Sunday, August 12, 2012

Leviticus Worksheet ~ Leviticus, Chapter 18



 Leviticus Chapter 18 

1.  What is the first thing that the Lord wants Moses to make known to the sons of Israel? vs.1,2

2.  What customs and cultures are His people not to follow? vs. 3 - Name 2 given

3.  How are we told the same thing as His people today? 

  •  James 4:4
  • 1 John 2:15-17

4.  Back to Leviticus 18.  Because He is the Lord, their God, what are they to perform and live by? vs. 4 - Name 2 things

5.  If they keep His statutes and judgments, what will they receive? vs. 5

6.  How does this compare to what we are taught in the New Testament also? 

  • 1 John 5:12
  • Galatians 6:8

7.  Back to Leviticus 18.  God commanded that they not approach any blood relative to uncover their nakedness (vs.6).  He got very specific about who this would include: your father, your mother, your father's wife, your sister, whether your father's daughter or your mother's daughter, your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter, your father's wife's daughter, your sister, your father's sister, your mother's sister, your father's brother, your father's brother's wife, your aunt, your daughter-in-law, your brother's wife... all INCEST situations ..(vs.6-17) .. What did the Lord call such a thing? vs. 17b

Note:  In Leviticus verses 18-20, there are more instructions given to the culture at the time, and verse 20 comes back to one of the 10 commandments, "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife".  We saw in Chapter 15 about how a man was not to be with a woman during her menstrual cycle because of respect for the blood of the egg that was not conceived; it is the shedding of the death of that potential life.  Most of these things, we would not do by our natural conscience, but if they are not outlined, some could defend themselves for these things.

8.  Who were they not to give any of their offspring to? vs. 21

Note: The ancients would heat this idol up with fire until it was glowing, then they would take their newborn babies, place them on the arms of the idol, and watch them burn to death. They believed by giving Molech their firstborn, this god of fertility would give them many more in return.  Today we are also sacrificing children for our own indulgences and gain.  We are not being so obvious about it; yet, how many babies are aborted for convenience sake every day in our countries?

1722_moloch2.gif (81620 bytes)

9.  What does God call an abomination in verse 22?

10.  Is this supported in the New Testament as well?  Read the following verses and give your comments about them:

  • Romans 1:18-32
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
  • 1 Timothy 1:8-11

Note:  Back to Leviticus 18.. (vs.23) .. Next, God addresses sex with animals.  As sick as that sounds to us, our culture of internet pornography is sickened with these types of things.  There is such a danger to sexual addictions today because one craves "more and more" to be as "rushed" as before, thereby becoming more perverted and disgusting and abominable.

11.  God tells them not to defile themselves with any of the things He has been specific about.  He told them that the very nations that He was going to drive out before them had become defiled by these things.  They were the ones worshiping Molech and other fasle gods, they were perverse in their sexuality, and they were being destroyed because of it.  Who was their punishment coming from? vs. 24b

12.  Who punished Sodom & Gomorrah and why?  Read Genesis 19:1-26

13.  Back to Leviticus 18.  God's people are to keep His statutes and judgments.  If they do any of these abominations, they will be destroyed.  (vs.26-30) Will we escape these punishments if our countries forget God and become defiled in these ways?

14.  The Lord finishes this segment as He began it.  Why are they to obey these things? vs. 30


15.  What will keep us from behaving immorally when our culture screams that all things are okay?

  1. Motivation to Please God - He said "no".
  2. Living Different shines His Light into this dark world.
  3. Sexual Purity is healthy for my mind, soul, & body.
  4. Immorality will be judged by God.

16.  Jesus said "If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off; it would be better to enter eternal life without your hand than be in hell." ... (Read Matthew 5:26-30) Does He man literally cut it off?  What can you "cut out" and "cut off" to help you avoid sexual temptations?  Maybe the computer needs parental controls; let someone else put the code in so you won't know it.  Maybe you need to get rid of the movie channels that stream in the seductive movies.  How about the reading materials in your home?  Just think about the things that could help you live a life of purity even in our sex-crazed culture.

17.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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