Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1 Peter Worksheet - Chapter 2


1 PETER 2    

Note ..... In 1 Peter chapter 1, we looked at the fact that we have been born again of the imperishable seed of the Word of God. Now, Peter wants his readers to begin to be nourished on the pure milk of the Word of God like a newborn baby in order to begin to grow in our faith. (vs.2).

  1. What does Peter want us to put aside in order to begin to grow? vs.1 - Name 5 things
  2. What are we to long for and why? vs. 2,3
  3. How do we come to Him? vs. 4
  4. Jesus has been a rejected stone by men, but what is He in the sight of God? vs. 4 - Name 2 things
  5. We are also called living stones. What are we being built up together as? vs. 5 - Name 2 things
  6. What is our purpose as a spiritual house and holy priesthood made up of living stones? vs. 5
  7. Peter quotes an Old Testament Scripture to show that Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecies from Isaiah 28:16. What was the promise to all who believed in Him? vs. 6
  8. This precious value, then, is for the believers, but the unbelievers are the ones who rejected the cornerstone. What did He become to the Jews that did not believe? vs. 7,8 - Name 2 things
  9. Peter turns back to those he is writing to say that, "We are a chosen race." What else does he say about the believers? vs. 9 - Name 3 things
  10. What has God called us out of darkness to proclaim? vs. 9
  11. Although they were not always a people and had not always known His mercy, now they were His people and they had received His mercy unto salvation. As aliens and strangers in the earth, what did Peter urge them to do? vs.11
  12. Although they were being persecuted and slandered as evildoers (although they were not) ... how did he want them to continue to behave and why? vs.12
  13. What would the unbelievers do on the day of visitation because of their behavior in Christ? vs. 12
  14. These Christians who were "aliens" and "strangers" needed to "submit" themselves to those in authority over them. Whose sake was this for? vs.13
  15. What purpose should governing authorities have over the evildoers? ... over those who do right? vs. 14
  16. What is the will of God concerning how we act even with those who act foolishly among us? vs. 15
  17. Christians are free in Christ, but we have responsiblity with our freedom. Rather than use our freedom as a covering for evil things, what are we to do with our freedom? vs.16
  18. Who are we to honor? ... Who are we to love? .. Who are we to fear? ... and who else are we to honor? vs. 17
  19. Who are the servants to be submissive to with all respect? vs.18
  20. What finds favor with God? vs. 19
  21. If we have sinned and we are treated harshly, it is what we deserve for wrong doing. But when we do the right thing and we suffer for it, how is God honored through it? vs.20
  22. What is the purpose in our calling? vs. 21
  23. If we are to follow the example of Christ when He suffered unjustly under ungodly men, what are the attitudes that He displayed that we can learn from? vs. 22,23 - Name 5 things
  24. Where did Jesus bear our sins? vs. 24a
  25. What was His purpose in doing this? vs.24b .. "that we may ____ to sin and _____to righteousness"
  26. How have we been healed by His death? vs.24c
  27. What kind of healing was accomplished through His suffering? vs. 25
  28. What is Jesus called in this last verse? vs.25 - Name 2 things
  29. Even though we end this chapter on a note that we are called for the purpose of suffering to identify with our Lord Jesus Christ, what are the promises and encouragements you found in this chapter that belong only to those who believe? There is a "purpose" to suffering and that is what gets us through. When we go through difficult times and we keep our behavior excellent, others see that and want to know more about the God that is strong within us. Jesus set an example for us and He is there to help us. ..... Do you have a time of suffering to share with us when God gave you strength to behave in a godly way to be a witness to those in darkness? Think on these things and offer up a prayer of praise to God.
  30. Summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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