Sunday, April 15, 2012

Revelation Worksheet - Chapter 13


In chapter 12, we were introduced to the dragon of Revelation. Who did John clearly indicate the dragon to be? Revelation 12:9 - Write it out: Revelation 13 ...
  1. The dragon (Satan) stood on the sand of the seashore. (vs.1) What did John see coming up out of the sea? vs.1a
  2. Describe the beast that John saw coming out of the sea. vs. 1 - Name 4 things
  3. What animal did John compare the beast to? vs. 2a
  4. What did John saw his feet were like? vs. 2b
  5. What did he say his mouth was like? vs. 2c
  6. What did the dragon (Satan) give to the beast? vs. 2d - Name 3 things
  7. As we looked at in yesterday's lesson, we need Daniel's OT prophecy coupled with Revelation to get the best understanding of the heads of the beast and the horns on them. In Daniel and in Revelation, we will see a Beast with seven heads and ten horns that will deceive the whole world. The seven heads represent world kingdoms with kings under the control of Satan and the ten horns represent ten end time world leaders that the dragon (Satan) will control for a specified time and purpose of God.

    Rev 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    Dan 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

    Rev 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
  8. What did John see in regard to one of the heads (or kingdoms)? vs.3 - Name 5 things
  9. Why did the whole earth worship the dragon (Satan)? vs. 4
  10. Why did they worship the beast? vs. 4
  11. What was given to the beast for 42 months? vs. 5 - Name 3 things
  12. When the beast opened his mouth, it was in blasphemies against God and who else? vs. 6
  13. Who will the beast make war with and how will it turn out? vs. 7a
  14. What kind of power will he have over the earth? vs. 7b - Name 4 things
  15. Who will worship the beast? vs. 8a
  16. Who will NOT worship the beast? vs. 8b
  17. Has your name been written in the Lamb's book of life? How do you know?
  18. If anyone has an ear, John says "let him hear". What are the various things that the saints will be destined for during this time? vs. 10 - Name 2 things
  19. What does John call this? vs. 10b
  20. John saw another beast coming up - this time out of the earth rather than the sea - What does he say this beast was like and how did he speak? vs. 11
  21. John tell us about this 2nd beast (which will be referred to as the false prophet of the antichrist). He will excercise all the authority of the first beast (the antichrist) in his presence.  What does he make the earth dwellers do? vs. 12
  22. What is significant about the first beast? vs.12b
  23. What does the 2nd beast (false prophet) perform? vs.13a
  24. What is a significant miracle he will perform during this time? vs.13b
  25. Because of the signs that the false prophet (2nd beast) performs in the presence of the first beast (antichrist), what does it cause the people on earth to do? vs.14
  26. The people will be forced to make an image of the first beast. What will the 2nd beast (false prophet) do to the image to cause people to worship the image? vs. 15
  27. What happens to anyone who refuses to worship the image? vs. 15
  28. What does the false prophet (2nd beast) cause all the people on earth to receive on their right hand or on their forehead? vs. 16
  29. Can anyone buy or sell without the mark of the beast (antichrist)? vs. 17
  30. What is the mark of the beast? vs. 17 - Name 2 things
  31. When the number is calculated that is given out, what will it be? vs. 18
  32. Those whose name are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will not take the mark of the beast, even though they will give up their life in exchange to enter eternal life.

    I like to think of our website, my journals, my marked up Bibles, and other things as things the seekers can find during the days of tribulation to lead them to the decision to follow Christ to the death.

    Revelation 12:11 - They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even unto death. Amen.
  33. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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