:  Doesn't this encourage you to see how in the midst of all the begging and pressing upon Him, He knew the desire and answered the need of one woman of faith?  I know it does me! 

13.  What was the condition of the woman who touched Him and believed for her healing from Him? vs. 25 -

  • What had she endured at the hands of many physicians? vs. 26 -
  • When she heard about Jesus, what did she determine to do and why? vs. 27-28 -
  • What happened immediately when she connected with Him? vs. 29 -
  • What did Jesus perceive immediately? vs. 30 -
  • What did the disciples find astonishing about this? vs. 31 -
  • When Jesus asked who had touched Him, the woman came fearing and trembling to fall down before Him and tell Him that it was her.  What were the soothing and healing words of Jesus to her? vs. 34 -

14. While Jesus was still speaking to her, people came from the house of the Jarius, the synagogue official, to tell him that his daughter had died and he did not need to trouble the teacher anymore.  Jesus overheard what they said to him.  What did Jesus say to Jarius at that point? vs. 36 -

15. Which disciples were the only ones that Jesus allowed to go with Him to the house of Jarius where his daughter had died? vs. 37 -

  • What did they find when they arrived at his house? vs. 38 -
  • Jesus told them not to cry, that the child was just sleeping and had not died.  How did they react to His words? vs. 40 -

Jesus put them all out.  He took the 3 disciples with Him along with the girl's mother and father into the room where the child was lying.  Jesus took her by the hand and said "Talitha kum!", which translated means "Little girl, I say to you, get up!"

  • What did the child immediately do? vs. 42 -
  • How old was she? vs. 42 -
  • They were all completely astounded!  What strict orders did Jesus give to them? vs. 43 -

Review & Reflect:

  • 1) Have you ever had or know anyone that had been in such bondage by the devil that they were in such a need as this one to be touched by Jesus and set free?
  •  2) Did you realize that all mankind is born into death and under the enemy's influence until they are born again?
  • 3) Have you been born again? Share your experience if the Lord so leads today. 
  • 4) Have you ever been in a situation or know someone who has been in need of the Lord's healing touch on their children?  How did the story of Jarius and his desperation for his daughter touch you?  How has Jesus helped your children in times of illness or need? 
  • 5) Have you ever been in or known someone in a similar situation as this lady who had bled with a hemmorage for 12 long years and was not helped by any physician, but had spent all the money she had on them? 
  • How does her faith in reaching out to Jesus for help touch you? 
  • How does it minister to you personally to see that out of the multitude of people, He stopped and acknowledged how her faith was to be honored? 

He cares about each 'one' of us, but we see throughout Mark's Gospel and the entire Word of God that we are the ones who must reach out to Him, to tell Him our needs, to reach for His robe, to seek His face. 

Write out the verses below that show that God will come near to us when we draw near to Him to meet us at the point of our need, whether it be for salvation, healing, or deliverance, and there will always be grace there, available for us to draw upon as we wait upon Him for His help in faith.  

  •  2 Chronicles 16:9 -
  • Jeremiah 29:13 -
  • Luke 11:9-10 -
  • Luke 12:31 -
  • James 4:7-8 -
  • Hebrews 4:16 -

In each of the above verses, we make the first move.  God made the first moves in creating the world, creating mankind, offering mankind a freewill to follow and obey Him, and then sending His only Son to die for mankind so that man could find His way back to Him.

If you are not a child of God, move toward Him and ask Him to save you today.  Place your faith in Jesus as the only begotten Son of God, believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.  Romans 10 tells us that if you do those things sincerely, you will be saved from His wrath and He will be your Father forever. 

If you are a child of His and you have gone astray or are standing in need today of His touch, won't you reach out to touch His garment?  He won't turn you away, but He will stop and meet your personal need for His touch.  If you have needs of healing or deliverance, trust Him, move toward Him, know that as a child of God, you have access to His throne of grace and mercy in your time of need.  Amen. 

Your summary and prayer today:



Written by B LeMoine for Heart & Home Bible Fellowship© with permission to use on RTB websites  only. For personal or ministry related use, please email Brenda for permission and conditions.

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