Thursday, November 1, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 24

Review & Intro: In Chapter 23, we saw the reasons why some were not to be a part of the assembly of the Lord, and how those who were in the camp were to walk in cleanness because the Lord Himself walked among them to deliver them from their enemies. We also saw how the people were to leave the things that fell to the ground for their neighbors to take if they were needful. In Chapter 24, we will see more instruction about caring for the needy and ways to handle relationships.
Deuteronomy Chapter 24 - Observation Questions
1. When a man divorced a woman because of indecency (unfaithfulness) was found in her, and she married another man; if that marriage did not work out or if the second husband died, the first husband was not allowed to take her back. (vs.1-4) What would that act bring to the land? vs. 4
2. Adultery is what defiles a marriage. What did Jeremiah say about this? ... What did Jesus say about this? Comment on the following verses:
  • Jeremiah 3:1 -
  • Matthew 5:31-32 -
  • Matthew 19:8,9 -
  • Luke 16:18 -
3. Back to Deuteronomy 24. What was a man's sole duty during the first year of marriage? vs. 5
4. What was not to be taken as a pledge? vs. 6 - Name 2 things
Note: Pledges were used as loan security, very much like a pawn shop taking your valuable item as collateral for a short-term loan. Here, the Law says that you cannot take someone's sole source of food for a pledge.
5. What kind of penalty was given for kidnapping if the thief dealt violently with the victim or sold the countryman? vs. 7
6. What did the Lord instruction them concerning the infection of leprosy? vs. 8
7. Who did the Lord want them to remember in regard to leprosy? vs. 9
Note: Leviticus chapters 13 and 14 detail the Law regarding leprosy diagnosis and treatment. Leprosy was a serious disease, which the people certainly remembered seeing when Miriam was stricken by it for undermining Moses' authority (Numbers 12).
8. When one would make a loan to another and it was time to receive payment, they were not to enter the person's house to take the pledge. How was it to be received? vs. 11
9. If that person was a poor man, before the sun went down, what was to be returned to him and why? v.12
10. What would this action be in the eyes of the Lord when the garment or whatever the pledge happened to be was returned to the poor man before sunset? vs. 13
11. What did Jesus teach us about cloaks and things given to others?
  • Matthew 5:42 -
12. What are we to handle before sundown daily?
  • Ephesians 4:26,27 -
13. Do you see that holding unforgiveness is the same as being a creditor who will not forgive a debt to another? If you have not thought of it like this before or if you need encouragement to be reminded of it, read the following parable that Jesus taught about debts and forgiveness:
  • Matthew 18:20-35 - Read and share your insights from it.
14. Back to Deuteronomy 24 - They were not to oppress a hired servant who was poor or needy whether it was their own countrymen or an alien living among them in their towns. (vs.14) ... When were they to pay him his wages for that day's work and why? vs. 15
15. If they did not pay the needy person for the day's work, they would cry out to the Lord for their need from that person. What would the Lord count this as against the employer? vs. 15
16. James repeats this in his epistle in the New Testament. Comment on these verses:
  • James 5:4 -
17. Back to Deuteronomy 24. .. Who were not resposible for one another's sins? vs. 16
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18. What three groups of people does the Lord point out should be given fair and righteous justice? vs. 17 - Name 3
19. What are they to remember in their minds and hearts before they mistreat another person? vs. 18
20. What is one way they could remember the alien, the orphan, and the widow, and be blessed by the Lord for it? vs. 19
21. What examples are given in how they could do this for these groups of people? Comment on the following verses below:
  • vs. 20 -
  • vs. 21 -
22. What are we told about taking care of orphans and widows in the New Testament?
  • James 1:27 -
23. Again, what are they to remember and therefore obey this commandment? vs. 22
Note: Have you been down and received help at anytime in your life? We should remember how it blessed us so that when we are better off, we don't forget the needs of others. When we see Ruth in Ruth Chapter 2 "gleaning the fields" , this is what she is doing to receive food for her and her mother-in-law Naomi.
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24. If we live life trying to squeeze every penny for ourselves, we will never be satisfied. But if we freely give, then we are entrusted with more. Comment on the following verses:
  • Proverbs 11:24 -
  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 -
25. We should marry a believer and we should have faithful marriages. Sometimes it does not work out that way for us or for our children. Does the Lord expect them to live with a person who is unfaithful to them? This has happened to my son and has broken our hearts. In fact, she not only was unfaithful, and divorced him, but is pregnant with another man's child now. The lesson today helps us to help him move on without condemnation. Have you had similar situations to deal with? How does this lesson help you?
26. We should give to others when they have a need and not even bother them to return what we have lended to them. How would this attitude in believers bring salt and light to this world of need and greed?
27. We have seen in today's lesson how God has always asked His people to take care of the aliens, the widows, and the orphans. James told us that pure and undefiled religion is to do so. Can you think of a way to put this into practice in your life? Please share your thoughts.
28. Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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