Sunday, March 25, 2012

2 Peter Worksheet - Chapter 2


2 PETER 2    

  1. What do false prophets and false teachers introduce among God's people? vs. 1
  2. How do they introduce these to the church? vs.1
  3. When these teachings go forth, their lives deny the fact that Jesus is their Master. What does this bring upon them? vs.1
  4. Why do many follow them? vs.2
  5. What happens to the truth of the Gospel because of their teaching? vs.2
  6. What does their greed cause them to do concerning the Christians? vs. 3
  7. What will be their future destiny? vs. 3
  8. What did God to angels when they sinned? vs. 4
  9. What did God bring upon the ancient world to judge the ungodly? vs. 5
  10. Who was preserved along with his family of 7? vs.5
  11. What was he preaching at that time? vs. 5
  12. What did God do to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of the ungodly lives there? vs.6
  13. Read about the sin that was committed in Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis Chapter 19:1-26. What sin was prevelant when God destroyed these cities?
  14. What did the destruction of these cities become for all who live ungodly thereafter? vs.6
  15. However, God rescued Lot. What did He say about him? vs. 7
  16. What was Lot having to endure while living there? vs.7,8
  17. What do we learn by Lot's example of living godly among the ungodly? vs.9
  18. Will the unrighteous get away with their sin? ... What will God do to repay them? vs.9
  19. Who does this especially apply to? vs.10,11 - Name 5 things (more will come...)
  20. Continue with the list of these men and their characteristics of ungodly living. vs.12-14 - Name 15 things
  21. What kind of souls are they able to entice? vs.14
  22. When they forsake the right way; they go astray to follow the way of Balaam, the son of Beor. What kind of wages did he love? vs.15
  23. How did God rebuke Balaam? vs.16 Note: You can read about this account in Numbers 22:21-41
  24. We are given more characteristics of these ungodly men who introduce destructive heresies in our midst. Continue to list these from vs.17-19 - Name 8 things
  25. What kind of words do these ungodly men speak to those who barely escape in order to promise them freedom? vs.18 - Name 4 ways they speak.
  26. Although these men promise the people freedom, what are they themselves slaves of? vs. 19
  27. What enslaves a man? vs. 19
  28. How does this compare to what Jesus said in John 8:34?
  29. What would have been better for these ungodly men than for them to know the way of righteousness but to deny it's power and authority over them? vs. 20-22
  30. What animals are these ungodly men compared to and why? vs. 22 - Name 2
  31. What animal does God call His true believers? See John 10:26-30
  32. Application: Thinking back on this chapter, we are shown what kind of character the false teachers will have. If they are greedy for money and they appeal to the senses of the people, and do not submit themselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we can know that they are preaching with wrong motives. We need to avoid these type. Have you encountered false teaching before? Did it take awhile to realize it since they "secretly" induce these heresies?
  33. Application: Noah was a preacher of righteousness and he was saved from the flood along with 7 others. Lot was righteous and his soul was tormented daily by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men. God rescued him from the destruction He brought on the cities. Is your soul tormented by the sin around you or have we become lethargic and accepting in some ways of our cultures? We need to be burdened by these sins and grieved in our hearts like these men that are mentioned.
  34. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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