Exodus 36
1. Who were the 2 men that led the construction of the sanctuary under God's gifting? vs. 1
2. Who helped them construct all the Lord had commanded Moses? vs. 1
3. When Moses called Bezalel & Oholiab and every skilled person whom the Lord had put skill, how did they know they were to respond and help? vs. 2
4. Have you had that heartstir before; some call it tugging or even a nudge from the Spirit? When do you last remember having it? How did you respond to it? Why or why not? Share if you remember and would like to encourage with your situation.
5. The materials were all provided by the sons of Israel who had responded to the Lord's call for a contribution. How did the spirit of giving continue to manifest ? vs. 3
6. All the skillful men who were performing the work came to Moses.(vs.4) What did they say to him concerning the contribution gifts that the people continued to bring? vs. 5
7. How awesome to have "much more than enough" anytime we are doing a work for the Lord. Compare this to some of the many verses in the New Testament on the subject of giving and receiving.
- Matthew 6:33 -
- Luke 6:38 -
- 2 Corinthians 8:2-5 -
- 2 Corinthians 9:10-12 -
- 2 Corinthians 9:13-15 -
- Philippians 4:17-19 -
8. Back to Exodus 36. What did Moses circulate by command for every man and woman to stop doing and why? vs.6-7 -
I love the phraise "more than enough"!
9. Who made the tabernacle curtains? vs. 8a.
10. Who made the cherubim in the design? vs. 8b
11. The dimensions and detials are given for the 10 curtains, loops, clasps, etc.(vs.9-13) The next set of curtains that were made were for a tent over the tabernacle. What were these 11 curtains made out of? vs. 14
Do you remember what was significant about the goats' hair for the top covering of the tabernacle? See if you can find the answer in your past notes or by looking up the significance of the goats' hair online?
12. The dimensions and details are given for the 11 curtains of goat hair that covered the tabernacle along with the loops and clasps, etc.. (vs.14-18) What was the next covering made from for the very top layer over the tabernacle? vs. 19 - Name 2 types of skins made.
13. Next, the make the boards, sockets, and bars. The boards made of acacia wood formed the walls of the tabernacle,put into silver sockets, and the bars were made to connect them. The dimensions and details are given for all of these that made the sides of the tabernacle.(vs.20-34) What were all the boards, rings, holders, bars, etc. overlaid with? vs. 34
14. Next, Bezalel made the veil. What materials were used and what design was woven into them? vs. 35
To hold the veil, there were four pillars made out of acacia wood, overlaid in gold with hooks of gold and the four sockets of silver. (vs.36).
15. What materials were used for the screen of the doorway of the tent? vs. 37 -
There were five pillars made with their hooks overlaid in gold and the five socks of bronze. (vs.38)
God is showing grace in allowing Moses to come up the mountain and get the instructions for this tabernacle a second time along with the tablets of stone for the people. This time the people have been told that it is time to build; that God wants to dwell among them!
The tabernacle points to things concerning Jesus, the Messiah, the One that would draw them close to God eternally. Their willingness to give to the work on it and to serve with willing hearts show that they are so thankful to have the God of all creation wanting to dwell, right there with them. They are looking for Him and anticipating His presence with them.
Today, we look back at the finished work on the cross, and see that through Jesus, God has made a way to forever be in our midst and dwell within our hearts; through Jesus we can draw near to God. Let's take time to worship and draw near and rejoice in all that the tabernacle shadowed for us - the very substance of Jesus Himself. Amen.
16. Summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.
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