Saturday, March 21, 2009

Luke Worksheet - Chapter 11


Luke Chapter 11 - Assignment

1. Read the Chapter Straight Through from your own Bible at home or use an online Bible website.

2. Read through again in sections broken down for you below and answer the questions if you would like to for help in meditating on the message.

3. Conclude with summarizing the verse that means the most to you and your thoughts and/or prayers.


Luke 11:1-13 - Instruction About Prayer

1.  After Jesus finished praying in a certain place, one of His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray like John had taught his disciples how to pray.  Jesus gave them what has come to be known as "The Lord's Prayer".  It is really a model of a way to pray, a pattern to pray.  Write out the statement by the element of the prayer below:

  • A. Praise - vs. 22 -
  • B. Provision - vs. 3
  • C. Pardon - vs. 4 -
  • D. Protection - vs. 4 -

2.  Jesus continued on the subject of prayer.  He said that you might go to a friend's house at midnight to ask him to get up and give you provisions for your friend on a journey.  He may not get up, even though he is your friend, at your first or second request.  How can we be assured we can get our friend up to help and give us all that we need? vs. 8 -

3.  What lesson does this teach us about prayer and asking the Father for things we need? vs. 9-10 -

4.  Can we trust God to give us good things when we ask Him for our needs to be met?  What will He give us when we ask for it? vs.11-13

5.  How has this helped you understand better how to pray, how often to pray, and what to expect from God when we pray?



Luke 11:14-28 - Pharisee's Blasphemy

1.  Jesus cast a demon out of a man that had made the man be dumb, unable to speak.  When the demon was gone, the man could speak, and the people were amazed.  What were some of the people saying about the powers that Jesus had to cast out demons? vs. 15 -

2.  How did Jesus respond to their accusations?  What did he teach about unity and division of His kingdom?  vs. 16-23

3.  Jesus said that when an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it will look for waterless places to rest.  If it does not find a waterless place, it will return to the place it just came from.  If their is water there, it would not rest there...but if it is swept and in place empty of water still...the spirit brings back seven more and the condition of the person is worse than they were at first!  What do you think would give a person a water filled place that they would not be able to rest in again?

Think about these statements by Jesus in the New Testament:

John 4:13-14 -

John 4:10 -

John 7:37-38 -

Revelation 22:17 -

4.  What condition is your house in today?  Would an unclean spirit find it swept and in order or would it find it filled with living water?

5.  While Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out saying:  "Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts at which You nursed."

She is giving blessing to mother this what Jesus wants her to do?  What does he say in verse 28?

Are you blessed in this way by Him?



Luke 11:29-36 - The Sign of Jonah

1. The generation that Jesus was a part of wanted a sign to prove that He was who He was.  Many today want a sign or proof as well.  We have the sign that they were given, which is the sign of Jonah.

Thinking back on Jonah, what happened to him in the belly of the whale?  How long was he there before he came out and continued to live?  Read another Gospel's account of how Jesus described this more:  Matthew 12:40 -

2.  Why will the Queen of the South stand up with these of the doubting generation at the judgment?

3.  Why will the men of Nineveh who heard Jonah preach to them stand up with these of the doubting generation at the judgment?

4.  What did Jesus teach us about the lamp of our body and how important it is? vs. 33-36 -



Luke 11:37-54 - Woes upon the Pharisees

A Pharisee asked Jesus to have lunch with him and Jesus accepted.  When Jesus came to eat with him, He did not go through the ceremonial washing that religious Jews always did before eating.  The Pharisee was surprised at this.  What did Jesus tell him about how they appear to be clean on the outside but they are not clean on the inside?

1.  What did the Pharisee clean?  What was inside him? vs. 39-41 -

2.  What did the Pharisee give financially?  What did he disregard at the same time? vs. 42 -

3.  What did the Pharisee love from people?  What did the people not even know about them? vs. 43-44 -

A lawyer spoke up to let Jesus know that felt insulted when Jesus spoke these things.  Jesus gave him reason to as he continued to tell him what his insides were like as well:

4.  What did the lawyers weigh the people down with?  Did they share the load? vs. 46 -

5.  What were the lawyers sharing guilt in when they built monuments to the prophets of old? vs. 46-48 -

6.  How would they further share in the guilt and punishment of their fathers who killed the prophets of old? vs. 49-52 -

7.  When Jesus left there, what were the Pharisees and the scribes plotting in regard to Him?

8.  Can we see ourselves as hypocrits or pharisees in anyway?  What should we do to make things right?



Luke Chapter 11 - Conclusion

  • Can you summarize what you learned today?
  • Do you have a verse you want to commit to memory in your heart from today?
  • What is your final thoughts and or prayers concerning this chapter?

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