Friday, November 18, 2011

Acts Worksheet - Chapter 11

  1. After the apostles and the brethren of Jerusalem heard about the Gentiles receiving the word of God, what did they accuse Peter of? vs.1-3

  2. Did Peter tell the apostles and the brethren at Jerusalem all of his vision? vs. 4-10

  3. Did Peter relate how the three men from Caesarea had arrived for him? How? vs.11

  4. Did Peter tell the brethren at the Jerusalem church what the Spirit told him to do about the house of Cornelius? What? vs. 12

  5. When Peter was relating to the Jerusalem church how the Holy Ghost fell on the Gentiles, what did he say he remembered? vs.16

  6. What did Peter tell the brethren at Jerusalem his conclusion was? vs. 17

  7. How did the brethren at Jerusalem accept Peter’s explanation of why he understood God’s forgiveness to the Gentiles? vs.18

  8. After Stephen’s death, and the scattering of the disciples, they went to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, to whom did they preach? vs. 19

  9. To whom did the believers from Cyprus and Cyrene preach? vs. 20-21

  10. Who did the church at Jerusalem sent to Antioch? vs. 22

  11. Was Barnabas pleased with the faith he found at Antioch? vs. 23

  12. What kind of man was Barnabas? vs. 24

  13. Why did Barnabas go to Tarsus? vs. 25

  14. How long did Barnabas and Saul stay at Antioch? vs. 26

  15. Where were the disciples, first called Christians? vs. 26

  16. Who besides Barnabas did the Jerusalem church send to Antioch? vs. 27

  17. What did the prophet Agabus prophesize? vs. 28

  18. What did the brethren at Antioch do for the brethren who lived in Judea? vs. 29-30

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