Saturday, November 10, 2012

Deuteronomy Worksheet - Chapter 32

Review & Intro: In Chapter 31, Moses encouraged Joshua and the children of Israel to be strong and courageous as they entered the Promised Land. He was not going to cross over with them, but the One that matters would be with them, and go ahead of them - the Lord Himself! Joshua was commissioned to be the leader in place of Moses. Moses at 120 years of age was about to die.
Before his death, there was one more thing to do. God asked him to write a song so that the Israelites could learn it and then remember it one day when they would be banished from the land and longing to return to Him. They would remember why they were away from Him and how to return to Him. In Chapter 32, we have the song! Let's look at it together.
Deuteronomy Chapter 32 - Observation Questions
1. Who does Moses call out to be witnesses of what he says in this song the Lord has told him to write? vs.1 - Name 2
2. How does he ask that his teaching be received? vs. 2
3. What doe Moses proclaim in regard to the name of the Lord? vs.3,4 - List 7 attributes given to describe the Lord.
4. In regard to the children of Israel, how did they act toward the Lord and what did they become? vs. 5
5. This is how they repay the Lord. He is the One that was a Father to them. He bought them, made them, and established them. To repay Him this way is indeed "foolish" and "unwise". (vs. 6) ... What does Moses call them to remember? vs. 7 -
6. What did the Most High give the nations at that time? vs. 8a
7. The Lord separated the sons of man when He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel (vs.8b) ... Who is the Lord's portion and inheritance? vs. 9
8. Where did the Lord find him and what did He do for him? vs. 10
9. How does the Lord's care for Israel compare to how an eagle takes care of their young? vs. 11 - List 5 things
2 Babies Eagle Launch
10. The Lord alone guided him, and there was no foreign god with him. (vs.12) ... What kind of blessings did Israel receive from the Lord? vs.12-14 - Name 8 blessings
11. What happened to Jeshurun (another name for Israel) after the blessings came upon him? vs. 15a
12. When he prospered, what happened? vs. 15b - Name 2 things
13. How did the Lord feel when Israel forsook Him and served other gods? vs. 16
14. When they sacrificed to these new gods their fathers did not know about, who were they actually sacrificing to? vs. 17
15. Anytime people fall into the sin of idolatry, who are they giving worship to whether they realize it or not? Comment on the following verses:
  • 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 -
16. Back to Moses' song of Deuteronomy 32. ... Who did they forget and what did they forget about Him? vs. 18
17. How did the Lord describe the generation that they had become? vs.19,20 -
18. God was made jealous by their serving idols. To get their attention and bring them back to Himself, He would also make them "jealous" with another people that would be offered His salvation and blessings. (vs.21) ... In the New Testament everyone who is not a Jew (Hebrew; Israelite) is considered a Gentile. All the nations that are not Israel are called Gentile nations. God had a plan from the beginning that the Lamb of God would be slain for the sins of the whole world. When the Israelites rejected God, God brought in the Gentiles, but God will give Israel a future and a hope. He will atone for the Land of Promise and for His People, Israel.
Read what Paul teaches on this and comment on the verses below:
  • Romans 11:1-4 -
  • Romans 11:5-10 -
  • Romans 11:11-12 -
  • Romans 11:12-16 -
  • Romans 11:17-23 -
  • Romans 11:24-29 -
  • Romans 11:30-36 -
Note (quoting): “Paul was saying that the salvation of the Gentiles was intended in the divine providence to arouse in Israel a passionate desire for the same good gift. When they saw the wonder of the messianic salvation, the Jews would want it for themselves. It is a matter for profound regret that just as Israel refused to accept this salvation when it was offered to them, so the Gentiles have all too often refused to make Israel envious. Instead of showing to God’s ancient people the attractiveness of the Christian way Christians have characteristically treated the Jews with hatred, prejudice, persecution, malice, and all uncharitableness. Christians should not take this passage calmly.” –Leon Morris, Australian New Testament scholar (1914 – 2006)
19. Back to Deuteronomy 32. ... The Lord sent misfortune to the nation of Israel because of their rejection of Him.(vs.22-25) We have seen it in the history of the Jews over and over again. ... The Lord reminded Himself that the enemies used against them might think that they were the ones to bring Israel's gloom, and He wanted all the credit for it Himself (vs.26,27) ...He said that Israel was a nation lacking in counsel; they had no understanding in them (vs.28) ... He longed that they would discern their future because of their choices! (vs.29) ... How many times as a parent do we wish our children could see what consequences their choices would bring upon them? ....
20. God asks ... How could 1 put 1000 to flight and 2 put 10,000 to flight unless the Lord, their Rock, had given them up? (vs.30) ... Moses said that "their rock" was not like "Israel's Rock". (vs.30) ...Where was their vine from? vs. 31,32 .......... Where were their fields from? vs. 32 ...... What was their grapes like? vs. 32 ..... and what was their wine like? vs. 33 ............
Note: In other words, like I tell my sons ... "following the god of this world may seem like pleasure to your senses, but in the end, it is poison to your soul."
21. It is all laid up in store with the Lord; sealed up in His treasuries. (vs.34) ... He knows the end from the beginning. The nations are in an uproar, but God will have the last Word. (read Psalm 2) ...He will not reject Israel forever, and the nations that come against Israel will pay a heavy price! What does God have planned for those who touch His anointed ones? Comment on the verses below:
  • Deuteronomy 32:35 -
  • Psalm 105:15 -
  • Zechariah 2:8 -
22. Back to Deuteronomy 32. ... What will the Lord doing concerning His people Israel? vs. 36a - Name 2 things
23. When will He act on their behalf? vs. 36 -
24. What will He ask them at that time? vs. 37,38 -
25. What does He want them to know above all things through all of this? vs. 39 - Fill in the blanks: "See not that I, I am ____, and there is no ____ besides Me; It is ___ who put to death and give ____. I have ______ and it is ____ who heal. And there is no one who can _______ from _____ hand." (vs.39) . What security to know that although no one can deliver when the Lord is judging His own; they can also not interfere or deliver one of His children from His hand. He will complete the work in them (in us). Comment on the verses below:
  • Philippians 1:6 -
  • Romans 8:26-31 -
  • Romans 8:32-39 -
  • John 10:27-30 -
26. God will avenge the blood of His servants. He will make the nations and the people pay who afflict His own. God knows how His children are treated and no one will get away with harming them. (vs.40-43). This is what God's wrath in the end of the world is all about. When we read the seals that break, the trumpets that sound, and the bowls of wrath that are poured out in the book of Revelation, it is God's wrath being spent on those who have tried to destroy His land and His people. They will have the Gospel preached to them, but if they refuse to repent, they will pay the price of eternal damnation. Comment on the following verses:
  • Deuteronomy 32:43 -
  • Romans 12:19 -
  • 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 -
  • Revelation 6:12-17 -
  • Revelation 15:3,4 -
  • Revelation 17:14 -
  • Revelation 19:11-15 -
27. Moses spoke all the words of this song in the hearing of the people as he stood with Joshua before them. (vs.44) ... He told the people to take to heart all the words in the song and to teach their sons to obey all the words of the book of the law. (vs.45,46) .. He said it was not an "idle" word. In fact, what was it? vs. 47a .....
28. Their obedience to these words would be what would prolong their time in the land that was being given to them. (vs.47) ... On that very same day, where did the Lord tell Moses to go and why? vs. 48-50 -
29. Again, why was Moses able to "see" the land before he died, but he would not be able to "enter" into the land of promise? vs.51,52 -
30. Several subjects have been covered in the song of Moses. The character of God as being faithful and just....The nature of mankind to not understand and to follow after other gods and forms of idolatry .... The plan of salvation and the purpose of God to bring the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth; to provide redemption for all who will turn to Him and look to Him for deliverance......It is not an "idle" word, but it is our very "life". Whether Jew or Gentile, today all Jews are those who are circumcised of heart in faith of Jesus, and that is the mystery of the church - Jews and Gentiles in one body. Let us live our lives in gratitude and thanksgiving for being a part of God's plan; His church. Amen.
31. Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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