Monday, March 30, 2009

Luke Worksheet - Chapter 21


Luke Chapter 21 - Assignment

1.Read the Chapter Straight Through from your own Bible at home or from an online Bible website.

2. Read through again in sections broken down for you below and answer the questions if you would like to for help in meditating on the message.

3. Conclude with summarizing the verse that means the most to you and your thoughts and/or prayers.


Luke 21:1-4 - The Widow's Gift

Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury at the temple.  Then He saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. 

  • Who did He say gave the most to God and why? vs. 3-4 -
  • Have you ever not given a tithe or offering because you thought it was too small or that you didn't have anything to give? 
  • What does this teach you about your gifts no matter how small they may be in your eyes?

Luke 21:5-24 - Things to Come

Some of His disciples were talking about the temple; how it was adorned with beautiful stones and votive gifts.  Jesus let them know that one day those stones would no longer be there, but the temple would be torn down. 

  • What did the disciples want to know? vs. 7 -

Jesus told them not to be misled; that many would come in His name, saying they were Him or that the time was at hand, but they were not to go after them. 

  • What should they realize when they heard about wars and disturbances? vs. 9 -
  • What are other signs to take place before His coming? 
    • vs. 10 -
    • vs. 10 -
    • vs. 11 -
    • vs. 11 -
    • vs. 11 - 
    • vs. 11 -

He wanted His disciples to know that 'before all these things', they would endure persecution.  They would be delivered to the synagogues and the prisons, before kings and governors. 

  • What would be the purpose in God allowing this to happen to His disciples? vs. 12,13 -
  • Would the Spirit be there to help them endure this?  How would He help them? vs. 14,15 - 

The disciples needed to know that their arrest and persecution would not only come from the people in the world that resented their belief in Him, but those closest to them would betray them and even kill them. 

  • Who did He say would come against them? vs. 16 -
  • Who would hate those who followed Him? vs. 17 -
  • They would need to remember Jesus' Words to them when He explained what it meant to be His disciple.  Read these words and write what it says in Matthew 10:34-39 -
  • Do you have people related to you by blood that are your enemy in regard to the cross and your faith in Jesus?  Being a follower of Jesus means we choose to bear His cross no matter who comes against us.  Amen.

Although Jesus has told them that some would even be killed for His Name's sake, He reassures them that a hair of their head will not perish.  This seems contradictory, but He is speaking of their eternal life, for a Christian never dies, but continues to live eternally with the Lord, and they do not perish in regard to their soul and all of eternity. 

  • What would gain them this life? vs. 19 -

Jesus goes on to give the signs of the future days ahead for Jerusalem and those who are looking for His kingdom to come.  

  • What should be realized when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies? vs. 20 -
  • What should those in the land of Judea do at that time? vs. 21 - He says if you are in the city, leave, and if you are in the country, do not go to the city. 
  • What days will it be for the city of Jerusalem and why? vs. 22 -

It will be very difficult for those who are pregnant or have small children because there will be great distress upon the land and wrath to the people.  Jerusalem would fall by the edge of the sword and the people would be taken captive into all the nations. This happened in 70 A.D. when the Romans destroyed the temple and the Jews were scattered under the reign of Titus, but it also prefigures the second coming of Christ which will be a time of distress on Israel during the reign of the AntiChrist. 

  • How long would the city of Jerusalem be trampled under foot by the Gentile nations? vs. 24  -
  • What do you think that might mean? 

Look at these verses to expand your thinking on this and write some comments. 

  • Romans 11:25-32 - 

In prophetic verses in Daniel and Revelation, the Jews are going to be under distress for three and one-half years during the rule of the antiChrist, but the remnant that flees and believes in Him will be cared for in the wilderness area during this time.  That is another study and worthy of our time as well. 


Luke 21:25-28 - The Return of Christ

One reason we know these verses are also prophetic of the Lord's Second Coming is that there will be "signs" in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and dismay not only in Jerusalem, but upon the earth and all the nations. 

  • What will they be perplexed by? vs. 25 -
  • What will men faint from and why? vs. 26 -
  • What will finally be in their sight at that time? vs. 27 - 
  • Compare how the angel of the Lord described it to John in Revelation 1:7 - 
  • What does Jesus say about Himself? 
    • Revelation 1:8 -
    • Revelation 22:12,13 -

Jesus wants His disciples to know so that they can record it for generations to come, that when these things begin to take place, they can straighten up and lift up their heads.  What is drawing near for them? vs. 28 - 

What is the Lord's comforting promise to all disciples for all time who follow Jesus and suffer for His name?  Read and comment on this passage. 

2 Thessalonians 1:4-12

  • What do we sometimes have to endure for Christ's sake? vs. 4 -
  • When we go through this, what is it a plain indication of according to vs. 5? - 

It is only 'just' that God will repay with 'affliction' those who 'afflict' us and to give 'relief' to the afflicted. 

  • When will this relief come to us and the judgment come to them? vs. 7 -
  • What will be dealt out and to who? vs. 8 - 
  • How will these unbelievers and tormentors of the believers pay the penalty at that time? vs. 9 -

When He comes again, who will He be glorified in? vs. 10 -

For this reason, Paul is praying for every believer that reads this letter. 

  • What is he praying for us and how can we pray for one another as we wait for the Lord's return? vs. 11-12 -



Luke 21:29-38 - The Parable of the Fig Tree

Just like we see a fig tree or any tree putting forth leaves, we know that the sign is that summer is near.  We read the sign of the leaves.  When these things begin to happen, what can we know is true? vs. 31 - Heaven and earth will pass away one day, but what will never pass away? vs. 33 - When heaven and earth pass away, what will be created for us? Revelation 21:1 -

Read Luke 21:34-37

Jesus does not want His coming to catch us off guard, so He has given the signs to help prepare us. 

  • Who will these things come upon at that time? vs. 35 -

What are ways His disciples can prepare themselves for these times?

  • vs. 34 -
  • vs. 36 -


  • Do your hearts get weighed down with the worries of life? 
  • Are you remaining alert at all times, praying for His strength to endure and escape the things happening in our time? 

Knowing the events is not going to fully prepare you.  It will give you signs to watch for, but only knowing Him will give you peace. 

  • What did Jesus tell us in John 16:33 - 
  • How does this comfort you? 

Have you heard the saying, "Know Jesus, Know Peace.  No Jesus, No Peace." 

  • Do you know Him? 

Then stay alert, share with others while it is still day, and sleep well tonight. 


Luke Chapter 21 - Conclusion

  • Can you summarize what you learned today?
  • Do you have a verse you want to commit to memory in your heart from today?
  • What is your final thoughts and or prayers concerning this chapter?

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