Thursday, August 2, 2012

Leviticus Worksheet ~ Leviticus Chapter 10

Observation Questions For

Leviticus Chapter 10

Review & Intro:  We just saw that the priests were consecrated for the work of the ministry in the past chapters.   Remember that there were five of them: Aaron the high priest, and his four sons: Nadab (Naw-DAWB), Abihu (Ah-bee-HOO), Ithamar (Eeth-aw-MAWR) and Eleazar (El-aw-ZAWR). But two of their ministries (and their lives) are going to end very shortly in this chapter's reading!

eishzarah lg

Leviticus Chapter 10

1.  What did Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, do with their respective firepans before the Lord? vs. 1

2.  What happened as a result of their disrespect of their office and the Lord's command? vs. 2

Note:  They offered "strange fire".  The Hebrew word for strange is "zoor", and it means "foreign".  It came from a strange or foreign place.


3.  They were not outside the tent of meeting, but obviously did not take care of the fire according to the directions God had given and they were not treating the Lord as Holy.  Why are we to honor God?

  • Revelation 4:11 -  

4.  What did Moses tell Aaron was the reason that the boys died that day? vs. 3a

5.  Could Aaron refute what Moses was telling him? vs. 3b

6.  This reminds us of a story in the New Testament.  Read about it and make the comments about how they are similiar.

  • Acts 5:1-11

7.  Each of the events were at the beginning of the covenants.  The Aaronic priesthood was the beginning of the Mosaic covenant of the Law.  The situation with Ananias & Sapphira were at the beginning of the New covenant of Grace (the Church age).  God wants to be feared (respected). Even the demons fear Him. (James 2:19)....

8.  As an example - What is the result of not respecting Him and taking the Lord's supper in an unworthy manner?

  • 1 Corinthians 11:25-32 -

9.  Do you think a holy reverence for God is missing in Christianity today?  What do you want to share about it?  (Please do).

10.  How is God to be honored and revered?

  • Psalm 89:6-8  -

11.  Back to Leviticus.  Moses called to the sons of Aaron's uncle Uzziel, Mishael & Elzaphan, to come forward and take their relatives away from the front of the sanctuary to the outside of the camp. (vs.4,5) ... What were Moses' strict warnings to Aaron and his other 2 sons, Eleazar & Ithamar? vs. 6,7 - Name 3 things they were not to do.

12.  What 2 things would happen if they did any of these things? vs. 6 - Name 2 things

13.  Who were the ones that could wail for the death of the 2 sons of Aaron? vs. 6

14.  Why were they not to even go out of the doorway of the tent of meeting? vs. 7

15.  Immediately, the Lord had a word for Aaron "directly".  What did He say to him in vs.8-11 in regard to drinking whether wine or other strong drink in the tent of meeting? vs. 9

16.  What was the abstinence of drinking to accomplish? vs. 10-11

Note:  This indicates the possibility that Nadab and Abihu had been drinking before they fell into their grevious sin as well. 

17.  What warnings are we given against drinking wine and strong drink in the Bible?  Comment on these verses:

  • Proverbs 20:1 -
  • Proverbs 23:29-35 -
  • Ephesians 5:18 -20 -

18.  Back to Leviticus.  What did Moses instruct Aaron and his surviving sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, to do concerning the grain offering that was left over from the Lord's offering by fire? vs. 12-13

19.  Who were to eat of the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the offering in a clean place ... that came from the Peace Offerings of the sons of Israel? vs. 14

Note:  The thigh was "lifted up" and the breast was offered by "waving" and they were done in worship as the portions of fat burned before the Lord in the Peace Offerings. (vs.15)

20.  What was Moses searching for? vs. 16

21.  What had happened to it? vs. 16

Note:  Moses was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar because they had not done what was commanded with the goat of the sin offering.  It had been burned up rather than eaten by them in a holy place.  It was a ritual that the Lord honored to bear away the guilt of the congregation to make atonement for them.  It was the duty of their ministry! (vs.16-18)

22.  How did Aaron speak up concerning what had happened and why it had not gone just right? vs. 19

23.  How did Moses respond to Aaron's reason on this sad day of 2 of his sons dying? vs. 20

Note:  Another way of saying this might be ... Aaron saying, "Moses, please don't blame my sons. They've done what they were supposed to do. It's me who should've eaten the offering, but frankly, I've completely lost my appetite. I know that the sin offering is supposed to be eaten with rejoicing, but I just don't have any joy in me today after all that's happened. Would that have been good in the sight of God if I just went through the motions hypocritically?"... Moses was okay with that. He knew that the Lord prefers your honesty over your hypocrisy any day.  (Illusration borrowed from Ron Daniel at


22.  As we read these stories and realize that every breath is a gift, we should be grateful.  If God treated us as our sins deserve, who among us would still be living? ..... In our gratitude, we should be eager to obey God.  Jesus said "If you love Me, you will obey My commands and ... His commands are not burdensome." (John 14:15;1 John 5:3).  What would you like to thank God for today and in what ways do you think you can personally show Him more respect and reverence from your walk and talk?

23.  Another thing we should think of is that the "little things" are important to God.  It was important they carry out the offering by fire exactly as He had told them.  When we don't, there are consequences.  Yes, there is forgiveness, but there is also reaping what we sow.  We can choose to sin, but we cannot choose our consequences.  Comment on these verses:

  • Galatians 6:7 -
  • Galatians 6:8 -

24.  Do we think God's instructions about purity, honesty, discipline, consistency, worship, prayer, money, etc. are "small matters" that do not require our attention and obedience?  We need to realize that blessings come with obedience and the heart is where all defilement is.  We can cleanse our vessels and be of use again.  Praise God for His grace. \o/

  • 2 Timothy 2:20-22 -

25.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.



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