Saturday, September 15, 2012

Numbers Worksheet ~ Numbers, Chapter 20

Review & Intro:  After the instruction that God gave Moses regarding the red heifer, there is a period of 38 years that God waited to fulfill that He had sworn back in chapter 14.  Read that promise God made and comment on what it entailed:
  • Numbers 14:27-35 -

It has now been 38 years.  Deuteronomy helps us place the time table here.  Comment on the verse below:

  • Deuteronomy 2:14 -

Note:  Chapter 20 picks up as the people come to the same place their fathers had been nearly 40 years before.


Numbers, Chapter 20 - Observation Questions

1.  What wilderness were the sons of Israel in at this time and where did the people stay?  vs. 1

2.  When did we see this same location in previous studies? Comment on the following verse:

  • Numbers 13:21

Note:  Yes, it's true - almost 40 years later; they are right back where they started; where they were about to go into the Promised Land, but their fear overcame their faith and they would not believe God or trust Him.

3.  Back to Numbers 20.  Who died and was buried while they were at Kadesh this time? vs. 1

Note:  Miriam was Moses' older sister.  Do you remember when she was the one standing by the Nile River when Pharoah's daughter found baby Moses and Miriam asked if she should go get a Hebrew to nurse him?  Of course, she got her own mother to do so.  We know Moses is about 120 years old here because he is close to death.  Miriam was probably about 10 years older than him.  Wow .... hard to say good-bye to these Biblical characters we come to know.

4.  There was no water in sight.  What did the congregation do?  vs. 2

5.  What did the people say to Moses in their "no water" situation? vs. 3

6.  Who did they blame for their hard circumstances? vs. 4

7.  What did they say to Moses about it? vs. 5

8.  What did they call the place they were in at the time? vs. 5

9.  What did they remind Moses they had not "seen" yet? vs. 5

10.  Besides that, what did they not have in order to live? vs. 5

11.  As usual, what did Moses and Aaron do when the people came against them about this need? vs. 6

12.  The glory of the Lord appeared when they prayed! (vs.6) ... What did the Lord tell Moses to do so the people could drink? vs. 7,8

13.  Did Moses "speak" to the rock?  What did he do instead?  vs.9-11

  • What did he call the people?
  • What was his tone to them?
  • Who did he say would give them water from the rock?
  • Is this his usual nature?
  • If he didn't "speak" to the rock, what did he do to the rock?

14.  How is this different than the last time when water came from a rock for them? Comment on the verse below and explain what is different about God's command.

  • Exodus 17:5,6 -

15.  According to New Testament revelation, Who was the rock that followed them that water came from?  Comment on the verses below:

  • 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 -

rock was christ

16.  What are ways that "water coming from the rock" is pictured in the Lord Jesus Christ?  Comment on the verses below:

  • John 7:37-38 -
  • John 4:13-14 -

17.  Having this spiritual picture in mind,  the strike was against Him the first time and commanded by God.  We can see a picture of the crucifixion in that.  This time the Lord wants Moses to simply "speak" to the rock which is a picture of the risen Lord, our High Priest and Intercessor.  Moses is so upset with the people, he doesn't attend to the spiritual lesson he is suppose to receive or share with the people - he just strikes the rock "twice" in anger.  What are we told secifically regarding the crucifixion of our Lord?  Comment on the verse below:

  • Romans 6:9 -
  • Hebrews 9:27,28 -
  • Hebrews 10:11,12 -

 18.  How does the Psalmist describe what the motive was that Moses had when he did this?

  • Psalm 106:32-33 -

19.  Moses spoke rashly with his lips and thought that this was "righteous indignation"; that his anger was justified, because the people were rebelling against God again. The Lord tells us to leave vengeance to Him, and we are to be patient even when correcting others.  Moses harmed them verbally calling them "rebels", and he took the credit saying "shall we bring forth water for you?" ... and he also added to the command of the Lord by stricking the rock twice when God said to only speak to the rock once.  The Lord said to him, "You did not treat me holy in the sight of the people." - How are we to handle our anger, even if we believe it to be righteous indignation?  Comment on the verse below:

  • Ephesians 4:26-27 -

20.  How are we to use our mouths even when our emotions may feel upset with others?  Comment on these verses:

  • Ephesians 4:29-32 -
  • Colossians 4:6 -
  • Romans 12:19 -
  • Hebrews 10:30 -

21.  Have you ever been patient over and over and over and finally "just lose it" on someone?  Is it ever justified?  How can we help ourselves and others not get to this boiling point?  Share your thoughts and examples if you would like.

22.  Back to Numbers 20.  What price did Moses and Aaron pay for not treating Him as "holy" in the sight of the sons of Israel? vs. 12

23.  What were the waters there "called" and why? vs. 13

24.  They needed to move on from Kadesh in their journey.  The best way to travel would be through the area of Edom on what was called the king's highway.  Moses asked the king of Edom if they could pass through, saying they would not take anything from them, not even a drink from their wells.  What did the king of Edom say he would do to them if they came through his territory? vs.14-21


The words may be too small to read on this; I will post it on a separate post also so that you can see the area of Edom and then where they went back toward Mt. Hor, which is where Aaron was laid to rest and his son Eleazar was clothed by Moses into the High Priest robes to take his place.

25.  Since they were not able to go through Edom, the whole congregation came to Mount Hor, by the border of Edom.  (vs.22,23).   What did the Lord tell Moses concerning his brother and their High Priest, Aaron, at that time? vs. 24

26.  What was the reason Aaron would not get to enter? vs. 24

27.  Who went up with Moses and Aaron to the top of Mount Hor and what transpired there? vs. 25-28 -

28.  Who would be High Priest in place of Aaron? vs. 26

29.  Who came down from the mountain together? vs. 28

30.  What did the congregation realize at that time and how did they respond? vs. 29



32.  Several subjects were covered in the lesson today, but the main thing was that the rebellion of the people (grumbling, complaining, trying to do things their own way) ... got them nowhere but back where they started, and most everyone died in the wilderness and did not get to see the Promised land.  The leaders finally blew a gasket and treated God unholy in the sight of the people, and most of them were the new generation that would be possessing the land.  The leaders forfeited getting to enter the land with them.  It is true that we choose to sin, but we don't get to choose the consequences.  Comment on the following verses:

  • 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 -
  • Galatians 6:8 -
  • James 3:1,2 -

33.  Another point about Moses not getting to enter the Promised Land .... Moses is the picture of the "Law" and the "Law" shows us the absolute holiness of God.  The Law is perfect, but man is not perfect.  Only Jesus kept the perfect Law of God.  Because Moses disobeyed and treated God as unholy, he had to represent what breaking the Law meant.  Comment on the following verses in regard to the Law:

  • Romans 3:19-20 -
  • Romans 3:23 -
  • Romans 5:12-14 -
  • James 2:10 -
  • Galatians 3:10 -
  • Galatians 3:23,24 -

34.  How does the life and call of Moses bring us to faith in the Lord Jesus?  Comment on the following verses in regard to the Law leading us to Grace:

  • John 1:17 -
  • Romans 3:19-24 -
  • Romans 5:8-17 -

35.  Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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