Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Acts Worksheet - Chapter 2

  1. What happened on the Day of Pentecost, the annual Jewish festival, about 10 days after Jesus had ascended to heaven? vs.1-4

  2. What did this experience sound like to them? vs. 2

  3. What did this experience look like to them? vs. 3

  4. What happened to each one of them as they were filled with the Holy Spirit that day? vs. 4

  5. There were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven. What drew the crowd together to the place of this occurance? vs.5-6

  6. Why were the Jews from every nation bewildered by this? vs. 6-8

  7. Based on this description, were the tonques a known language or an unknown language to the ones speaking? ... know or unknown to the ones listening? ...

  8. List the nations given that languages were being spoken from. vs. 9-11

  9. What message was each hearing in their own native tongue? vs. 11

  10. While many sought to understand what this must mean; others mocked and said they were drunk with wine. What did Peter say regarding the time of day it was in regard to their accusations? vs.12-16

  11. It appears that this was the fulfillment of the first part of the prophecy by Joel and that there is still some things to be fulfilled. What part was fulfilled on this historic Pentecost in Jerusalem? vs. 17-18

  12. What is still to be fulfilled from Joel's prophetic word? vs. 19-20

  13. What happens to every person who calls on the Name of the Lord, meaning they believe in Who He claimed to be? vs. 21

  14. Peter took this opportunity to preach a sermon to these Jews that had gathered when they heard the sounds of the outpouring of God's Spirit upon His people ... What did he tell them concerning Jesus? vs. 22-24

  15. Peter quoted one of David's Psalms to them in regard to the Holy One that would not undergo decay and he tells them that Jesus is the One that did not decay although David himself surely did. He was "looking ahead" to one of his descendants that would not decay. What did he say about him in the Psalm written? vs.30-31

  16. How did Peter and the apostles know that Jesus did not undergo decay? vs. 32

  17. Where was Jesus at now? vs. 33

  18. What did Jesus receive and what did He send to His followers? vs. 33

  19. How could this gift be witnessed again by these "onlookers"? vs. 33

  20. According to David's Psalm, how long will Jesus sit at the right hand of the Father? vs. 34-35

  21. What could the people of Israel know for certain according to verse 36?

  22. When they heard Peter's message about Jesus being crucified and Who He truly was, how did they feel and what did they ask ? vs. 37

  23. How did Peter answer them? What did they need to do in order to also receive the Holy Spirit? vs. 38

  24. Who is the Promise of the Holy Spirit for? vs. 39

  25. With many more words, Peter was telling them to be "saved from this perverse generation". How many souls were added to God's kingdom that day? vs. 41

  26. What did the people do as soon as they believed on the Lord in faith? vs. 41

  27. What four things did the believers devote themselves to as they grew in their faith? vs. 42

  28. Everyone kept feeling a sense of "awe". What was taking place through the apostles? vs. 43

  29. How did the believers take care of one another's needs? vs. 44- 45

  30. How often did the believers worship in the temple? vs. 46

  31. Where did they break bread together and what emotions did they have? vs. 46

  32. As they continually praised God, God gave them favor with all the people.

  33. What did the Lord add to their number daily? vs. 47

  34. What are some of the basic elements of Christian fellowship that the church has gotten away from today?

  35. If we returned to these principles, do you think we would see more people saved on a daily basis? Why or why not?

  36. Write out your summary of Chapter 2 and your prayer today.

    Summary and Prayer:

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