Tuesday, October 18, 2011

John Worksheet - Chapter 1

    "Many other SIGNS therefore Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are NOT written in THIS book; (vs.30) but THESE have been WRITTEN that you may BELIEVE that JESUS IS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD; and that BELIEVING...you may have LIFE in HIS NAME." (vs.31) 
    From the verses above, answer these questions:  
  1. What did Jesus perform?

  2. Who saw these?

  3. Why have the ones in John's Gospel been recorded?

  4. What are these to cause you to believe about Jesus?

  5. When you believe this about Jesus, what will you receive?

    Therefore, on this journey through John's Gospel, we will LOOK for every SIGN that Jesus performs to prove that He is... l) "the" Chirst ...and ...2) "the" Son of God...so that...with the witness of WHO HE IS...you may BELIEVE and have LIFE in HIS NAME!

  6. Fill in the blanks from John 1:1,2

    "In the beginning was ____and the Word was ______, and the Word was ____. He was in the _______ with God." (John 1:1,2)

    Read John 1:1-14 and answer the following questions:

  7. Who is the "WORD" according to verse 1?

  8. What happened to the "WORD" in verse 14?

  9. What was He full of?

  10. Who do you believe the WORD is?

  11. Summarize just what you have learned about the WORD to this point:

    We are told that Jesus explained the Father to us. When you think of a "word" - it is "spoken".  A "word" is a communication to describe something or someone.

  12. What does verse 18 tell us that JESUS explains to us?

    Turn in your Bible to Hebrews, Chapter 1 in the New Testament. Read verse l-3 and then answer these questions:

  13. How did God speak long ago to the fathers?

  14. How has He SPOKEN to us in these last days?

  15. Who has God appointed as heir of all things?

  16. When God created the world, WHO did He make it through?

    When you think about Creation that we have an account of in Genesis, chapter One, do you remember that God created by His spoken Word? And God said "Let there be light." etc

    Hebrews 11:3 - "By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible."

    Back to Hebrews, Chapter 1.

  17. Write out verse 3 that gives us a description of God's SON

    So, we have seen that JESUS is God's exact nature and in John 1:18, we have been told that JESUS came to EXPLAIN the Father to us! So as we learn about Jesus, we are learning about God the Father.

  18. What does Jesus tell his disciple Thomas in John 14:6,7?

    These are the main truths we need to learn from John, Chapter 1

    Jesus is God's Word of Himself
    Jesus was in the BEGINNING, creating the world 'with' God
    Also - Jesus, the Word, 'was' GOD.

    The rest of the book of the Gospel of John will use eye witnesses and SIGNS (miracles) that Jesus did to show that this is true!

    He will show in John, Chapter 5 that He and the Father are equal in their works, their knowledge, and in all things.

    In John, Chapter 8, verse 58, Jesus will make this statement to the questioning Jewish leaders: "Before Abraham was, I AM"...when He uses that phrase, He is using God's Name revealed to the Jewish people for the most sacred Name of God Himself, as God revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14.

  19. When we recognize that He is the Son of God and we receive Him to be the Lord of our lives, believing in His name, what do we receive according to John 1:12?

    vs. 12

    The sentence continues with verse 13 showing that "as a child of God" our birth is not of physical nor human impulse nor of husbands desire but of God. In order to become a child of God, we must believe in WHO JESUS IS and when we do, a birth takes place to make us be a child of God. It is not by our own will or the will of our parents or church and certainly not our bloodline.  God gives us that birth.

    In John, chapter 3, a religious Jewish leader named Nicodemus will hear Jesus say "Unless you are BORN AGAIN, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."

  20. Have you experienced that second birth?  Will you write your testimony of when you were born again on our Testimony board?  Click HERE to do so.  Also read other's testimonies and comment on them as an encouragement to them.


    The reason John has written this gospel and recorded the SIGNS is that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and BELIEVING we might have LIFE IN HIS NAME!

    There is a SIGN of who Jesus is given to John the Baptist.

  21. What does he tell the people was the sign that showed to him personally that Jesus was the Son of God?

    John 1:32-34:

    Two of John the Baptist's disciples left John to go and follow Jesus. This, of course, is what John wanted them to do, as he was baptizing and pointing others to Jesus, the LAMB OF GOD, that had come to take away the sins of the world.

  22. Who was the first one to follow Jesus?

  23. Who was his brother?

  24. What did Andrew tell his brother Simon? (vs.41)

    You see Jesus is "the" Christ, which means "THE PROMISED ONE"...there is much we will learn in this Gospel from Old Testament references of how the Lord God PROMISED One that would come in His Name and save the people from their sin! Andrew knew it "we have found HIM!"....and....he couldn't wait to share it with his own brother!

    Jesus took one look at Simon, Andrew's brother, and he knew who he was!

  25. What did Jesus call him? (vs.42)

    Now the brothers, Andrew and Peter, lived in the city of Bethsaida.

  26. Who else did Jesus call from that city to follow Him? (vs.43,44)

    Philip found someone else to tell the news to!

  27. Who did he tell? (vs.45)

  28. What did he say to this fellow Jew? (vs.45)

    The name "Jesus" is not printed in the writings of the law of Moses or in the Prophets of the Old Testament, yet.....there are PROMISES of this MESSIAH, God's prophet that would bring a NEW COVENANT of hope and life to His people. Philip and the others who were seeking this One knew they had found him!

  29. Although Nathanael had some doubt, what were the simple words of Philip to him in verse 46?

    Maybe there is someone you know would benefit from this study. You could say to them .... "Come and See!"..

    We are going to be LOOKING at witnesses and signs that point to WHO Jesus is throughout this study, so that whoever hears and believes will have LIFE in HIS NAME!

    You could copy and paste this link to your email inbox and send it to them, and they can know they are invited to "Come and See"!

    Here is the url so that they can click it on and JOIN the study with us! (remember after you forward it to go back and make sure the underline is in color so that when they click it....it will take them to this site!.


    As soon as Jesus saw Nathanael, He knew who he was and where he had been. Yes, Jesus is God in His exact nature (the all-knowing God). He knows who you are and where you have been.

    To Nathanael, He had something admirable to say to him.

  30. What was it? (vs.47)

  31. After Jesus spoke to Nathanael, what confession did Nathanael make to Him?(vs.49)

    Jesus told him "You will see greater things than THESE - He told him he would see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the SON OF MAN."

    A student has written in with the question when did he see this?

    We know in Genesis 28:12, Jacob saw this in his dream (Jacob's ladder to heaven) Read about it. Why not write the verse out?

    We will end today with this verse:

    Acts l:9-11 "And after He had said these things, He was lifted up WHILE THEY WERE LOOKING ON, and a cloud received Him our of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was departing, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them; and they also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? THIS JESUS, who has been taken up from you into heaven, WILL COME in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."

    Yes, He is Coming again - with the clouds - to receive those who believe in His Name.

  32. When He comes, will He receive you?

  33. Do you believe?

  34. Write your summary and prayer today:

    Dear Lord, ......

    Created For RTB msn group by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at http://www.read-the-bible.webs.com

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