Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hebrews, Chapter 11




Hebrews 11    

  1. What is faith? vs. 1

  2. How were the men of old approved by God? vs. 1,2

  3. How do we understand God's creation of the world? vs.3

  4. What kind of things made the things we now see? vs. 3

  5. What did Abel do "by faith"? vs. 4

  6. How does Abel still speak to us today? vs. 4

  7. What did Enoch do "by faith"? vs. 5

  8. What witness did Enoch receive from God before he was taken up? vs. 5

  9. What must we have in order to please God? vs. 6

  10. What two things must we believe by faith about God? vs. 6 - Name 2 things

  11. What did Noah do "by faith" after he was warned by God about things "not yet seen"? vs. 7

  12. What did Noah become by his faith? vs. 7

  13. What did Abraham do "by faith" when he was called by God? vs. 8

  14. Did Abraham know where he was going when he obeyed? vs. 8

  15. How did Abraham live "by faith" in the foreign land that God gave to him as a promise? vs.9

  16. Who were fellow heirs of the same promise that dwelt in tents with Abraham? vs.9

    Note: Isaac was his son and Jacob was his grandson. Many times we see the phrase "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob".

  17. As Abraham dwelt in tents, what was he looking for "by faith"? vs.10

  18. What did Sarah, Abraham's wife, receive "by faith", even beyond the proper time of life? vs. 11

  19. What did Sarah consider in her "faith"? vs. 11

  20. What came forth from Abraham and Sarah's descendant because of their "faith" and God keeping what He had promised them? vs. 12

  21. Although the saints of old died without receiving the promises, they welcomed them from a distance, seeking a country of their own, being exiles on the earth. They had opportunity to return to the country they came from, but what did they choose instead "by faith"? vs.13-16

  22. God is honored to be called their God because of their faith. What has He prepared for them? vs. 16

  23. What did Abraham do when he was tested by God? vs. 17

  24. What had God promised to do through Isaac who He was now asking Abraham to offer up as a burnt offering? vs. 18

  25. Take time to read Genesis chapter 22 to fully understand when Abraham went through this test. According to Hebrews 11:19, what did Abraham believe, even if he was required to slay his only son, Isaac?

  26. What did Isaac do "by faith" for his sons, Jacob and Esau? vs. 20

  27. What did Jacob do "by faith" even as he was dying? vs. 21

  28. What did Joseph do "by faith" when he was dying? vs. 22

  29. What did the parents of Moses do "by faith" when he was born, a beautiful child, under the edict of the king that all baby boys be killed? vs. 23

    Note: For this account, you can read Exodus 1:16,22 and Exodus 2:1-10

  30. When Moses had grown up, what did he refuse to be called "by faith"? vs. 24

  31. "By faith", what did Moses choose rather than the passing pleasures of sin? vs. 25

  32. "By faith", what did Moses consider the reproach of Christ to be? vs. 26

  33. "By faith", what was Moses looking to? vs. 26

  34. "By faith", Moses left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king. How did Moses endure in his faith? vs. 27

  35. How do you endure by "your faith" in the same way as Moses did? Read 1 Peter 1:6-9 and write it out here:

  36. "By Faith", Moses kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that he who destroyed the firstborn would not touch them. (vs.28 ) - Read about the Passover in Exodus 12:21-29. What caused the Lord to "passover" the houses of Israel? Exodus 12:23

  37. "By faith", Moses led the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry land. What happened to the Egyptians when they tried to cross over? vs.29

    Note: Read this account in Exodus 14:22-29

  38. Under the leadership of Joshua, what happened to the walls of Jericho "by faith"? vs.30

    Note: Read this account in Joshua 6:15-20

  39. "By faith", Rahab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient. What did she do that God honored her for? vs.31

    Note: Read this account in Joshua 2:1-14 & Joshua 6:22-25

  40. What "people of faith" does the writer of Hebrews wish he had more time to tell us about? vs.32 - Name 7 given.

  41. What acts did these "people of faith" perform? vs.33-35a - Name 10 Things

  42. What did others endure so that they may obtain a better resurrection? vs.35 ...What do you think that means?

  43. What did others experience "by faith"? vs.35b - 38 - Name 13 things

  44. How does the writer of Hebrews feel toward these people "of faith"? vs.37

  45. How did all of these people gain approval unto God? vs. 39

  46. Why did these Old Testament saints not receive yet what had been promised them at that time? vs.39-40

  47. What had happened in the time of the writing of Hebrews that made believers "perfect"? What have we learned from Hebrews chapters 8-10 about being "perfected" through Jesus, our High Priest?

  48. Are you inspired by these heroes of "faith" today? How will reading this chapter effect your life from now on? Write your summary and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...


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