Saturday, December 31, 2011

1 Corinthians Worksheet - Chapter 10

Daily Reading Personal Application Questions
1 Corinthians Chapter 10

1. What can you apply to your life from today's reading?
2. What portion of this chapter stands out to you?
3. How would you describe the theme of the chapter to someone who does not know much about the Bible?
4. What example did you find to follow?
5. Was there an error (sin) you found to avoid?
6. Did you find a duty (command) to obey?
7. How will reading this chapter effect your life from now on?
8. Pick a verse to meditate on and try to memorize it.
9. Was there a promise to claim?
10. What is your summary and prayer today?
Observation Questions For
1 Corinthians Chapter 10
1. What does Paul want the Corinthians to understand concerning the Israelites connection to Moses when they crossed the Red Sea? vs.1-5
2. When the Israelites drank from the rock that gave them water in the wilderness, who was the rock that followed them ? vs. 4
3. Why was God not well-pleased with most of the Israelites in the wilderness? vs. 5
4. What are we suppose to learn from the Israelites who fed on the things of the Lord, but did not obey Him from their hearts? vs. 6
5. Name the sins that they became caught up in and the results of what happened to them.
vs. 7 -
vs. 8 -
vs. 9 -
vs. 10 -
6. Are we suppose to learn from the things that happened to them back then? Why were these things written down for our generation to know about? vs. 11
7. If you think you stand, why do you need to take heed or be careful? vs. 12
8. Every temptation that we face is common to mankind. God is faithful and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to endure. With the temptation, what is always provided for us? vs. 13
9. Do you know how to recognize a temptation? Do you look for the way to escape it so that you can endure it? Why would we not look for the way to escape a temptation?
10. How did Jesus resist temptations in the wilderness when He was tempted by the evil one? Let's review the things He was tempted with and discuss how He endured and resisted. Read the following account and give your summary.
Matthew 4:1-11 -
11. How will this lesson help you the next time you face a temptation to compromise your convictions?
12. What does Paul tell the Corinthians to "run from"? vs. 14
13. Can you think of things that you need to "run from" today?
14. Paul wants them to think about the Lord's Supper (communion). When they partake of it, they do it in order to identify and be one with Christ in His death for us - His blood shed; His body broken. When the Israelities sacrifice to God, they share in those sacrifices as ordered by Moses to be a part of the Lord Himself in symbolism. Even though Paul knows an idol is nothing and things sacrificed to idols are really nothing .... what are the Gentiles actually sacrificing to and becoming part of? vs. 16-20
15. Paul does not want them to share in the things of the evil one. Can we fellowship at the Lord's table to be one with Him and then fellowship to take things sacrificed to demons? How would this provoke our Lord? vs. 22
16. Can you think of an example in our lives that would be sharing in both the Lord's table and the table of demons? If you can, share your thoughts.
17. Paul repeats that all things are lawful for him. He is not under any law, but free in Christ. Why then, does he not do certain things? Name the 2 reasons he gives. vs. 23
18. We should not be seeking our own good out of a situation, but the good of the other person. Why is it okay to eat anything that is sold in the meat market for our own conscience sake? vs.24-26
19. If an unbeliever invites you to eat, you can have anything set before you without asking any questions (your freedom) ... but if they tell you it has been sacrificed to idols, you should not eat it, not for the sake of your conscience, but for theirs. Paul says "Why is my freedom judged by another's conscience?" - and then he answers his own question. What are we to do concerning food, drink, or anything we do? vs. 27-31
20. Why is it so important not to offend another person if possible? vs. 32-33
21. Can you think of examples when you have not taken your freedom in order to be an example to another because they would think it to be wrong? Do you see why you let go of this "right"? It's not a church rule or a religious rule, etc. - it is your decision to be selfless and prefer them in order to bring them to Christ. How will this lesson change the way you behave around the unbelieving now?
22. Share your reflections and prayer.

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