Friday, August 3, 2012

Leviticus Worksheet ~ Leviticus Chapter 11

Review & Intro:  When we come to Leviticus 11, we come to the third major section of Leviticus. In chapters 1-7, we had the offerings and the sacrifices that the Israelites could bring. Chapters 8-10 dealt with the priesthood—the actual ordination of Aaron and his sons which culminated in the death of two of Aaron’s oldest sons—and the instructions which come to Israel and to us from that. There were the offerings, the priesthood. Now chapters 11-15 deal with those things which are clean and unclean. Chapter 11 begins by talking about clean and unclean food.

fg diet-clean

Leviticus Chapter 11

1.  What is the Lord explaining to Moses and to Aaron about all the animals that are on earth? vs. 1,2

2.  First, God instructs about the land animals.  What 2 things must a land animal do in order for it to be clean for them to eat? vs. 3 - Name 2 requirements

3.  What if they had 1 of the requirements, but not the other?  For an example, could they eat a camel? ... a shaphan? ... a rabbit? ... a pig?   Why or why not? vs. 4-7

4.  What were the commands concerning these? vs. 8 - Name 2 things

5.  Next, God instructs about the water animals.  What were the 2 requirements that every water animal had to have in order to be clean to eat? vs. 9 - Name 2 things

6.  If they did not have these 2 things, they were to be detestable to them. (vs.10).  Can you think of popular seafood items that we eat that would have been considered unclean during that time? (share what comes to mind)

7.  What were the commands concerning these? vs. 11 - Name 2 things

8.  What was everything in the water that did not have fins and scales to be to them? vs. 12

9.  Next, God instructs about the flying animals.  What birds did He mention that were to be abhorrent to them and not eaten? - vs.13-19 - Name the 20 given

10. God even covers the law of the unclean and clean winged insects.  If they walk on all fours, what are they to be to them? vs. 20

11.  Yet, they could eat winged insects that had jointed legs that made them jump from the earth. (vs.21) .  What four are mentioned as clean to eat? vs. 22 - Name 4

12.  Other than those four, what were all other winged insects to be to them? vs. 23

13.  How long would a person be unclean if they touched their carcasses? vs. 24

14.  When a person picked up a dead insect of any kind, what did they need to do to their clothing and what would be their condition until evening? vs. 25

15.  Even though an animal divided the hoof, if their hoofs did not make a split or if they did not chew cud, they were unclean to them.  Whoever touched them would be unclean. (vs.26).  What was the command concerning animals with "paws"? vs. 27a

16.  What was the command concerning their carcasses? vs. 27,28

17.  Next, God told them about the swarming things on the earth.  What 8 things are mentioned and who would want to eat them anyway? (lol)- vs.29-31

18.  What condition would the person be who touched these when they were dead? vs. 31

19.  If anyone of these died and fell upon any wooden article, or clothing, or skin, or a sack -- or any article which use is made; what would need to be done for it to become clean again? vs. 32

20.  What would need to be done to any earthenware vessel that one of these would fall in if it were dead? vs. 33

21.  The food ... the water ... any liquid to be drank ... in every vessel ... would be unclean if the carcass had fallen in the vessel. (vs.34).  What would need to be done to an over or a stove if any part of the carcass fell upon it? vs. 35

22.  A spring or a cistern (well) collecting water would be clean though the one who touches their carcass would be unclean. (vs.36).  What about seed to be sown if any part of the carcass was to fall on the seed? vs. 37

23.  If, however, water is put on the seed and a part of their carcass falls upon it, what would it be considered to them? vs. 38

24.  If an animal had already died and someone had it for food, the one who touched the carcass of the animal would be unclean until evening (even the clean animals if they had died).. (vs.39) What was the person to do with their clothes and what would their condition be until evening? vs.40

25.  Another statement about "swarming things" on the earth.  They are all detestable and not to be eaten.(vs.41)  What were 3 descriptions given of the "swarming things"? vs. 42

26.  What was the command repeated from God again concerning "swarming things"? vs. 43

27.  In conclusion, the Lord is their God and He is holy.  Therefore, what are they to be? vs. 44

28.  The Lord brought them up from the land of Egypt to be their God.  Why should they be holy? vs.45

29.  The law regarding .. the animal and the bird.. and living things in the waters..and things that swarm on the earth... (vs.46) ... What was the purpose of this law? - Name 2 purposes given in verse 47


fg diet-unclean


30.  The charts in the lesson of animals that fit in the clean and unclean catagories are interesting to read.  Most of by common sense do not even desire to eat these animals.  Some, of course, are more common, such as catfish, shellfish, and definitely pork.  The dietary laws for Israel were not part of the New Testament church orders.  In fact, Jesus wanted the disciples to understand that it was not what entered into a man that "defiled" him, but it was the sin of the heart.  Read the following verse and comment:

  • Mark 7:18-19 -

31.  The apostle Peter was a good Jewish man who also loved Jesus and was even told that upon his confession that Jesus was the Christ, the Lord would build His church!  He was not understanding that he was to welcome the Gentiles outside of the Jewish faith yet, and so the Lord helped him to understand with a dream.  He fell into a trance and had a vision.  Read the account below and explain what he saw in the vision and what the Lord wanted him to understand about clean and unclean animals, and most of all, how it applied to people He had created and wanted to reach with the Gospel.


  • Read & Comment on - Acts 10:9-29 -

Note:  Most of us would agree that scientifically the shellfish, the catfish, and the pork is not so healthy anyway.  This was not to say he should eat these things and not to worry if they would keep him in good health or not.  The point was that avoiding the food was not what made him "clean" any longer for the Lord was now calling them clean.  Peter was cleansed because of his faith in Jesus and it is the blood of Jesus that now made him "clean".  He needed to understand that.

32.  Some Christians still follow the dietary guidelines in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, which is fine and most likely gives them better health.  It is not, however, a command we have to obey for cleansing now that we are under the New Covenant.  Only the blood of Jesus cleanses us and makes us whole.  The entire law was a shadow of all that was fulfilled in Him.  Let's look at some more verses and comment on them.

  • 1 Corinthians 8:8 -
  • Colossians 2:20-23 -
  • Read Romans Chapter 14 and comment on the verses that stand out to you concerning the subject at hand.



"Be ye Holy as I am Holy"

33.  Although it is not dietary laws or clothing laws that bring distinctions to us today, we are still to be holy (separate) from the ways of the world, not through religious ritual, but through moral conduct.  We should live our lives under the Holy Spirit's guidance which will bring about the fruit of His Spirit, being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control, as given to us in Galatians 5:22,23.  Comment on the following verses:

  • 1 Peter 1:14-16 -
  • 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 -
  • 2 Corinthians 7:1 -

Note:  To be holy is to be separated unto the Lord; to be used for His purposes; therefore to cleanse yourself and your life from defilement of sin and the world. How can we manage to do this? .. with a list of do's and don'ts? No, that would be man-made laws at best and as we know from New Year's resolution year after year ... we don't keep that list very long but grow weary of the rules!  "It is not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit." (Zech. 4:6)

34.  What are we told in the Bible will keep us from a habitual life of sin and therefore blending into the world and its ways?  Comment on the following verses.

  • Psalm 119:11 -
  • Proverbs 8:13 -
  • Romans 12:1,2 -
  • Jude 20,21 -

Note:  If you fear (revere) God, you will keep away from evil, there by living a holy life. If you keep His Word foremost in your heart, it will keep you from sin.  Renew your mind and train it on the Word and then you will not conform to the ways of the world.  .... Don't concentrate on holiness per se. Concentrate on having a fear of the Lord, and holiness (sanctification) will be perfected in your life.  Remember what Jesus said, "It is not what we eat that defiles us, but it is what eats at us inside that defiles us" - What are we doing about jealousy, envy, anger, unforgiveness and those things that truly defile us and will make us sick?  Think about it.

35.  Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.


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