Introduction: God gives Moses the 10 commandments. The people hear the voice of God and tremble.
Review: After four hundred years, the descendants of Israel have been brought out of the bondage in Egypt. Now the process begins of bringing the nation into the Promised Land. The journey in the wilderness has begun. It also includes a people coming to know what God's standards are like. And so we have the giving of the Law. First, the 10 commandments which were written by the finger of God ( ) and then the ordinances given to Moses to pass on to the people. People must have rules of regulation or there can be no justice. Of course, these do not apply for the most part in our culture, but still, we have laws of justice and rightly so for the culture that we live in.
2. What is the first commandment that God gave? vs. 3
3. The second commandment is that we are not to make for ourselves an idol of any likeness in heaven, on earth, or in the water under the earth. We are not to worship an idol that has been made or serve it. What kind of God do we serve? vs. 5
4. Who does God show lovingkindness toward? vs. 6 - Name 2 things
5. The third commandment is that we are not to take the name of the Lord our God in vain. What does God promise to do to those who do so? vs.7
6. What is the fourth commandment? What day are we to remember to keep holy? vs. 8
7. What are we remembering about God when we set aside this day each week? vs.9-11
8. The fifth commandment is to honor our father and our mother. What was the promise to those who did so? vs. 12
9. List the 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th commandments (vs.13-16)
10. In the final commandment of the 10 given by God, we are not to covet. List the things that are given that we are not to covet of our neighbor. vs. 17 - Name 7 things given.
11. What did the people perceive when God was speaking these things to Moses? vs. 18 - Name 4 things
12. What did the people do when they witnessed these things from a distance? vs. 18
13. Why did the people not want to hear God speak any longer? vs. 19
14. What did Moses say was the reason why God wanted the people to hear His voice speaking? vs. 20
15. Comment on the some or all of the verses concerning the fear of the Lord. I truly believe it will be well worth your time!
- Psalm 34:7 -
- Psalm 34:9 -
- Psalm 103:13 -
- Psalm 111:10 -
- Proverbs 3:7 -
- Proverbs 8:13 -
- Proverbs 14:26,27 -
- Habakkuk 3:2 -
- Malachi 3:16 -
- Acts 9:31 -
- 2 Corinthians 5:11 -
- Revelation 15:4 -
16. Moses had told the people that by hearing God's voice they would remember to fear Him, and when they fear Him, it would keep them from sin. How can we hear the voice of the Lord to keep our lives pure and away from sin?
- Psalm 119:11 -
- Psalm 119:38 -
- Psalm 119:133 -
- Hebrews 12:2 -
17. The people stood at a distance. What did Moses do? vs. 21
18. The Lord told Moses what to tell the people of Israel. He said they had seen that He had spoken to them from heaven. (vs.22) He wanted to remind them again that they were not to make other gods besides Him, whether they be of silver or of gold. (vs.23). What kind of altar did God want them to make for Him? vs. 24a
19. What sacrifices did God instruct them to make on the earthen altar they would make? vs. 24b - Name 2 offerings mentioned.
20. Where and how often were they to build an earthen altar to make offerings on? vs. 24c
21. What did God promise to do if they would build the altar and make the offerings in each of those places? vs. 24d
22. If they made an altar of stone for the Lord, what did they need to be sure of concerning the stones and why? vs. 25
23. Why did the Lord not want them to go up by steps to His altar? vs. 26
Note: I guess because they wore robes; there would be people lower than them that could see their nakedness as they walked up? Just my thought.
24. The first 5 commandments are toward God; the last 5 commandments are toward our fellow man. How did Jesus wrap up the greatest commandment and the second one that was like it?
- Matthew 22:34-40 -
25. Let's examine our hearts today. Do we love the Lord with all our heart...soul...strength...and mind today? What does that look like? If we love Him, we love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Do we love our neighbor? Do we love ourselves? If we love the Lord, the first 5 commandments will not seem a burden to us, but as natural as breathing. If we love our neighbor, we will easily walk in the last 5 commandments. How did Jesus connect love and obedience?
- John 14:15 -
- John 15:10,11 -
- 1 John 2:3 -
- 1 John 3:23,24 -
- 1 John 5:3 -
26. How has this lesson encouraged you to fear (reverence) the continue to know Him and fear Him through His Word ... and to love Him with all of your heart? Take time to summarize the chapter, this lesson, and to post a prayer if you would like.
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