Thursday, December 22, 2011

Romans Worksheet - Chapter 16

.author2Group Study Questions
Romans Chapter 16
Chapter 14 - In keeping with the theme of loving one another and preferring others over our self, Paul addressed the areas of debatable issues among believers.
Each were to be fully convinced within themselves before God and live according to their own faith and not judge one another.
Chapter 15 - Stronger Christians are to bear the weaknesses of weaker Christians, not only please themselves but their neighbor for their edification, building up of the faith.
We are to strive to be of one mind intent on one purpose to glorify God through the Lord Jesus Christ. There is much to learn from the Old Testament to instruct us as well.
Be on guard against those who cause dissension and hindrances to the Gospel.
Romans Chapter 16
1. Who is Paul commending this church body to? vs. 1 -
2. What was Sister Phoebe's role in the church at Cenchrea? vs. 1 -
Note: The word for servant used in the Greek is the feminine form of deacon or deaconess (servant).
3. How is the church at Rome to receive her when she brings this letter from Paul to them? vs. 2a -
•How are they to help her? vs. 2b -
•What kind words did Paul say about her to them? vs. 2c -
4. Paul gives several in this church a special greeting in this letter he sends to them. What couple does he mention in verse 3-5 and what facts did we learn about them?
What can we learn about this couple from other passages?
•Acts 18:1-3 -
What did this couple host in their home? (this was also part of the list above, but wanted to be sure it was noted)
•Romans 16:5 -
5. Paul wanted a greeting delivered to Epaenetus. What did he say was special about this person to his life? vs. 5 -
6. We will take time to look at each person he gave greetings to by name because he had a reason for doing it, even if we are not told much about them.
List the names given and if there is anything said about them in the verses below:
•vs. 6 -
•vs. 7 -
What four things are said about this pair?
•vs. 8 -
•vs. 9 -
•vs. 10 -
•vs. 11 -
•vs. 12 -
•vs. 13 -
Who had the same mother as Rufus did?
•vs. 14 -
•vs. 15 -
7. How did Paul want all these believers to greet one another in the church?
8. After such a warm greeting time of compliments and praises to so many who had worked hard among them,
Paul becomes very sober in a warning to them that not all among them were to be warmly greeted and given a holy kiss.
In fact, he warns them to keep any eye on these and actually turn away from them! This is an urgent matter. Paul said ... "I urge you"....
•Who did he urge them to keep any eye on and turn away from? vs. 17 -
•Who were the ones in the greatest danger or threat by these people? vs. 18
•How did they decieve the unsuspecting? vs. 18 -
•How do false teachers introduce their distorted views? Is it clear or secretive?
•2 Peter 2:1 -
•Why do many follow after them?
•2 Peter 2:2 -
•Who did the apostle John write about in his 3rd letter?
•3 John 1:9 -
•What did this person do in regard to the leaders there?
There was a reason Paul and John and other apostles wanted the congregations to be very careful even among themselves where these would be intermingled in the congregation.
Back to Romans 16 -
9. Paul had heard a good report on the obedience of these Christians in Rome and he was rejoicing over that.
•What did he want them to stay wise in? vs. 19 -
•What did he want them to stay innocent in? vs. 19 -
What similiar concern did Paul have over the church in Corinth?
•2 Corinthians 11:1-4 -
How did Jesus give this similar warning to His disciples?
•Matthew 16:10 -
10. If someone has sheep's clothing on, that means that they seem to act, talk, and believe like the other sheep, doesn't it?
What do we look at? Jesus said we will know them by their 'fruit' - do they display the fruit of the Spirit in their kindness, joy, love, patience, long-suffering, etc. with others?
Read what Jesus says about the false teachers in the following verse and comment:
•Matthew 7:20-27 -
Back to Romans 16 -
11. What comforting promises would help these believers in their constant struggle between discerning good and evil among them? vs. 20 -
12. Who was with Paul as he sent these greetings to those in Rome? Who else sends their greetings with Paul to this church? vs. 21 -
13. Who wrote this dictation for Paul as he spoke it? vs. 22 -
14. Paul mentions some others who sent their greetings to the church in Rome. Who were they? vs. 23 -
Again, Paul sends 'grace' to this group of believers. Amen (vs. 24)
Final Summary:
As Paul finishes this rich letter to the believers in Rome, he explains to them how to receive and maintain the righteousness of God through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He has shown throughout this letter how this righteousness is obtained through faith and how to walk in a lifestyle of worship and holiness, presenting our bodies a living sacrifice unto God, using our Spiritual gifts in the body of Christ, and renewing our minds according to God's Will through the reading and listening of the Scriptures.
Paul has encouraged the stronger Christians to bear the indifferences of the weaker ones, to give up their own interests for the sake of others ...
....yet he has strongly warned against persons that come in to bring dissension and discord with flattering speech, preying on the unsuspecting, the gullible, the weaker ones.
He wants the church body to be assured that God is in control and will establish them by the Holy Scriptures. He shows the importance of the Old Testament as much as the New Testament.
We are to guard this precious treasure of the Word that we have against all false teachings and distorted, twisted teachings.
15. As our final assignment in this awesome book of Romans, write out verses 25-27 from your version of the Bible, or if you use the NASB, you can fill in the blanks I give below:
"Now to Him who is able to _____you according to ___gospel and the preaching of _____, according to the ____of the ____ which has been kept ____for long ages past, but now is ______, and by the ____of the ____, according to the _____of the eternal God, has been made ______to ____the nations, leading to _________ of _____; to the _____wise God, through ____ ____, be the ______ forever."
AMEN !!!
Application of today's lesson:
•Are you being wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil?
•If you have any doubt about a teaching or message, what are you to hold it up against?
•If it is distorted from the one and only true gospel, what are you to do with it?
•When people come into your congregations to cause dissension and discord, what should you do about it?
•Are you to follow them even if they look like sheep and talk like them?
•Remember Jesus said they called him "Lord", but did not do what He commanded them. He said you will know them by their fruit, their lifestyle, their mannerisms, their ability to be like Jesus and the patterns of leadership we see in Paul and the other apostles of faith.
•Be careful, be oh so careful. Know your Bible. It is your safeguard. God has left you supplied and equipped, but you have to take time to put it on and embrace it by faith.
Written by B.LeMoine for Heart & Home Bible Fellowship with permission to use on RTB website only. For personal or ministry related use, please email Brenda for permission and conditions at  

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