Wednesday, November 2, 2011

John Worksheet - Chapter 15

In the original writings of the Word of God, there is no chapter breaks or verses. Those were added so that we can have the benefit of looking up by reference. Therefore, what is spoken in Chapter 15 is associated with Chapter 14 as a continuation of the conversation Jesus is having with His 11 disciples. Judas has already left to betray Him. He is speaking to the other 11 and after comforting them about the coming Holy Spirit, He has said that "the ruler of the world is coming, and he has nothing in Me; but that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do ......Arise, let us go from here." We know they are now walking and it is very likely that as they walk, there are grapevines along the way because they were so common in the area - thefore, Jesus takes time to share with His 11 an allegory.
An allegory is a description of one thing using the image of another.
  • Who does Jesus tell them the TRUE VINE is?
  • Why is that important?
The Vine is the source of life for the branches and the grapes.
  • Who is the vinedresser?
Obviously, the One who cares for the Vine, making sure to cut off disease, to cut back branches that are dead, to take care of the vineyard so that it produces good grapes (fruit).... The one that watches over the vineyard.  Verse 2 states: "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear MORE fruit."

A branch is connected to the vine yet as the Parable of the sower and the seed tells us, some fall away or do not remain because they are not really part of the vine. We have had an example of Judas Iscariot. He was a branch that was connected for these years of ministry with Jesus, but he was not one to bear fruit. In fact, Jesus knew His betrayer the entire time and yet He taught him along with the other disciples and He just finished washing his feet before the last supper they all shared together. At that supper, Jesus told them about being clean and only needing to wash their feet, and speaking of Judas, He said "not all of you are clean", for He knew who would betray Him.
  • What does Jesus tell these 11 again to remind them of where they stand in His knowledge of them being true believers? John 15:3 -
So, they are clean and they are true believers that will not fall away as Judas has. Yet, being a fruitful branch is no easy road. To abide with Jesus is to be a part of Him, the Vine. It is complete identity with Him and it brings about the suffering and the persecutions of belonging to Him. The Father will prune the best of the branches in order that they bear the best fruit possible. The pruning process leaves you looking at the beautiful grapes on the ground sometimes and thinking, "why would You cut that away right now? much was happening...fruit was abounding in that work, that ministry, that person...." But who knows better than the vinedresser? His intention is not to devestate you, but to make you MORE FRUITFUL! That is the emphasis!
  • Why does He prune the branches that bear fruit?
  • How will they continue to bear more fruit? (vs.3)
To abide means to remain, to stay, to be at home with.....
  • When we remain with Jesus, the true vine, what will we bear for Him?(vs.5)
  • What can we do 'apart' from Jesus, the vine, working through us? (vs.5)
This indicates that we could not bear real, lasting fruit for God's kingdom. We know that people do good works in the name of religion all the time, but that does not mean they are abiding in the true vine, the Lord Jesus Christ.  I will type out Matthew 7:15-23 because it is so significant in helping us understand the branches that bear fruit FOR JESUS and the branches that do not bear fruit FOR JESUS and will be taken away and burned in the end. 

We have discussed Judas as not being a true believer, but walking 'with' Jesus (although he stole from the money bag and was a thief the whole time - the other disciples didn't know it, but Jesus knows the hearts of all men) Now, read this:
Matthew 7:15-23 - "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their FRUITS. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor fig thistles, are they? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. EVERY tree (branch) that does not BEAR GOOD FRUIT is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.
Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in YOUR Name, and in YOUR Name cast out demons, and in YOUR Name perform many miracles? And then I will declare to them,
"I never KNEW you; Depart from Me, you who PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS."
  • How does this compare to John 15's allegory of the vine and the branches?
  • Can a person look 'real' by doing miracles and prophesying, using the Name JESUS, and not be a true believer?
Jesus says of these false prophets in "sheep's clothing" - they did not ever KNOW Him. They practiced lawlessness. They did not ABIDE in Him, they did not LIVE for Him and allow His life to flow through them.........they were never part of His vine. Connected by association as Judas was.....yes....Saying His Name, doing miracles in His Name....but never yeilding their lives over to HIS RULERSHIP, to HIS LORDSHIP.
So, how do you know, first of all that you are "clean", as Jesus has assured the 11,even Peter who He knows will deny Him before night is over and yet is a true believer that will come back and be used mightily for the kingdom's sake.?  Also, how will you know if the prophets, the teachers are true believers? Will it be the way they use the Name of Jesus?Will it be the miracles they perform?Will it be by the demons they cast out in Jesus' Name?
I would say this in our modern age: Be so very careful. 

How can you know the FRUIT of a television evangelist that you never see the life of, how can you know the FRUIT of the author of a book that bears the name of being a Christian, how can you know the FRUIT of someone like me who is managing an internet ministry? Don't believe every teacher or you will be left so confused and downheartened. Don't swallow every teaching because it feels good and it makes promises that may not be fulfilled. Be very careful.
The reason for my burden and labor on this internet ministry not to allow alot of links to others places; not to allow denominations to try and persuade others to their side; not to allow alot of debate among issues is for this very reason: WE NEED TO KNOW THE BIBLE....We need to read it, meditate on it, and know it! If we know the Words of God, we will KNOW GOD......If we commit to daily abiding in the Word, we will daily abide with the Lord. We will bear not our own fruit, but HIS FRUIT, and we will know we are His disciples because we love one another and we obey His commandments.
When one trains to be a teller or a money handler in a banking institution, they NEVER look at the counterfeit money. They study and study the REAL money and as soon as a counterfeit comes across their hand, no matter how well it is disguised, they can SENSE it! Let's study the Word of God, the TRUE bread, the TRUE vine, the true LIGHT, the TRUTH

Back to John 15:
  • What happens to the branches that do not abide in Jesus? (vs.6)
These are ones that do not have eternal life, for they will be burned up.
  • Yet this Gospel has been written that we would believe that JESUS is THE Christ (promised Messiah), THE SON OF GOD, and that believing, what will we have? (John 20:30,31)
  • When we abide (remain at home) with Jesus and HIS WORDS abide (remain at home) with us, how will it effect our PRAYER life? (vs.7) Why?
Because our desires will line up with His desires. We will be completely identified with Who He is and what He desires for our lives, and we will not ask for selfish motives, but according to the will of God.
  • How do we GLORIFY the Father? (vs.8
  • What is the proof that we are DISCIPLES of the Lord Jesus? (vs.8
  • How has Jesus shown His love for the disciples? (vs.9
  • How will they abide (remain, stay at home) in this LOVE? (vs.10
When we abide in His Word, when we abide in Him, we will walk in LOVE because God is LOVE. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23). Isn't it great the self-control doesn't come from ourselves, but is a product of abiding in the Vine, walking in the Spirit? I say AMEN to that! 

Since I have just listed the fruit of the Holy Spirit, think of that list in light of what Jesus speaks to His disciples next.
  • What will this teaching bring to the true disciples? (vs. 11)
He repeats a commandment.
  • Write out John 15:12
If we are to love one another the WAY that Jesus loved us, we need to think about the way He demonstrated His love for us.
  • Just from what you know about the Gospel of John, how does Jesus show His love for His own?
  • How does Jesus show the greatest act of love? (vs.13)
  • In verse 14,15 - How will disciples show they are the friend of Jesus?
  • How does Jesus show the disciples they are friends of His?
  • Did the disciples choose Jesus? (vs.16)
  • Why did Jesus choose and appoint them?
  • Do they have to be concerned that their fruit will not remain?
They will be fruit bearing believers! Therefore, they can ask the Father in JESUS Name and have their prayers answered. This is one place that shows why we pray TO the Father IN the Name of Jesus! John 15:16
  • Verse l7, again - what is Jesus' command?
Jesus has been speaking about the disciples' relations to Him, to the Father, and to one another as believers. Now He prepares them for how this union with them is going to be looked upon and acted upon by those who do not believe.
  • How does the "world" - "those outside of Jesus Christ" feel toward the true believers? (vs.l8
How true is that today as we see even the Pledge of Allegiance under attack by our godless society!
  • There is a way to have the world love you. What is it? (vs.l9)
  • If you are a true believer, you are "not of this world". Why?
  • What did Jesus do when he chose you to be His? (vs.19)
Therefore, a true sign of a true believer is: the world hates you!
  • Not only will they hate you, but what else can these disciples (the 11) and you and I be assured will happen to us by the world (the non-believers)? (vs.20)
A verse in the New Testament gives a promise.....
"all who desire to live godly in this life WILL be persecuted..." 2 Timothy 3:12
(not one that gets quoted in the promise books too much)
  • Why will the Jewish leaders of that day DO these things to the Lord's disciples after He leaves? (vs.21)
They really believe as leaders of the religion and handlers of the Old Testament Scriptures (besides laws they have added themselves)....that they know God, but they do not know God.
  • If anyone claims to belong to God and yet denies that Jesus is sent from God as God to explain the Father to us....are they really believers?
Be careful! There are so many cults and false religions today and most of them use the Bible and they use the Name of Jesus. This lesson shows that the proof is in the fruit, not the teachings, not the miracles! The reason I mentioned the Jewish leaders to get us back into the context of why Jesus is speaking this at THIS time to His 11 disciples......He tells them this in regard to the Jews:
John 15:21-25 - "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but NOW they have NO EXCUSE for their sin.He who hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done AMONG them the WORKS which no one else did, they would not have sin; but NOW they have both SEEN and HATED ME and MY FATHER as well."
  • Why did Jesus say this had all happened? (vs. 25)
We have seen over and over that the Old Testament Scriptures are being fulfilled in the life of Jesus. Over 300 are fulfilled precisely to show and prove that He is the Messiah, the promised One that will baptize us in the Holy Spirit and cause us to bear GOOD fruit that glorifies He and the Father! This is the GOOD NEWS He reminds His 11 of !
  • Write out John 15:26,27 -
  • Who is coming?
  • Who will send Him?
  • Where will He come from?
  • What is He called?
  • What will He do in regard to the Lord Jesus?
  • And what will these 11 disciples do for the Lord Jesus? (vs.27)
  • Why?
These 11 have been with Jesus from the very beginning of His ministry. They have witnesses His works, listened to His words, seen His love, heard His prayers. They will testify of Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Helper, the Spirit of Truth. They will be responsible for most of the New Testament writings we have with us today! If not them, it will a disciple that was taught by them. Praise God for these truths!
  • Are you witnessing?
  • Are you abiding?
There are so many things we need to soak in from today's lesson. Be blessed. Be comforted. The Holy Spirit will give you the witness within that you are one of the Lord's own.
But be careful who you listen to!
Be safe and stay IN the WORD OF GOD.
Your Prayer and Summary:

Created For RTB msn group by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at

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