Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Numbers Worksheet ~ Numbers Chapter 12



Numbers Chapter 12 - Observation Questions

1.  Why did Moses' sister and brother (Miriam & Aaron) speak against him? vs. 1

2.  It seems like that was not the greatest issue they had, but a deeper jealousy toward Moses.  What are they upset about really? vs. 2

3.  The Lord "heard" them speaking against His servant Moses. (vs.2) ... What is the truth about Moses? vs. 3

4.  What other great leader was gentle with a humble heart?  Comment on the verse below:

  • Matthew 11:29

5.  Back to Numbers 12.  Upon hearing what Miriam & Aaron said about Moses, the Lord "suddenly" called out to the three of them by name!  Where did He want them to meet Him at? vs. 4

6.  The Lord "came down" in a pillar of cloud and "stood" at the doorway of the tent of meeting.  He called 2 of them forward.  Which ones?  vs. 4

7.  How did the Lord say that He speaks to prophets among them in general? vs.6

8.  Rather than dreams and visions, how did He speak with Moses? vs. 7

9.  What was Moses able to see concerning the Lord's presence with him? vs. 8

10.  How did God describe Moses? vs. 7 - Name 2 things

11.  Considering God's approval of Moses and the way that God chose him and appeared to him and spoke with him ... what does He ask these two - Miriam & Aaron? vs. 8b

12.  The Lord's anger burned against them and He departed. (vs.9)  When the cloud had withdrawn from over the tent, what had happened to Miriam? vs. 10

13.  What did Aaron say to his brother Moses even before asking him to pray on Miriam's behalf? vs. 11

14.  How important is confession of sin before God can hear our prayers for healing or any other thing?  Comment on these verses:

  • 1 John 1:9 -
  • James 5:16 -
  • Matthew 6:15 -

15.  How did Aaron describe Miriam's condition? vs. 12

16.  Despite all that had been spoken toward Moses, what did he do for her? vs. 13

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17.  In the same way, Job's friends who had critized him and judged him wrongly, had to have "him" pray for "them" to get relief from their peril.  Comment on the verses below:

  • Job 42:7-9

18.  How does it make you feel to know that God is weighing the hearts and words of people that speak against you?  He is your vidicator and the One who will make things right if you will remain humble and continue to look to Him.  How does Jesus address this?  Comment on the verses below:

  • Matthew 5:10 -
  • Matthew 5:11 -
  • Matthew 5:12 -
  • Matthew 5:44 -


220px-Tissot Miriam Shut Out from the Camp

19.  The Lord did not heal her immediately, but had her bear the shame for 7 days outside the camp.  The people remained where they were to wait for Miriam's time of punishment (discipline) to be complete.  After the 7 days, she was healed, cleansed, and restored, and the camp moved on. (Numbers 12:14,15).  How are we to look upon the discipline of the Lord on our sins or on others in the body of Christ?  Comment on these verses:

  • Hebrews 12:5-11 - ... Who does the Lord discipline? ...What helps us to endure? ...How does discipline prove we really belong to the Lord? ... What does subjection to the Lord bring in our lives? ... What is the goal of discipline? ... Although sorrowful when it happens to us, what does it bring to those who have been trained by it? ...

20.  Back to Numbers 12.  Once Miriam was received again, the people moved out from Hazeroth.  Where did they set up camp next? vs. 16



 21.  Moses and Jesus were humble servants of the Lord.  What is humility and how can we walk in it?  Comment on the verses below:

  • James 4:6-12 -
  • 1 Peter 5:6-11 -

22.  Miriam was dealing with jealousy and pride.  Many times those in leadership positions (she was the leader of the women's ministry and a prophetess herself  - remember  Exodus 15:20,21) ... are threatened by the gifts of other leaders or the relationship another leader has with the Lord.  This does not belong in a godly leader.  If you recognize it, humble yourself immediately and confess it to the Lord.  He gives grace to the humble but is opposed to the proud.  We don't want that.  How can we recognize jealousy and deal with it?  Comment on these verses:

  • Acts 5:17 -
  • Acts 13:45 -
  • Romans 13:13,14 -
  • Philippians 1:15-18 -
  • James 3:13-16 -

23.  Like Job, Moses, and Jesus our Lord ... We need to offer prayer and intercession for those who have criticized us or have tried to bring harm to our name through jealous motives.  It's not easy, but God will empower us to do it when we give it over to Him.  Comment on these verses:

  • Job 42:10 -
  • Luke 23:33-34 -
  • Acts 7:58-60 -
  • Matthew 5:43-47-

24.  Have you prayed for someone today that has tried to hurt you or bring you down through jealousy?  Do you feel better for doing it?  Remember, we overcome evil with good.  We can turn the other cheek with the help of our Lord and following after His example.  Comment on the following verses:

  • Romans 12:21 -
  • 1 Peter 3:8,9 -
  • 1 John 4:4 -
  • 1 John 5:4 -

25.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.


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