Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Titus Worksheet - Chapter 3

Titus 3    

  1. What did Paul tell Titus to remind the church to be? vs.1,2 - Name 8 things
  2. What did Paul remind Titus about concerning their former way of life? vs. 3 - Name 8 things
  3. What happened to change them? vs. 4
  4. What is our salvation 'not' based on? vs. 5
  5. What happened to bring about our salvation? vs. 5
  6. According to God's mercy, we have been washed by regeneration and we have been renewed by the Holy Spirit. (vs.5).. What was accomplished by this renewal? vs. 6,7
  7. How did Paul want Titus to speak about these things? vs. 8
  8. What did Paul want the people to engage in and why? vs. 8
  9. What did Paul tell Titus to avoid and why? vs. 9
  10. What instruction did Paul give Titus concerning a "factious" man? vs. 10,11
  11. Paul was going to send Artemas or Tychicus to Titus. He wanted Titus to make every effort to come to him at Nicopolis. How long was Paul going to be there? vs. 12
  12. Paul gave instructions to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way so that they lacked in nothing. (vs.13) He stated again that the people needed to learn to "engage in good deeds". Why should we meet pressing needs of others? vs. 14
  13. Paul sent greetings from all who were with him. He asked that Titus greet those who loved them in the faith. What were his final words in this letter to Titus? vs. 15
  14. As you look back over this chapter, think of when the Lord gave you "regeneration" and "renewal" through His Spirit. When was that and how did His kindness change your way of living?
  15. Twice Paul said in this chapter that we must "learn to engage in good deeds" and to meet the pressing needs of others. How have you seen this enrich your lives and what has He laid on your heart to do for another person or a ministry that is on your heart?
  16. It would be good to go back through this short book of Titus and list your favorite verses from each chapter; words that you would like to implant deeper into your heart. Write out your summary and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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