Sunday, January 8, 2012

2 Corinthians Worksheet - Chapter 2

Daily Reading Personal Application Questions
2 Corinthians Chapter 2

1. What can you apply to your life from today's reading?
2. What portion of this chapter stands out to you?
3. How would you describe the theme of the chapter to someone who does not know much about the Bible?
4. What example did you find to follow?
5. Was there an error (sin) you found to avoid?
6. Did you find a duty (command) to obey?
7. How will reading this chapter effect your life from now on?
8. Pick a verse to meditate on and try to memorize it.
9. Was there a promise to claim?
10. What is your summary and prayer today?
Observation Questions For
2 Corinthians Chapter 2
1.  Why did Paul decide not to come to the believers in Corinth again until he first wrote this letter to them? What did he want them to work out before he came to them and why? vs.1-11
2.  If forgiveness was not given to the one who had caused sorrow to Paul and the others, who would be using the circumstance to weaken them? vs.11
3.  When Paul had doors open for the gospel's message in Troas, why couldn't his spirit rest? vs. 13
4.  Where did he go after that? vs. 13
5.  What did Paul say God manifests through them wherever they may be, whether among the believers or the non-believers? vs.14-16
6.  Paul acknowledged that he was inadequate for the task of sharing Christ with all men, but what did he know about the motive of his heart before the Lord? vs. 16-17
1.  Are you ignorant of Satan's schemes among us today?
2.  Is there someone that you need to forgive or someone that needs you to reaffirm your love to them so that they will not be overcome with excessive sorrow?
3.  Do we realize our battle is not with flesh and blood but against principalities from the evil one to cause division and dissension among us?
4.  What are some situations you can work on personally today to have victory rather than defeat that the enemy has designed for you?
5.  Has a door for the Gospel opened to you where you live?
6.  Does your spirit have rest to minister there? Is there somewhere else you should go instead? Are you seeking God about all your opportunities that are open before you?
7.  Have you thought about the fact that you are a sweet aroma of Christ to God when you are allowing the fragrance of Christ to manifest to the believers and to the non-believers whether they go from life to life or death to death - your service is to God and your life is a sweet aroma to Him?
8.  How are you blessing the nostrils of God today?
9.  Where do you get the strength to keep forgiving and reaffirming love to others? How do you continue to fight the good fight of faith, love, and forgiveness in order to continue to serve the Lord and His kingdom?
10. Have you realized like Paul that your adequacy is in Christ alone?
Your personal thoughts and prayers for today:

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