Monday, February 20, 2012

1 Timothy Worksheet - Chapter 4

1 Timothy 4    

  1. What does the Spirit say will happen in later times? vs. 1
  2. What will cause some to fall away from the faith? vs. 1
  3. Who will teach these doctrines of demons? vs. 1,2
  4. What 2 things are given as examples of things they will forbid? vs. 3
  5. What does God say about all things that He has created to eat? vs. 3-5
  6. How are we to receive our food? vs. 4
  7. How is our food sanctified by God? vs. 5 .... Does this explain why we say "grace" at meals?
  8. What did Paul say to Timothy in regard to pointing out these things to the church? vs.6 - Name 3 things
  9. What are we to have 'nothing' to do with? vs. 7
  10. What should we discipline ourselves in and what will it profit us? vs. 7-9
  11. Why did Paul and Timothy "labor and strive" to deliver the Gospel to others and to teach them these godly principles of life? vs. 10-11
  12. Paul told Timothy not to "let" anyone look "down" on his youthfulness. Instead, what was he to show himself an "example" of? vs. 12 - Name 5 things
  13. What did Paul tell Timothy to give attention to until he came to him again? vs. 13 - Name 3 things
  14. What was Timothy not to "neglect"? vs. 14
  15. How serious was Timothy to take all that Paul was telling him to do? vs. 15
  16. Paul told Timothy to pay close attention to himself and to his teaching. He told him to persevere in these things. What would he ensure for himself and others that listened to him in this way? vs. 16
  17. Do you feel that you take pain to be absorbed in the things of God? Do you work on your godly disciplines as much or more than you do your bodily disciplines? How will reading this chapter effect your way of life from this point forward?
  18. Give summary statements of today's reading and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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