1. Before detailing all the work that is to be done for the Lord, Moses makes sure that they understand the rest that is to be had "in" the Lord. The Sabbath day rest. From sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, they are to do no work. It is to be a complete rest; they are told "don't even start a fire in your dwellling" .(vs.1-3) With all that will be commissioned them on the tabernacle and its furnishings, I am sure there would be a temptation to work everyday of the week without a day of rest, but that is never how God intended. Again, what did Jesus tell His disciples in regard to the Sabbath?Exodus 35
- Matthew 12:1-8
What does the Lord desire more than sacrifice?
- Mark 2:27
Who was the Sabbath made for?
- Luke 13:10-16
The religious rulers had made healing unlawful on the Sabbath. Jesus let them know that the Sabbath is for God's goodness toward man.2. Back to Exodus 35. Moses said the Lord wanted a contribution taken up for the tabernacle to be built and the service to be put in place.
3. What were the things that the Lord had need of? vs. 5-9 - Name 16 listed.
4. What kind of heart were those who contributed to have? vs. 4-5
5. What does Paul tell us in the New Testament above giving to the Lord?
- 2 Corinthians 9:7-8
7. What did he list that needed to be constructed? vs.11-19 - About 30 things, depending on how you list them when you make the list.
8. After everyone left Moses' presence, who came back with a contribution for the Lord's work and service? vs. 20-21
9. Who brought jewelry and all articles of gold for the Lord? vs. 22
10. What was the condition of their heart in doing so? vs. 22
11. Who brought the materials? vs. 23
13. Who made contributions of silver and bronze for the work of the Lord's tent? vs. 24
14. What is God's model for giving in the New Testament?
- 2 Corinthians 8:12-15
16. Who brought the onyx stones and the stones for setting for the ephod and the breastpiece along with the spice and the oil for the lights and incense? vs. 27-28
17. All the Israelites, all the men and women, whose heart moved them brought material for the work of the Lord. Therefore, what kind of offering was this called? vs. 29
18. Who did Moses say the Lord had called by "name"? vs. 30
19. What did God fill him with that gave him wisdom, understanding, knowledge and in all craftmanship to make designs, cut stones, carve wood, and perform every inventive work? vs. 31-33
20. What did Paul pray that the Holy Spirit would fill each of us with?
- Colossians 1:9 -
- Romans 12:6-13
- 1 Corinthians 12:4-13
- Ephesians 4:11-13
25. Do you have natural abilities? If so, what are they?
26. Do you have spiritual abilities? If so, what are they?
27. Do you have a special motivation in your heart to do for the Lord? What is it? A desire to do something for Him? What do you think about and wish you could do for Him and the body of Christ?
28. If you have a willing heart, contribute what you can and where you can. God loves a cheerful giver. Amen.
29. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.
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