Thursday, July 5, 2012

Exodus Worksheet - Chapter 22


Introduction:  Moses gave the 10 commandments to Moses in Exodus 20; now He gives him Judicial Instructions.

Review:  After four hundred years, the descendants of Israel have been brought out of the bondage in Egypt. Now the process begins of bringing the nation into the Promised Land. The journey in the wilderness has begun. It also includes a people coming to know what God's standards are like. And so we have the giving of the Law. First, the 10 commandments which were written by the finger of God ( ) and then the ordinances given to Moses to pass on to the people. People must have rules of regulation or there can be no justice. Of course, these do not apply for the most part in our culture, but still, we have laws of justice and rightly so for the culture that we live in.

Exodus Chapter 22

1.  What was the penalty for stealing an ox or a sheep?  vs. 1

2.  What did the law abiding Jew named Zaccheus tell Jesus when he met Him and the Lord had come to his house? - Luke 19:8

Back to Exodus 22

3.  If the thief was caught while breaking in and was stuck so that he died, there would be no bloodguiltiness for the one who caused his death.  In other words, you have a right to defend your property when someone breaks in during the night.  There was no way of knowing if he would also kidnap or murder someone or something more grevious than stealing.  If it became daylight, you did not because it would be easy for all to see and easier to catch him and make him pay restitution or sell him for his theft if he did not have a way to pay for it. He would pay it back through labor.  (vs. 2,3)...I think we need to realize they did not have jail cells to send criminals off to; so this was how they took care of the crime of stealing.  .. What would be required if what he stole was found alive in his possession? vs. 4

4.  What was the penalty for allowing one's own field or vineyard to turn bare and then allow the animal to be loose to graze on another man's field? vs. 5

5.  It was customary to burn one's own field before autumn rains.  What was the penalty if the fire to spread to a neighbor's field? vs. 6

6.  What was the penalty for stealing money or goods from someone who was holding a neighbor's possessions? vs. 7

7.  How would the person who had given their goods to someone to watch over them be recompensed if the theif was not caught, since this would brng the owner of the home under suspicion?  vs. 8-9

8.  When a man gave his neighbor a donkey, an ox, or a sheep, or any animal to keep for him, and it died or was hurt or driven away while no one was looking, the issue was settled by an oath before the Lord; the owner swearing that he did not harm the animal. What was the outcome to be? vs. 11

9.  If the person keeping the animal had actually stolen it from the owner, what was he to do? vs. 12

10.  What if the animal was torn in two by another while in the care of the neighbor? vs. 13

11.  If a man borrowed something from a neighbor that died in his care, what was required of him? vs. 14

If the owner was with it, it was for hire (pay), and restitution did not need to be made.  The owner would have fully understood the risk beforehand. (vs.15)

12.  What was a man required to do if he seduced and laid with a virgin not engaged? vs.16

13.  If the girl's father refused to give her to him in marriage, what was he required to give the father for disgracing his daughter? vs. 17

14.  What penalty was a sorceress to receive? vs. 18

15.  Witchcraft seems innocent and fun to some people but God takes it very serious.  With the popularity of Harry Potter and such things, we sometimes forget what the Bible tells us in regard to all witchcraft.  Look up these verses and comment on them.

  • Leviticus 19:31 -
  • Leviticus 20:6 -
  • Leviticus 20:27 -
  • Deuteronomy 18:10 -
  • 2 Chronicles 33:6 -
  • Isaiah 8:19 -

Back to Exodus 22

16.  What was the punishment for a person having sex with an animal? (how awful) vs. 19 -

17.  Comment on these verses in regard to the subject of people having sex with animals (how awful).

  • Leviticus 18:23 -
  • Leviticus 20:15,16 -
  • Deuteronomy 27:21 -

18.  What was to happen to any person sacrificing to any god other than the Lord alone? vs. 20

19.  What was the regulation concerning strangers and what were they to remember? vs. 21-

20.  How are we to treat strangers today and what are we to realize?  Hebrews 13:2 -

Back to Exodus 22

21.  What commandment did God give in regard to how widows and orphans are treated? vs. 22-24

22.  What would the consequences be if they cried out to God ? vs. 24

23.  Has God given us instruction regarding widows and orpahns?  James 1:27

Back to Exodus 22

24.  If the poor among God's people had money lent to them, what was His command concerning the one lending it? vs. 25

25.  If someone took his neighbor's cloak as a pledge, how soon was he to return it to him and why? vs.26-27

26.  If the cloak was not returned, what would happen if he cried to the Lord? vs. 27

27.  Who should you never curse according to verse 28? - Name 2 given.

28.  What should you not delay in giving to God? vs.29 - Name 2 things

29.  What are some of God's promise3:10s in regard to our being faithful in giving to His kingdom?  Comment on these verses:

  • Malachi 3:10,11 -
  • Luke 6:38 -
  • Matthew 6:33 -

Back to Exodus 22

30.  What did God require be given to him on the 8th day of its life? vs.30

31.  Because God wanted them to be holy before Him, what were they to do if they found any animal torn to pieces in the field? vs. 31


32.  God wants His people to live orderly and morally.  All restraints come from the heart of a loving Father Who wants to protect them and provide for them.  He hears the cries of the oppressed and will move into judgment with even His own people to protect the rights of the poor, the widows, the orphans, and the oppressed.  As we read in James 1:27, pure and undefiled religion cares for those and keeps themselves unstained from the world.  Do you have a widow or an orphan you can personally invest some time in today?  If not, do you have the means to find out about one in your area you can visit and bless?  Hopefully we attend churches where they have ministries to such as these.  Share your experience and ministry opportunities with us if you would like.

33.  Summarize the chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


  1. thanks for these doggie i like to do bible studies
    fawn 41 DIANNA

  2. We are to worship God and seek only his advice not the advice that comes from other sources. We are to take care of the poor, needy, widows, and orphans and treat strangers with hospitality and kindness. Father, help me to do this as much as I can. It is one of the reasons I want to work so that I can give back to You what You blessed me with and bless others who are poor and needy, widowed and orphans.
